Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Last year I didn't take any medications, therefore, the drugs costs were zero. Other than an annual physical which is paid 100%, I didn't go to the doctor, therefore, no copays. I covered the deductible part of my coverage.

But you said that your employer pays a share of your deductible, which is weird because no employer-sponsored plans do that.
Keep trying, you might be able to fool the idiots into supporting what you support but it can't touch what I have in coverage.

Because it seems your coverage is wholly imaginary or you're misrepresenting it.
All I've said about it is the costs for it is more than what I currently pay. Since it would costs me more, it is worse coverage.

What you currently pay sounds suspicious, and you don't even have coverage. A "Health reimbursement plan" is not health insurance.
Many. The percentage of doctors who accept new patients is better for Medicare (84%) than Medicaid (69%). My optometrist quit accepting my Medicare Advantage program (which pays better than regular Medicare) but I can drive 25 miles to find another provider. It varies by specialty (50% for psychiatry).

So your a freeloader with govt healthcare?
Yup, me too, the guy's been full of shit on everything, and to such an extent it must surely be intentional - no one can be this fuggin' willingly openly ignorant on so many topics - nothing he posts is worth serious consideration.

So he moved the goalposts.

First he said he has an insurance plan. Then he said his plan featured his employer paying a share of his deductible, which is not something employer-sponsored plans even do. Then he changed to a "Health Reimbursement Plan" which isn't an insurance plan at all and has no deductibles the employer would supposedly share in.

Yeah...he's full of shit.
But that $5000 includes premium and I don't pay premiums for myself.

And it's still higher.

Also, you said you have a "Health Reimbursement Plan" which isn't a health insurance plan but rather acts in lieu of one.

I've also never heard of an employer-sponsored plan paying a share of a deductible. Instead, employers increase their share of the premium.

Your whole story sounds fishy.
One other thing you left out. Two adults both making minimum wage would pay $754/year in the taxes for what you support. Two adults with a combined household income of $177,000 (3x the average hh income) would pay $4475/year in taxes for what you support. That $754 if 1/6 of the $4475. Do the low income schlubs only get 1/6 the level of care?

Of course not. Everyone gets the same coverage.
Employers often contribute to health savings account contributions which account for a portion of the deductible.

But that's not what he said he had.

Words have meaning.

If he has an HSA, then fine. But even then, he's still going to spending more out of pocket than on M4A. And if you have an HSA, you don't have an insurance plan.

This is why I said his story is fishy.
But you said that your employer pays a share of your deductible, which is weird because no employer-sponsored plans do that.

Yes they do, mine. Again, you don't have to believe me but my wallet proves you wrong.
That's a big RED FLAG you don't know much about being employed.

He didn't say he had an HSA, he said he had employer-sponsored care, and that the employer paid a share of his deductible. Then he claimed to have a "Health Reimbursement Plan", which would be like an HSA, but the thing is if you have one of those, then you don't have an insurance plan. So his employer isn't paying a share of his deductible since HSA's don't have deductibles because they're HSA's.

All you people do is make shit up, don't you?
But that's not what he said he had.

Words have meaning.

If he has an HSA, then fine. But even then, he's still going to spending more out of pocket than on M4A. And if you have an HSA, you don't have an insurance plan.

This is why I said his story is fishy.

An HSA works in tandem with a high deductible plan. Employers can provide a high deductible plan and contribute a portion of the deductible into the HSA account.

These contributions are usually based on employee health assessments and wellness programs.
So now we get back to the same problem with Conservatives we always do; you invoke personal circumstances you know you cannot (or will not) certify or verify on a message board.

So I'm supposed to just take your word for it? Why?

You post speculative bullshit; are we supposed to just take your word for it? Only idiots liars and morons think Government can manage anything effectively. Which are you?