Let's have a truthful talk about the cost of the Volt.

Americans are going to have to do more than support bailing out the companies/unions every 5 years. They are going to have to fucking buy American! Otherwise we don't care. Fucking proles...
Americans are going to have to do more than support bailing out the companies/unions every 5 years. They are going to have to fucking buy American! Otherwise we don't care. Fucking proles...

How many of SSGT ThreeDweeb's prized possessions were made in the USA, I wonder?

"Buy American" is hard to do, and when the Chinese get into the US market....
Don't give a rat's ass. The bottom line is the Volt is a piece of shit, hence why it is failing in the market place.

The Nissan Leaf, by contrast, is an awesome feat of engineering. Goes 80 miles on a single charge, compared to the <30 miles of the Volt. I'm probably buying a Leaf within the next year or so.

And the Volt is outselling the Leaf by how much? (I'm not criticizing the Leaf, both are high technology cars that need years to amortize and make a return. Remember how much the first cell phone was? The first computer?)

The Prius lost money for a number of years. However...

They perfected the technology.

They defined the brand.

They now dominate the hybrid market.

Japanese business philosophy looks ahead 20 years.

American CEO's look to their next bonus.

And the Bush administration helped make the Prius that success. As these vehicles become more commonplace, their sales will increase; just as the Prius did.
The Prius lost money for a number of years. However...

They perfected the technology.

They defined the
They now dominate the hybrid market.

Japanese business philosophy looks ahead 20 years.

American CEO's look to their next bonus.
Not so fast junior, Toyota pays American company who invented the technology a license fee.
There is profit to be made either way.

As whatever we are supposed to call him, points out electric cars still require fuel. Most of the points in your counter argument did not apply.

I hope they make a fortune off the car, bring down the price to something a bit more affordable and it proves to benefit all. But it should be strictly a business decision. Progressives, who THINK, they have all the relevant data have always been at the forefront of creating new market manipulations and creating vested interests that do not care about anything but holding on their power and meal ticket. This should not be a political issue.

Feel free to indicate which points don't apply.
It is hilarious watching libtardiots defending a business model which is LOSING money as if that is the norm. It is not. Of course this is what passes for intelligence in libtardiot worlds. I guess since gobblement motors thinks they have the taxpayer as a fucking piggy bank they don't have to worry about profit margins or making money like other businesses.

Fuck no. Just cozy up to the bank of Uncle Barry Sotoero
It is hilarious watching libtardiots defending a business model which is LOSING money as if that is the norm. It is not. Of course this is what passes for intelligence in libtardiot worlds. I guess since gobblement motors thinks they have the taxpayer as a fucking piggy bank they don't have to worry about profit margins or making money like other businesses.

Fuck no. Just cozy up to the bank of Uncle Barry Sotoero
Did you skip college like most of your klan brothers. I see you get your news from fox, like most white trash ged's.
When the biggest (if not the only) selling point is the gas mileage (or lack of need for gas) american car buyers are a fickle lot. When the gas prices shot up in 2006 & 2007, plenty of people ordered Smartcars. But when the price of gas came way back down, many of those buyers never bought the cars they ordered.
When the biggest (if not the only) selling point is the gas mileage (or lack of need for gas) american car buyers are a fickle lot. When the gas prices shot up in 2006 & 2007, plenty of people ordered Smartcars. But when the price of gas came way back down, many of those buyers never bought the cars they ordered.

Looks like the Volt's time may be right around the corner. I am just glad they will be available for the next shock.

Dune, I agreed with you that the numbers would drop as more were produced, but you continue to ignore one important factor. They stopped producing them to meet actual inventory needs which was less than predicted... They simply aren't selling enough, hence the need to shut down the plant. This changes the factors used in Bob Lutz figures which were, in comparison to the reality, extremely optimistic. It will take far longer to make up for the production cost of a car that is, often, valueless to people in certain areas of the country for a large part of the year.

What this article ignores is that the Reuters article factored in the cost as to vehicle sold and said "as of now"... This one simply predicts that lots will be sold while the sales figures do not match the prediction.

If they made them useful year round all across the nation I'd say that this car would sell better. It isn't ugly, necessarily, just useless in cold weather conditions due to battery loss...

When I said the car sucks, it is because it does. There is not enough improvement to regular vehicles to make it worth it to a large portion of the population. They need to give you more in some way to make it draw more. This is what Tesla did, it made it extremely cool and fast... People line up to buy one, the other they shut down the plant and lay people off in order to drop inventory so that they can meet the reality.
Why in the hell would I drive a volt over 7.3l power stroke F250 4x4?
Hell, I could put the piece of shit volt in the back of my truck and drive it arond
So, I can put in the back and let you pay for all the gas. I don't know why you think that is a disadvantage. My penis is plenty big enough. I don't need a F250.

The smart car can't even pull the small trailer for our goats, let alone a horse trailer... I need something more than that.