Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

Bush doubled the national debt, increasing it more than all the presidents who preceded him......Obama doubled it again including Bush's budget......Trump had three years with deficits averaging $1T until Covid hit and Nancy raised the national debt another $5T......Biden has already spent as much as Trump and he has one more budget year to go.......

but hey, I realize facts aren't really your thing......
What a crock of shit. You start with Bush which is doubled only if you use his fiscal budget years that he would have agreed to.
You include 9 years for Obama when you include Bush's budget year so you can try to make him double it. (Even with 9 years it isn't double.) You absolve Trump of any responsibility for the spending he signed by blaming Pelosi. (You didn't blame the GOP congress for any of Obama's spending.) Then you try to include Trump spending for Biden.

I guess honesty isn't really your thing.
and it was so the charts I posted could be looked at right away and people would not have to go looking for them.
so you can't put up a reply backing your OBAMA DOUBLED the DEBT LIE.
Nice to see.
again if you need help go out and find a third grader I am sure they would be a lot smarter then you are.
Have a nice day
My Roth increased by $74k yesterday. Until Don mentioned it, I did not realize that was Harris' doing :-P

In the real world, their claims that the market is secretly crashing is undefendable.
I have a Roth as well but it’s mostly income generating now. The fluctuations are muted as a result. But I’m old…😂.. Mostly preferred stocks which tend to trade in a smaller range. 74k , that’s impressive!!
and it was so the charts I posted could be looked at right away and people would not have to go looking for them.
so you can't put up a reply backing your OBAMA DOUBLED the DEBT LIE.
Nice to see.
again if you need help go out and find a third grader I am sure they would be a lot smarter then you are.
Have a nice day
It's much easier for poorly-educated, low-IQ bimbos like Toxic TOP to mock your posts rather than address the substance of them. This is a person who doxed herself by posting a link to another site that had her personal information (name, address, picture, etc.) on it, then tried to get everyone who remarked on it banned -- for posting personal info. One thing that was revealed is that she has never held teaching credentials. She insists to this day that she does, but they're under another super secret name, not the one that was verified in the link she posted. Imagine that. lol

But it's okay. Daddy Trump loves him some poorly-educated.
How are most Americans doing financially? They'll vote in November...they have all the reminders they need when the utility bills in, insurance comes due, they go to the grocery store, the kids need schools supplies and clothes, there's an emergency with the car....I think you can clearly see and understand where I'm going here...
They certainly don't want things to continue this way..and to get worse...

Yep. They will vote. Good luck with your nut job President, your creepy VP and the goofy dude with the worm in his brain. All that and zero policy proposals. I asked you what policies specifically make this the worst you can ever remember. I asked by which measure you think it’s worse. You couldn’t answer. So your opinion is based 100% on your hyper partisan beliefs. The economy that you imagine does not exist. Which is why you will lose and lose big. Carry on.
They are absolutely not...or we wouldn't be talking about this...it wouldn't be a Top issue in this election, would it?
It isn’t. And when it could have been in 2022 you got hammered anyway. You have nothing to run on except hate. Won’t work. We are laughing at Trump now. His campaign is pathetic. He is pathetic. His supporters are pathetic. Especially any women who support him. He’s a pig.
then your statement that your taxes went up are worthless........you sound like Concart claiming he lives in a five star hotel in Vienna......lies are free on the internet......meanwhile EVERYONE who paid federal taxes got a tax cut under Trump.......even the poorest who got a 100% cut......so obviously you are lying......
Venart Luxury hotel. We had the canal view suite. Just boarded the Viking Sea. We’re in an explorer suite. Probably bigger than your double wide. Have a nice day. Oh, btw it’s 4:30 in the afternoon here. I’m sure teach will ask. You are SOOOOO jealous. It’s good to be king. And I don’t live in Venice (I guess a rube like you mixes up your cities that start with V) Just a three day stay. Used to be a castle. You can daydream if you want.
Cruise on...;)
This thread might be the biggest fail ever by the world’s worst fertilizer salesman. And that bar is VERY high.
Cruise on...;)
We’re still in port. But the port is beautiful. Choggia I think it’s called. Waiting for dinner. Even the presail buffet was five star. Unlike any cruise I’ve ever been in. And we haven’t even moved.
I have a Roth as well but it’s mostly income generating now. The fluctuations are muted as a result. But I’m old…😂.. Mostly preferred stocks which tend to trade in a smaller range. 74k , that’s impressive!!
I am beginning to question my target split of 90% broad stock funds/10% short term bond funds. It is an aggressive split. I am using dollar cost averaging over this year to get there, so I am not there yet. By the time I am done, in December, I will feel every bump in the stock market.

But if I keep myself to 4%, it should have more ups than downs. We will see.