Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

Bush doubled the national debt, increasing it more than all the presidents who preceded him......Obama doubled it again including Bush's budget......Trump had three years with deficits averaging $1T until Covid hit and Nancy raised the national debt another $5T......Biden has already spent as much as Trump and he has one more budget year to go.......

but hey, I realize facts aren't really your thing......
got a link for all that BS?
as I have shown EXXON could drop the price of gas 1 dollar and STILL have a RECORD profit .
I haven't seen such "proof".....if they make a 9% profit on gas that sells for say $5 a gallon (which is higher than we pay in Michigan) and they drop the price 20% how do they still make a profit?.......
then your statement that your taxes went up are worthless........you sound like Concart claiming he lives in a five star hotel in Vienna......lies are free on the internet......meanwhile EVERYONE who paid federal taxes got a tax cut under Trump.......even the poorest who got a 100% cut......so obviously you are lying......
well you can look it up for yourself I have posted where he said it many of times
for one thing WHO decides when LATER is ?
and when does LATER come?
isn't it like tomorrow?
it NEVER comes.
Taking ANYBODIES guns away for no reason like Trump wants to IS taking Americans Second Amendment rights away.
I don't need to look it up...I would like to look up Kam's "policies" and how she'll implement them..can you link me to them? No one is taking away guns for no reason.. (I "took away" a gun in the past...I had a good reason...;))
Bush doubled the national debt, increasing it more than all the presidents who preceded him......Obama doubled it again including Bush's budget......Trump had three years with deficits averaging $1T until Covid hit and Nancy raised the national debt another $5T......Biden has already spent as much as Trump and he has one more budget year to go.......

but hey, I realize facts aren't really your thing......
WELL I see YOU can't even add 11.9 and 11.9.
for your info it IS 23.8 and when Obama left office the debt was in the 19 trillion area way UNDER 23.8 Trillion.
if you need help adding things up why don't you find yourself a third grader to help you
Have a nice day moron
WELL I see YOU can't even add 11.9 and 11.9.
for your info it IS 23.8 and when Obama left office the debt was in the 19 trillion area way UNDER 23.8 Trillion.
if you need help adding things up why don't you find yourself a third grader to help you
Have a nice day moron
and yet the facts show otherwise as you well know......the national debt when Obama took office was not $11.9.........I provided the facts from federal data......you aren't smart enough to read graphs,,,,,,
ROFL.....dude their profits range around 9%......for decades they were around 8%........which part is "unreasonable".....Michigan's gas tax is around 20%.......California and Illinois charge even higher......
I don't give a FUCK what Mich. gas taxes are.
EXXON made 99.7 BILLION in profits , and the people of the USA are suffering because they are price gouging and you assholes just want to Blame Biden for all of it and NOT say one word about their gouging the people of the USA.
as I said and have shown they could cut the price of their gas by a dollar a gallon and STILL have 85 Billion in profits an exorbitant amount of profits.
put the BLAME where it belongs PRICE GOUGING by EXXON and a lot of other large US corps.
Have a nice day
have you right wing morons ever think getting Biden to step down just might have been for the good of the country?
He is too old and you people kept crying that he was, so now he had stepped down for the good of the country and you are crying about that .
Have a nice day
Tis what happens when you are a miserable person who wakes up miserable every single day. Nothing, but nothing, will ever satisfy them. Sad.
and yet the facts show otherwise as you well know......the national debt when Obama took office was not $11.9.........I provided the facts from federal data......you aren't smart enough to read graphs,,,,,,
lets see

National debt under Trump​

The day President Trump took office, January 20, 2017, the total federal debt was $19.947 trillion. One month after Trump took office, on February 21, 2017, the total federal debt was $19.935 trillion.<a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-treasury-2">[2]</a><a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-6">[6]</a> That's a drop of $12 billion.

National debt under Obama​

President Barack Obama took office on January 20, 2009, when the national debt was $10.627 trillion. On February 20, 2009, the national debt was $10.839 trillion.<a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-treasury-2">[2]</a> That's a $212 billion increase.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)​

Who owns the national debt?​

The public holds the largest portion of the national debt. This includes individuals, corporations, Federal Reserve banks, state and local governments, and foreign governments. A smaller portion of the national debt, known as "intragovernmental debt," is owned by other federal agencies.8

How is the national debt calculated?​

The national debt is the total of all outstanding government liabilities owed to the public or to intragovernmental agencies. It includes Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, as well as Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) and government account series.8

