Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...

Well done, JPP staff!

I was sick of his incessant trolling...thread after thread started to do nothing but stir up shit.

I know it's only a week...but a week is better than nothing.
Once a person is banned, so are all of their socks. That's how I figured out Matt Dillon and Wolverine were one and the same.

Yeah, you're an absolute moron. Your sock detector sucks.

I do have a sock, but you'll never guess who it is, and I don't use it much.
Some are bigger than others. Why are you worried about it?

You win.

Hoo hoo hoo

Take it out of my JPP paycheck, dumbass.

Listen, motherfucker: You are absolutely unqualified to ever call anyone else a dumbass, ever. :nono: Not even katzgar. You are an absolute Moron Supreme.

Stupid thanks you for taking it to new heights.
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Listen, motherfucker: You are absolutely unqualified to ever call anyone else a dumbass, ever. :nono: Not even katzgar. You are an absolute Moron Supreme.

Stupid thanks you for taking it to new heights.

What are your qualifications to call others morons, Matt? That fact you were born one in a family of morons?
Sheez...All you need is a Frisbee...
any flat surface wil do,but record albums are smooth - so the seeds/beans roll better and separate from the weed easier
Plus the fold at the bottom ( if it's an album that opens up) acts to trap the seeds so they dont roll all over the furniture

It's like The Creator made seedy weed and record albums with a purpose in mind to work together
Lost art..lol
What are your qualifications to call others morons, Matt? That fact you were born one in a family of morons?

Oh, that I was not, cupcake. :nono:

U mad because you were born a ward of the state, jackass? Crack baby.

You're just jealous that I have a family. You ain't got shit.

My family helped build America, crack baby.
Oh, that I was not, cupcake. :nono:

U mad because you were born a ward of the state, jackass? Crack baby.

You're just jealous that I have a family. You ain't got shit.

My family helped build America, crack baby.

So you're the only moron in the family, Matt?

I'm firstborn to a young but poor family. Dad joined the Army for a career and Mom was a housewife raising, eventually, 3 kids. FWIW, dumbass, there were no crack babies in the 50s. Ask your parole officer why that is true.

I am happy for lack of want. There is no jealousy in me of anyone or anything. What are you jealous about, Matt?

My family helped both build America but also defend it. Lie all you want, Matt, but you can't change the facts. You can only change yourself.
So you're the only moron in the family, Matt?

I'm firstborn to a young but poor family. Dad joined the Army for a career and Mom was a housewife raising, eventually, 3 kids. FWIW, dumbass, there were no crack babies in the 50s. Ask your parole officer why that is true.

I am happy for lack of want. There is no jealousy in me of anyone or anything. What are you jealous about, Matt?

My family helped both build America but also defend it. Lie all you want, Matt, but you can't change the facts. You can only change yourself.

Wow, damn you're old.

There ain't no fool like an old fool.

Trust me, I ain't jealous of you ary a bit. Actually I feel sorry for ya.

But then you pop off with some bullshit and I get over it. ;)

Oh! Someone in your family was in the military. That's nice.

Someone in my family has been in every American war except 1.

I bet you can't guess which 1.
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