Koch study: medicare for all saves money

You're confused. I already provided what I pay in premiums and the max out of pocket. You refuse to accept the answer.

No, you didn't actually do that.

You posted how much you pay in premiums out of pocket, but you said nothing of your deductible, drug costs, copays, or coinsurance.

I don't think you understand what OOPE is.
Good thing your employer does that for you freeloader.

You confuse getting something because you offer something the employer compensates with the food stamp, welfare, WIC, public housing, etc. freeloaders that should starve and live in the cold since they aren't willing to support themselves.
No, you didn't actually do that.

You posted how much you pay in premiums out of pocket, but you said nothing of your deductible, drug costs, copays, or coinsurance.

I don't think you understand what OOPE is.

Last year I didn't take any medications, therefore, the drugs costs were zero. Other than an annual physical which is paid 100%, I didn't go to the doctor, therefore, no copays. I covered the deductible part of my coverage.

Keep trying, you might be able to fool the idiots into supporting what you support but it can't touch what I have in coverage.
My deductible is $3000. Of that, my employer pays $2000 and I pay the remaining $1000 which is my max out of pocket.

That makes no sense.

I've never heard of an employer-sponsored plan where the employer pays a share of the deductible. Do you even understand what a deductible is? If you did, you wouldn't go around claiming your employer pays a share of it.

This is a big RED FLAG that you're being dishonest about something.
e've covered the deductible part and that is only if you actually use the coverage or to a level where it hits the max. If I don't use it at all, I actually pay nothing. If you don't fill any prescriptions, you don't pay drug costs.

Right. That's the point of a deductible.

But I've never ever heard of any insurance plan provided by an employer where they pay a portion of your deductible.

This sounds incredibly fishy.
I read posts that complain about government subsidies to private businesses ("corporate welfare"). This plans seems like it would be the mother of all corporate welfare plans with government paying all the health insurance costs currently paid by private employers. The complaint about lowering corporate taxes is small compared to this benefit.
You single payer idiots use the doom and gloom scenario to try and scare people

You're the ones who are spreading doom and gloom about a single payer system, promising worse coverage, worse health care, and bankrupting (somehow) something (not sure what).
That makes no sense.

I've never heard of an employer-sponsored plan where the employer pays a share of the deductible. Do you even understand what a deductible is? If you did, you wouldn't go around claiming your employer pays a share of it.

This is a big RED FLAG that you're being dishonest about something.

It really doesn't matter what you believe. That doesn't change the truth.

Look up Health Reimbursement Plan and read on it.
You're the ones who are spreading doom and gloom about a single payer system, promising worse coverage, worse health care, and bankrupting (somehow) something (not sure what).

All I've said about it is the costs for it is more than what I currently pay. Since it would costs me more, it is worse coverage.
We've also covered that when the household income is more than the calculations you provided with the average, the amount paid for the coverage you support is more. In fact, if the household income is 3x that average, the costs is $4475.

Right, which is still less than $5,000 + OOPE you'd pay for an employer-provided plan, and more than the $3,500 + OOPE you pay in the individual market.

Also, 3x that wage would mean the income is $177,000. Which would put you in the 92nd percentile on wages. And even then, you're still at worst breaking even. But your employer is saving tons since they aren't paying $14K for you to have insurance anymore. So they can actually increase your pay.
Let's address the level of coverage. Does someone on the low income end get less coverage since they pay less in premiums? If not, despite your claims that it isn't redistribution of wealth, you're either a liar or a fucking fool.

Everyone gets the same coverage.
You confuse getting something because you offer something the employer compensates with the food stamp, welfare, WIC, public housing, etc. freeloaders that should starve and live in the cold since they aren't willing to support themselves.

Your pro sports team owners are freeloaders whose stadiums are built via socialism shoog.
I think he's lying.

I've never heard of an employer who pays a share of your deductible in your employer-sponsored plan.

It sounds to me like he's pulling this from his fat ass.

Yup, me too, the guy's been full of shit on everything, and to such an extent it must surely be intentional - no one can be this fuggin' willingly openly ignorant on so many topics - nothing he posts is worth serious consideration.
Right, which is still less than $5,000 + OOPE you'd pay for an employer-provided plan, and more than the $3,500 + OOPE you pay in the individual market.

Also, 3x that wage would mean the income is $177,000. Which would put you in the 92nd percentile on wages. And even then, you're still at worst breaking even. But your employer is saving tons since they aren't paying $14K for you to have insurance anymore. So they can actually increase your pay.

But that $5000 includes premium and I don't pay premiums for myself.

One other thing you left out. Two adults both making minimum wage would pay $754/year in the taxes for what you support. Two adults with a combined household income of $177,000 (3x the average hh income) would pay $4475/year in taxes for what you support. That $754 if 1/6 of the $4475. Do the low income schlubs only get 1/6 the level of care?
Your pro sports team owners are freeloaders whose stadiums are built via socialism shoog.

That's your opinion and we know you're opinions are full of shit. Those pro sports teams provide something of value to the areas where they're located and bring in lots of revenue. Those you claim to care about do nothing but take and are a drain on society. In other words, the latter are absolutely worthless like tits on a boar hog.
Sorry you're having trouble getting treatment. Are there others?

Many. The percentage of doctors who accept new patients is better for Medicare (84%) than Medicaid (69%). My optometrist quit accepting my Medicare Advantage program (which pays better than regular Medicare) but I can drive 25 miles to find another provider. It varies by specialty (50% for psychiatry).
That makes no sense.

I've never heard of an employer-sponsored plan where the employer pays a share of the deductible. Do you even understand what a deductible is? If you did, you wouldn't go around claiming your employer pays a share of it.

This is a big RED FLAG that you're being dishonest about something.
Employers often contribute to health savings account contributions which account for a portion of the deductible.

That's a big RED FLAG you don't know much about being employed.