Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...

Agreed wrong is wrong but you're the one doing the wrong here. You choose sides then bitch about people choosing sides. You complain about trolls, liars and harassers then you troll, lie and harass. It's irrational and, as noted previously, not your usual behavior.

There's no way for me to know for sure, but when a person's behavior changes and stays changed for a few days, it indicates change in their life.
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I can spar with anyone here one-on-one, it's political message board and a person needs thick skin to participate. If someone is such a weak crybaby they demand another person be virtually "removed "by a grown ass adult so they don't have to read words on a screen -- I will call them on it. Guar-on-teed.

That's a far cry from a gang doxxing and bullying one person for a decade. That is wrong in every sense of the word. My days of sitting back and pretending it's normal are over. Call it or me whatever you want. Just know I won't respond to the trolling. Never. Ever.
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I can spar with anyone here one-on-one, it's political message board and a person needs thick skin to participate. If someone is such a weak crybaby they demand another person be virtually "removed "by a grown ass adult so they don't have to read words on a screen -- I will call them on it. Guar-on-teed.

That's a far cry from a gang doxxing and bullying one person for a decade. That is wrong in every sense of the word. My days of sitting back and pretending it's normal are over. Call it or me whatever you want. Just know I won't respond to the trolling. Never. Ever.

Oh now you are completely refuting what you said earlier?

Trash brain
Nothing wrong with me except I finally stood up against what I see as wrong. I tired of reading the constant bullying here for years and I said something.

Wrong is wrong. I will never buy someone deserves this crap for 10 years. Nope, I see who does the constant haranguing and baiting -- and it ain't TOP. You know it and I know it.

There you go. Now, call me some names or post some pictures. lol. I will not respond. I don't care.

Pretending you are a victim when you are a perpetrator is fucking crap
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I can spar with anyone here one-on-one, it's political message board and a person needs thick skin to participate. If someone is such a weak crybaby they demand another person be virtually "removed "by a grown ass adult so they don't have to read words on a screen -- I will call them on it. Guar-on-teed.

That's a far cry from a gang doxxing and bullying one person for a decade. That is wrong in every sense of the word. My days of sitting back and pretending it's normal are over. Call it or me whatever you want. Just know I won't respond to the trolling. Never. Ever.

Yet here you are, bleating about your glorious "courage" and responding. I do appreciate though that you mentioned how a particular gang of bullies has doxed and stalked one person -- me -- for almost a decade now. It all began in 2013, so it's not quite 10 years yet. Would you care to see my documentation? It's strange though that you are allied with them, while simultaneously virtue-signaling how you just don't put up with that kind of thing. You are mental, aren't you?
It’s a Russo bot hole...

Who? Lig? NFW. She's an all American girl who is, IMO, a little crankier than usual lately. My understanding is that she's old enough to not have to worry about menstruation. She doesn't appear to be sick, just more negatively emotional.

TBH, except for her posts to me today, I haven't read any of hers today. Even though we disagree, she seemed more herself. Time will tell if she's past whatever it was or not.
Yet here you are, bleating about your glorious "courage" and responding. I do appreciate though that you mentioned how a particular gang of bullies has doxed and stalked one person -- me -- for almost a decade now. It all began in 2013, so it's not quite 10 years yet. Would you care to see my documentation? It's strange though that you are allied with them, while simultaneously virtue-signaling how you just don't put up with that kind of thing. You are mental, aren't you?

It’s a fucking Russo bot hole

Nearly all of them here are

The REAL cons don’t last long here

They just leave because they can’t defend the lies their world view is built on
It's a great example of insane people repeating lies, which IS what you were talking about.

That's true. #TRE45ON, for example, has been proclaiming that that day was full of "love." Other QOPers have declared it "legitimate political discourse," the kind that left five ppl dead and over a hundred injured.
Who? Lig? NFW. She's an all American girl who is, IMO, a little crankier than usual lately. My understanding is that she's old enough to not have to worry about menstruation. She doesn't appear to be sick, just more negatively emotional.

TBH, except for her posts to me today, I haven't read any of hers today. Even though we disagree, she seemed more herself. Time will tell if she's past whatever it was or not.

It’s not a person

It’s a program

They are maintained by humans so they can at times seem very real

They are not