Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Yes they do, mine. Again, you don't have to believe me but my wallet proves you wrong.

You admitted you don't have an insurance plan, pal! You said you have a "Health Reimbursement Plan" which is not an insurance plan and doesn't have deductibles.

Sounds to me like you don't know your own coverage.
An HSA works in tandem with a high deductible plan. Employers can provide a high deductible plan and contribute a portion of the deductible into the HSA account.

But he said he didn't have one. Then he said he did. Then he said he didn't.

And an HSA is not a "Health Reimbursement Plan". They're two different things.
The National Median HH income is easily searched on Google.

The premium spending figures come from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

When you can't debate, try to gaslight...it's the Conservative way.

Dear idiot; your sources are the same morons that are trying to sell you the moronic idea that Government managed healthcare is better an cheaper. They are all out lies you willful idiot.
That $32T is in lieu of the $34T we would otherwise be spending if we maintained the status quo.

So we're spending the money anyway. It's just a matter of where.

Once again you engage in speculative bullshit. I'll speculate some more then; it won't be a mere $32 trillion, but more in the range of $100 trillion. It won't be effective, it won't be cheaper and you will end up with RATIONING and long waiting times.

Of course in moron land, idiots think that because you are getting taxed a confiscatory levels, it's FREEEEEEeeeee! Dunce.
Dear idiot; your sources are the same morons that are trying to sell you the moronic idea that Government managed healthcare is better an cheaper. They are all out lies you willful idiot.

Unfortunately for you, the rest of the world has shown us how it works much better for far less, so all opponents against a majority of the public have is yammering idiocy like this.
Dear idiot; your sources are the same morons

My source for the national median HH income comes straight from the BEA.

My source for the premium amounts comes straight from Kaiser Family Foundation, who had no part in the Koch-bros produced report that supports single payer.

You're trying to gaslight because you're a shitty human being.
He didn't say he had an HSA, he said he had employer-sponsored care, and that the employer paid a share of his deductible. Then he claimed to have a "Health Reimbursement Plan", which would be like an HSA, but the thing is if you have one of those, then you don't have an insurance plan. So his employer isn't paying a share of his deductible since HSA's don't have deductibles because they're HSA's.

All you people do is make shit up, don't you?


An HSA goes with a high deductible health plan. The money contributed to the HSA is free from federal taxes and is used to pay for medical expenses only. HSAs cannot be opened without a qualifying HD plan. If CFM spends money his employer contributed to his HSA, the employer is, in fact, paying part of the deductible.
No. The liars were people like you who lied about Obamacare cutting Medicare, who lied about Obamacare being a government take-over, who lied about Obamacare kicking people off insurance, who even lied about what Pelosi said about Obamacare.

All you've done is lie. The whole time. And you lied because you're a racist POS who wanted everyone to forget you supported Bush the Dumber.

:lolup:Moron thinks Obamacare is a shining success while telling us how expensive healthcare is NOW. :rofl2: STFU, seriously. :rofl2:
It won't be effective, it won't be cheaper and you will end up with RATIONING and long waiting times.

We already have rationing; it's called "denied coverage".

And what is the wait time for someone without insurance? Indefinite.

Of course in moron land, idiots think that because you are getting taxed a confiscatory levels, it's FREEEEEEeeeee! Dunce.

Paying a payroll tax would mean it's not free.

Delete your account; kill yourself.
What Obamacare did was get 24,000,000 more people insured.

What Obamacare did was throw 24 million onto Medicaid at a massive cost the liars in the media don't want to talk about. It is bankrupting the States that fully implemented it and hasn't made anyone healthier, included massive increases in cost and created more welfare dependents.

An HSA goes with a high deductible health plan. The money contributed to the HSA is free from federal taxes and is used to pay for medical expenses only. HSAs cannot be opened without a qualifying HD plan. If CFM spends money his employer contributed to his HSA, the employer is, in fact, paying part of the deductible.


So you're trying to shift the goalposts after the fact to fit a square peg into a round hole and you're failing massively.
You don't care about the debt either. You just care what people think you think about the debt. And that's done in service of your own ego.

Don't put words in my mouth you willful idiot. I always cared about debt which is why I would never vote for a Democrat. You, on the other hand, are a low information hypocritical dumbfuck who only cares when a Republican is in charge.

STFU, seriously.