When did the national debt start?​

The U.S. has carried a debt ever since its founding in 1776. The country borrowed money to fund the war effort during the American Revolution.
Updated by Hilarey Gould
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09$11,91082%Bailout cost $250B ARRA added $242B
2010$13,56290%ARRA added $400B, payroll tax holiday ended, Obama Tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011$14,79095%Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012$16,06699%Fiscal cliff
2013$16,73899%Sequester, government shutdown
2014$17,824101%QE ended, debt ceiling crisis
2015$18,151100%Oil prices fell
2017$20,245104%Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018$21,516105%Trump tax cuts
2019$22,719107%Trade wars
2020$27,748129%COVID-19 and 2020 recession
2021$29,617124%COVID-19 and American Rescue Plan Act
2022$31,420119%Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness
2023$34,001122%Fed raises rates
But he didn't step down.... thdy room him out...And then
they replaced him with someone even More incompetent.... That's really hard to do.... But they found a way... I do
inderstand why you're giving her a pass though... Hopefully most other sane Americans will not .
You're so funny when you have a meltdown and the lies pour forth. Typo, Toxic, typo! :laugh:

PS -- We all love Kamala. Now run along and pretend to bake something, and practice saying "President Harris." Scoot!
OH so Trump didn't have VETO power?
you seem to want to blame the debt on the Dem Presidents but NOT on the Republican ones.
remember the ONLY President to double the debt were Republicans . Reagan almost TRIPLED IT and Bush II just over doubled it.
OBAMA didn't , as I have shown many times before when Obama took over the debt was 11.9 T and if he HAD doubled it like the right wing LIE says he did it would have been 23.9 Trillion and it was in the 19 T area when he left office.
have a nice day
Let's also mention that a percentage of the debt under Obama came from various stimulus bills and incentives to get the broken-by-W economy back on track, early in his tenure. Trump inherited a growing prosperous economy, and like almost all (R) presidents, ran it straight into the ground. We were in a recession *before* the pandemic made things even worse. Republicans have no clue how to handle a free economy, but they're good at convincing idiots like Toxic TOP, PiMP, etc. that they are.
lets see

National debt under Trump​

The day President Trump took office, January 20, 2017, the total federal debt was $19.947 trillion. One month after Trump took office, on February 21, 2017, the total federal debt was $19.935 trillion.<a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-treasury-2">[2]</a><a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-6">[6]</a> That's a drop of $12 billion.

National debt under Obama​

President Barack Obama took office on January 20, 2009, when the national debt was $10.627 trillion. On February 20, 2009, the national debt was $10.839 trillion.<a href="https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Did_federal_debt_fall_over_President_Trump's_first_month_in_office#cite_note-treasury-2">[2]</a> That's a $212 billion increase.

09$11,91082%Bailout cost $250B ARRA added $242B
2010$13,56290%ARRA added $400B, payroll tax holiday ended, Obama Tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011$14,79095%Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012$16,06699%Fiscal cliff
2013$16,73899%Sequester, government shutdown
2014$17,824101%QE ended, debt ceiling crisis
2015$18,151100%Oil prices fell
2017$20,245104%Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018$21,516105%Trump tax cuts
2019$22,719107%Trade wars
2020$27,748129%COVID-19 and 2020 recession
2021$29,617124%COVID-19 and American Rescue Plan Act
2022$31,420119%Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness
2023$34,001122%Fed raises rates
so lets see one says 10.627 T when Obama took over but I have been saying like the other link says 11.9 , so lets go with the lower one , so to double it it would be 21.254 T or 23.8 T still either way doubling it would still be way OVER the either the 19.947 T or the 20.245 T as shown.
so again how can you sit there and LIE that Obama doubled the debt.
Have a nice day
Let's also mention that a percentage of the debt under Obama came from various stimulus bills and incentives to get the broken-by-W economy back on track, early in his tenure. Trump inherited a growing prosperous economy, and like almost all (R) presidents, ran it straight into the ground. We were in a recession *before* the pandemic made things even worse. Republicans have no clue how to handle a free economy, but they're good at convincing idiots like Toxic TOP, PiMP, etc. that they are.
well it is a FACT the Republicans kill the economy and we gone into more recessions under them then Dems and it is a Dem that has to come back into office and clean up the mess they made.
it has been that way for years and years.
Have a nice day
so lets see one says 10.627 T when Obama took over but I have been saying like the other link says 11.9 , so lets go with the lower one , so to double it it would be 21.254 T or 23.8 T still either way doubling it would still be way OVER the either the 19.947 T or the 20.245 T as shown.
so again how can you sit there and LIE that Obama doubled the debt.
Have a nice day
You just replied to yourself...time for more coffee...
Have a great day!!
You just replied to yourself...time for more coffee...
Have a great day!!
and it was so the charts I posted could be looked at right away and people would not have to go looking for them.
so you can't put up a reply backing your OBAMA DOUBLED the DEBT LIE.
Nice to see.
again if you need help go out and find a third grader I am sure they would be a lot smarter then you are.
Have a nice day