Kennedy has brain tumor

What are the rules around vacancies in Mass? Is one appointed and then there is a special election? and When does that have to be held? There has got to be a wildly popular dem to take Teddy's place.

The article I read said that an election has to take place not less than 145 days and not later than 160 days after the death of the incumbent.
if any republican can do it it would be him in this state. We actually liked him allot. much better administrator then pattrick thus far.

Chap, don't get your hopes up. All Romney did is governer was fail to reintroduce the death penalty and sit around and smile at cameras.

Romney was sworn in as the 70th governor of Massachusetts on January 2, 2003. Upon entering office, Romney faced a projected $3 billion deficit, but a previously enacted $1.3 billion capital gains tax increase and $500 million in unanticipated federal grants decreased the deficit to $1.2 billion.[45] Through a combination of spending cuts, increased fees, and removal of corporate tax loopholes, by 2006 the state had a $700 million surplus and was able to cut taxes.

On April 12, 2006, Romney signed the Massachusetts health reform law which requires nearly all Massachusetts residents to buy health insurance coverage or else face a substantial penalty in the form of an additional income tax assessment. The bill also establishes means-tested state subsidies for people who do not have adequate employer insurance and who make below an income threshold, by using funds previously designated to compensate for the health costs of the uninsured
Romney was sworn in as the 70th governor of Massachusetts on January 2, 2003. Upon entering office, Romney faced a projected $3 billion deficit, but a previously enacted $1.3 billion capital gains tax increase and $500 million in unanticipated federal grants decreased the deficit to $1.2 billion.[45] Through a combination of spending cuts, increased fees, and removal of corporate tax loopholes, by 2006 the state had a $700 million surplus and was able to cut taxes.

On April 12, 2006, Romney signed the Massachusetts health reform law which requires nearly all Massachusetts residents to buy health insurance coverage or else face a substantial penalty in the form of an additional income tax assessment. The bill also establishes means-tested state subsidies for people who do not have adequate employer insurance and who make below an income threshold, by using funds previously designated to compensate for the health costs of the uninsured

So, basically, tax raises and another huge social program. Those would be great accomplishments if a Democrat had done them.
cancer sucks.

I just lost someone close to me to an aggressive cancer. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.

Except George W. Bush.


No doubt. Having seen it up close and personal many times, it's about one of the worst ways to go.

I'd rather drown, or get eaten by a great white shark - which is a strong possibility, as much as I am on or in the ocean.

No doubt. Having seen it up close and personal many times, it's about one of the worst ways to go.

I'd rather drown, or get eaten by a great white shark - which is a strong possibility, as much as I am on or in the ocean.

He should go to the Netherlands and get them to kill him with heroin.
The "Kennedy Curse" strikes again. Unfortunately is took to fucking long for that fat bastard. Karma, ain't it a bitch.
The "Kennedy Curse" strikes again. Unfortunately is took to fucking long for that fat bastard. Karma, ain't it a bitch.

Where are all the hand-ringers who were whining and crying because I didn’t fall into hysterics of grief when Ann Coulter’s elderly father died?

"Could it be that Republicans are hypocrites?"

Only if you think it's hypocritical to ridicule the illness or death of a prominent Democrat, and then display righteous indignation if anyone dares ridicule the illness or death of a prominent Republican.
"Could it be that Republicans are hypocrites?"

Only if you think it's hypocritical to ridicule the illness or death of a prominent Democrat, and then display righteous indignation if anyone dares ridicule the illness or death of a prominent Republican.

I can't speak for anyone else but I wouldn't wish this on anyone.