Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...

Doesn't ban as often as before, for obvious reasons, but when he does he is looking for supporting responses, and he never has an interest in a "conversation" or exchange, the goal is to generate as many reacting posts as possible

His threads, as inane as they often are, generate responses, even if he has to do it umpteen times himself employing his umpteen pseudonyms

1. The guy has a lot of time on his hands. (My guess, and it's just a guess, he has a Government job, or ... he's a paraplegic)
2. He's a Partisan Hack. JPP is famous for 'Red Team/Blue Team' Cheerleaders. He (like Earl, Sailor, PMP, etc) hate 'lib'ruls'.
3. If you need a reason to 'become more stupider', engage with Legion for a day. Otherwise, wash the car, rake some leaves, and clean the Kitchen
Let me advance my own theory just for giggles.

ThatOwlLady = Uncle Faggot = Derpocles = Lesion = Phanty = gasp maybe even you Jack! :eek:

anonymous, the poster who uses the VP's picture, the Truth something or other immediately come to mind, as well as a few others who I can't recall at this moment, you can always tell cause they rapidly repeat copy and paste pictures/cartoons in their posts, which is why I refer to them all as "copy and paste." Plus they often feel the need to embolden or enlarge their type, and are quick to bow out of their own threads by either accusing you of being something you are not or a personal attack
1. The guy has a lot of time on his hands. (My guess, and it's just a guess, he has a Government job, or ... he's a paraplegic)
2. He's a Partisan Hack. JPP is famous for 'Red Team/Blue Team' Cheerleaders. He (like Earl, Sailor, PMP, etc) hate 'lib'ruls'.
3. If you need a reason to 'become more stupider', engage with Legion for a day. Otherwise, wash the car, rake some leaves, and clean the Kitchen

Or it is his vehicle and to keep it moving he has to spend an inordinate amount of time here, plus the "partisan hack" part is employed to purposely generate responses, create melodrama, always sells
Or it is his vehicle and to keep it moving he has to spend an inordinate amount of time here, plus the "partisan hack" part is employed to purposely generate responses, create melodrama, always sells

OK. Well here is a Poll by Jade Dragon:

"Who actually takes any of Legion's constant troll threads seriously?
I'd seriously like to know. I mean, isn't it obvious that he's almost never serious and just posts to be obnoxious? His titles are just troll lures.'

The Result was 9-0.

Personally, 'Damocles' seems witty and clever (shown by his latest 'April Fools joke') and probably has a Life.
I don't think Legion is married, and seems to spend a lot of time here. I believe he's middle-aged.
So, ANY connection between 'Legion' and 'Damocles' seems ... PREPOSTEROUS.
None of you
have a fucking clue.
Even some of Evince's ideas are more logical.
The entire internet is now dumber as a result of this thread.

None of you
have a fucking clue.
Even some of Evince's ideas are more logical.
The entire internet is now dumber as a result of this thread.


Darla said Damocles made her a 'Moderator' one day.
And, Thailand Tommy and Freedom911 had heart attacks.
So ... this ISN'T 'the first time around the block' for Damocles to fuck with everyone.

If nothing else, this thread proves the Site Owner will fuck with everyone and is engaged, has a sense of humor, and is clever.

Oh good. Pumpkin is here. Do you think 'Legion is Damocles'?
APL has advanced a Theory here.

It's your theory, my precious Gherkin. Nope, don't think so. One is a schizo, the other runs a forum where he allows schizos and psychos, within reason. You know, like you and your buddies. :laugh:
Everyone = Damocles. Thus ends the conspiracy theory. If you think you aren't Damocles, you're wrong.

Well, excuse me. I checked and I do NOT in fact have a giant staff or whatever you call that thing in your avatar. If you'll send me some exam gloves, I'll check those others as well, but I'm pretty sure they also lack giant staffs.
I didn't. Anchovies did.

It's a good theory and answers a lot of questions.

OTOH, it could also be one of the two previous senior mod/partners/owners, now a crippled gimp in an insane asylum, post and Damo lets it slide for old times sake.....because controversy is good for political forums.

Personally, I like sex better, but Damo already slammed my dick in a drawer on that subject. Can't go too far with violence since there's liability there, so controversy is the only remaining option.
Darla said Damocles made her a 'Moderator' one day.
And, Thailand Tommy and Freedom911 had heart attacks.
So ... this ISN'T 'the first time around the block' for Damocles to fuck with everyone.

If nothing else, this thread proves the Site Owner will fuck with everyone and is engaged, has a sense of humor, and is clever.

Let's have a moment of silence and respect Rachel.

It's your theory, my precious Gherkin. Nope, don't think so. One is a schizo, the other runs a forum where he allows schizos and psychos, within reason. You know, like you and your buddies. :laugh:

Yes. I noticed you had one of my more colorful posts removed. Are you feeling alright? Do I need to take it down a notch???
Which post was that, My Tiny Gherkin? lol

Hmmmm ... there's been so many. Let me try and remember.
Oh yeah. It was the one where Legion threw a pie in your face.
And ... and I told Jade that (cover your eyes) that I got a Boner.

I knew at your age, you'd be flattered. (sometimes I feel my efforts are in vain, you know, not appreciated)