Koch study: medicare for all saves money

What Obamacare did was throw 24 million onto Medicaid at a massive cost

States that expanded Medicaid saved money on health care.

States Find Savings Through Medicaid Expansion
The RWJ report examined eight Medicaid expansion states: Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and West Virginia. It found that those states, selected for their regional and demographic diversity, will save (or collect) a total of $1.8 billion through Medicaid expansion by the end of 2015.

Delete your account; kill yourself.
He didn't say he had an HSA, he said he had employer-sponsored care, and that the employer paid a share of his deductible. Then he claimed to have a "Health Reimbursement Plan", which would be like an HSA, but the thing is if you have one of those, then you don't have an insurance plan. So his employer isn't paying a share of his deductible since HSA's don't have deductibles because they're HSA's.

All you people do is make shit up, don't you?

I don't have an HSA. An HRA is quite different.

It's insurance. In fact, when I went last year for my physical, the doctor's office asked me for my insurance card. I gave them my card and they filed it on my insurance.

I'll use a co-worker's example that may help your dumbass understand how it works. He had hernia surgery. Don't know what the final total bill as he didn't say. However, the most those doing the paying (employer and employee) were going to pay is $6000 due to contractual pricing agreements, what insurance pays, etc. $3000 is the deductible and the other $3000 is what insurance didn't cover. When all the bills arrived after the provider had done its part, the remaining balance for him was $6000 since that surgery and everything involved was more than $6000. The employer cut him a check for $5000 to pay the balance $3000 of that check was to cover the amount in non covered costs above the deductible of $3000. The remaining $2000 of the $5000 was a reimbursement which was for the deductible leaving him $1000 to pay out of pocket.
It is bankrupting the States that fully implemented it and hasn't made anyone healthier, included massive increases in cost and created more welfare dependents.

Lies, of course.

Medicaid expansion has saved states money.

States Find Savings Through Medicaid Expansion
The RWJ report examined eight Medicaid expansion states: Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and West Virginia. It found that those states, selected for their regional and demographic diversity, will save (or collect) a total of $1.8 billion through Medicaid expansion by the end of 2015.

How is it possible that everything you say is wrong?

Because you're a Conservative.
It is better and cheaper, even the Koch-funded study says so.

No it will not be. Estimates of Government programs NEVER pan out how they sell them you willful idiot. Typically, you can take what they claim and multiply it by 10 to 100. Stop being a moron.
No it will not be. Estimates of Government programs NEVER pan out how they sell them you willful idiot. Typically, you can take what they claim and multiply it by 10 to 100. Stop being a moron.

Yes, this particular study is the "worst' of them all, all the others came out much better. You're not keeping up with this are you.
Unfortunately for you, the rest of the world has shown us how it works much better for far less, so all opponents against a majority of the public have is yammering idiocy like this.

Wrong again you moron; the rest of the world has proven it sucks. But when you're a brain dead asshat willing to swallow the Marxist swill that idiots dish out to you, you tend to believe in stupid idiotic claims like this.

Again, if you want to bankrupt a nation, have shittier care at a much higher cost and rationing, National Health care is your cup of tea. I want the Democratic Party of the Jackass to listen to dumbfucks like you and put in their November election platform.

Good luck!

So you're trying to shift the goalposts after the fact to fit a square peg into a round hole and you're failing massively.
I stand corrected.

An HRA is not health insurance. I assumed, incorrectly, he was talking about an HSA.
I don't have an HSA. An HRA is quite different. It's insurance. In fact, when I went last year for my physical, the doctor's office asked me for my insurance card. I gave them my card and they filed it on my insurance.

Literally the first fucking sentence of the first Google result on HRP:

Health care reimbursement plans are an employer-funded, tax-advantaged health benefit plan that allows companies to reimburse employees for their medical expenses. A health care reimbursement plan is not health insurance. Rather, it is a way to provide allowances employees can use on their medical expenses.
Estimates of Government programs NEVER pan out how they sell them you willful idiot. Typically, you can take what they claim and multiply it by 10 to 100. Stop being a moron.

This estimate was not done by the government, but by the Koch-funded Mercatus Center, you dipshit.
I stand corrected.

An HRA is not health insurance. I assumed, incorrectly, he was talking about an HSA.

It's OK. I understand. It's hard to keep up with Conservative goalpost-shifting and redefinition. That's why I think it's poor form to try and invoke personal circumstances on these boards, and find it far more useful to work in verifiable averages and medians. That's why all I use are averages; be it the median HH income, the average amount a person spends on their premiums, and the average income of small businesses.

Are there going to be exceptions? Of course, there always are. But the exceptions are not the rule.
Never said it was a shining success, but it did extend coverage to 24,000,000 people. If you don't consider that a success, then you're a hack.

It only did that because states were forced to put them all on Medicaid. It isn't free, it isn't great and no one is healthier because of it.

In my case, I lost my doctor (Obama lie#1), my premium costs went up (Obama lie#2) and where I used to be able to make an appointment to see my doctor the next week, it now takes over a month in many cases to see anyone, particularly a specialist.

So spare me this moronic notion that Government equates to better care and lower costs. It is malarkey that only idiots buy into, or naive young people who haven't been around enough to know that Government lies.