Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

But he didn't step down.... thdy room him out...And then
they replaced him with someone even More incompetent.... That's really hard to do.... But they found a way... I do
inderstand why you're giving her a pass though... Hopefully most other sane Americans will not .
what ever get your head out of Trumps ass
Her teleprompter one liners aren't policy...but I'm sure we're going to hear about the flipping and flopping very soon...She promised...
the government takes more from us than the large corps do.......how about the greed of Demmycrats........VP HarmUs says we can afford a middle class tax cut........why didn't they give it to us three years ago.......oh, right.....because they have no intention of actually doing it.......at least when Trump promised a tax cut he actually gave us one.....
yes Trump promised a tax cut for the RICH and he gave it to them and fucked the middle class. I don't know about you but my taxes went uP almost 1500 dollars because of his GREAT TAX CUT for the RICH
OH it is ALL because of the Dems,
last I knew the Republicans were in control of the House, and ALL spending bills and the budget HAS to start in the House.
Maybe you should look into that.

I guess you don't remember the large amount the debt went up under Trump.
what was it something like 8 trillion in FOUR years?
almost as much in 4 years as Obama did in 8.
and you didn't cry about that did you?
Have a nice day
I guess you don't remember that $5T of that $8T happened when the Demmycrats were in control of the House and the budget has to start in the House......maybe you should look into that.....and yes, I complained about the overspending for Covid in 2020.....most of it went to pay people to stay home when we should have just let them go back to their jobs.......
yes Trump promised a tax cut for the RICH and he gave it to them and fucked the middle class. I don't know about you but my taxes went uP almost 1500 dollars because of his GREAT TAX CUT for the RICH
mine went down.....everyone's federal taxes went down.......obviously you are lying when you say yours went up........unless of course you earned more......wages also went up under Trump......
It's very kind of you to provide the "teacher" with visual aids. However, she isn't interested in learning anything. She was mocking your typo "lager" rather than "larger." lol

It is weird how MAGATs whine and weep about inflation but refuse to accept that 1) it's global, 2) it's the reverberations from the pandemic, 3) the president has little to nothing to do with it, and 4) it's the result of capitalism and yes -- price gouging. Every single time there is a disaster of some sort -- from a hurricane to a pandemic -- there are companies that will rush in to take advantage and rake in the profits.
LOL...I'm not the one filled with hate for him...
you should be . IF you haven't listened to his speeches he has even come right out and told you he didn't give a shit about YOU he only wants your vote and your money.
Heck you can't even see he has said he wants to become a dictator .
He keeps lying to you and saying he doesn't know anything about the 2025 project yet he had something like 140 of the framers of the 2025 project in his cabinet , giving him advice.
and IF you get your head out of Trumps ass you just might see Trump IS doing most of what the 2025 Project says to do.
He has said he wants to take the guns away from left leaning people taking away their Second Amendment rights and he want to shut down left leaning MSM outlets taking peoples First Amendment rights away.
YES lets vote for Trump and get the FIRST DICTATOR the USA has ever had or will it be the first KING of the USA
wake up fool it is the welfare of the people of the USA we are talking about here.
I guess you don't remember that $5T of that $8T happened when the Demmycrats were in control of the House and the budget has to start in the House......maybe you should look into that.....and yes, I complained about the overspending for Covid in 2020.....most of it went to pay people to stay home when we should have just let them go back to their jobs.......
OH so Trump didn't have VETO power?
you seem to want to blame the debt on the Dem Presidents but NOT on the Republican ones.
remember the ONLY President to double the debt were Republicans . Reagan almost TRIPLED IT and Bush II just over doubled it.
OBAMA didn't , as I have shown many times before when Obama took over the debt was 11.9 T and if he HAD doubled it like the right wing LIE says he did it would have been 23.9 Trillion and it was in the 19 T area when he left office.
have a nice day
you should be . IF you haven't listened to his speeches he has even come right out and told you he didn't give a shit about YOU he only wants your vote and your money.
Heck you can't even see he has said he wants to become a dictator .
He keeps lying to you and saying he doesn't know anything about the 2025 project yet he had something like 140 of the framers of the 2025 project in his cabinet , giving him advice.
and IF you get your head out of Trumps ass you just might see Trump IS doing most of what the 2025 Project says to do.
He has said he wants to take the guns away from left leaning people taking away their Second Amendment rights and he want to shut down left leaning MSM outlets taking peoples First Amendment rights away.
YES lets vote for Trump and get the FIRST DICTATOR the USA has ever had or will it be the first KING of the USA
wake up fool it is the welfare of the people of the USA we are talking about here.
We'll have to agree to disagree....Iand I'm listening very carefully, as a matter of fact... So I'm not sure why you're bringing up "project 2025"...
The dictator thing is just silly...where do you get this nonsense about guns and first amendment rights? You've got TDS bad...but, you'll be happy to know it's not terminal... unless you choose to allow it to be so...Choose wisely...
MY point was maybe it these large corps. would settle for a REASONABLE profit margin and stopped raping the people of the USA the normal persons financial position would be a lot better.
YOU morons on the right keep lying about why US gas prices are so high and Keep blaming Biden and NOT saying one word about large oil companies making BILLIONS AND BILLIONS in RECORD profits,
again EXXON 99.7 BILLION up 141.9 %
that IS raping the US consumers.
Have a nice day
I doubt if these economically-illiterate stooges understand that when big oil sets the prices at the pump, the consumers are the ones getting screwed while the corporations rake in billions. It seems like a simple concept, but then the poorly-educated...
OH so Trump didn't have VETO power?
you seem to want to blame the debt on the Dem Presidents but NOT on the Republican ones.
remember the ONLY President to double the debt were Republicans . Reagan almost TRIPLED IT and Bush II just over doubled it.
OBAMA didn't , as I have shown many times before when Obama took over the debt was 11.9 T and if he HAD doubled it like the right wing LIE says he did it would have been 23.9 Trillion and it was in the 19 T area when he left office.
have a nice day
Bush doubled the national debt, increasing it more than all the presidents who preceded him......Obama doubled it again including Bush's budget......Trump had three years with deficits averaging $1T until Covid hit and Nancy raised the national debt another $5T......Biden has already spent as much as Trump and he has one more budget year to go.......

