left tries to kill Trump......

It was a crazy gun nut with an AR.

I’m begging you to care like this when it’s a third grade classroom instead of an ear
you worthless piece of lib'rul shit.....it was a fucking assassination attempt.......shooter and an innocent spectator dead.....another critically insured.......because you fucks cannot be controlled.......someone should put a bullet in YOUR fucking ear.....
I'm dealing with a fucked in the head lib'rul looking to excuse a man who tried to murder a presidential candidate......the fuckwit is beyond the pale..........
Then an insane person tried to kill Paul Pelosi, what did Trump say?
suck it up you asshole.....one of YOURS tried to kill Trump today.......fucking deal with guilt like a man..........

you've been accusing Trump of violence for seven years........yet the blood is on your fucking hands......