but hey, I realize facts aren't really your thing......
so as expected you have no source.....just hyperbole.........so if they made a 1% profit in 2021 and a 9% profit in 2024 why not whine about their 900% increase in profits......
I did where have YOU been.
a 900% increase when a 400% increase would be a lot , this is gouging the American people
as I have shown EXXON could drop the price of gas 1 dollar and STILL have a RECORD profit .
They sold 14 Billion gallons of gas and had 99.7 Billion in profits if they dropped the price 1 dollar they would have STILL had 85 Billion in profits ,
still an exorbitant amount of profit.
and you right winger Blame it all on Biden and NEVER say a word about this gouging of the American people by the oil companies.
Have a nice day
We'll have to agree to disagree....Iand I'm listening very carefully, as a matter of fact... So I'm not sure why you're bringing up "project 2025"...
The dictator thing is just silly...where do you get this nonsense about guns and first amendment rights? You've got TDS bad...but, you'll be happy to know it's not terminal... unless you choose to allow it to be so...Choose wisely...
well you can look it up for yourself I have posted where he said it many of times
for one thing WHO decides when LATER is ?
and when does LATER come?
isn't it like tomorrow?
it NEVER comes.
Taking ANYBODIES guns away for no reason like Trump wants to IS taking Americans Second Amendment rights away.
I did where have YOU been.
a 900% increase when a 400% increase would be a lot , this is gouging the American people
as I have shown EXXON could drop the price of gas 1 dollar and STILL have a RECORD profit .
They sold 14 Billion gallons of gas and had 99.7 Billion in profits if they dropped the price 1 dollar they would have STILL had 85 Billion in profits ,
still an exorbitant amount of profit.
and you right winger Blame it all on Biden and NEVER say a word about this gouging of the American people by the oil companies.
Have a nice day
ROFL.....dude their profits range around 9%......for decades they were around 8%........which part is "unreasonable".....Michigan's gas tax is around 20%.......California and Illinois charge even higher......