Let's have a truthful talk about the cost of the Volt.

I will take a shot and be civil since you have attempted the same. As to my reasons for having an F250, I have plenty. However I don't need to justify those reasons. That seems pointless. I would not more make you justify your purchase of a Volt or a SmartCar. I do think SmartCars are ridiculous and of no practical value, but if others like it and I don't have to subsidize it, then I say go with God. If you want to make fun of my F250, please go ahead. It really doesn't bother me.

But, the larger concern I have is how others seem to think they can determine what others "need" as if there should be a checklist for what people should and shouldn't purchase. Have horses? Check. Don't? Sorry, you can't buy that F250. What if you just want it? Why can't that be a reason? There are people who buy Volts and SmartCars that think they are saving the world and they are making a statement about how much they care about the environment. I personally think that is a dumb reason, but at the end of the day it is none of my business and I would never, ever, ever say to someone "You don't need that". As long as they can afford it and they aren't bothering me, I don't give a flying fuck. I do take umbrage to those who spout off in with their sanctimonious attitudes about what everyone else is driving.

With regards to Big Indian/Little Indian, you and I could not be more on the same page. I am in a fortunate situation that my state will under no circumstances vote for OWEbama, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience. As last time, I will cast my ballot for Calvin Coolidge.

As far as the GED cracks, they are of little concern to me and say more about the person making the comment than they do about me. It shows the disdain they have for people who actually do have GEDs as if they have less worth or their thoughts and opinions are of marginal value. It only highlights the condescending nature in which I think liberals approach the general populace. Someone went to Harvard? Oh they must be "wicked smat" unless of course it is George W Bush then he only got in because of his daddy and Obama didn't play on his ethnicity.

I could prattle on about the degrees I have, but a) it would give up my anonymity b) how could I prove it and c) it doesn't really matter

If you want to buy a SmartCar, I say go with God. If you ever break down and I am driving by, I will be more than happy to lift the little bugger into the back of my truck and spare you calling AAA. :)

You the man!

I really don't care what you drive.

My only interest there is academic and I try not to assume more than is given away. "Just want one" means you have not really thought about it. It usually indicates you want it for some sort of image. People like to pretend their wants are somehow magical or inexplicable but it is just a lack of self awareness. Still, whatever floats your boat or maybe you have one.

Like I said, I am considering keeping my truck. I do like to run over trees occasionally and scare little animals. But day to day, no.

Global warming is a reality and we are contributing to it. There is nothing wrong with considering that in your purchase, but I do agree that it is annoying that some feel the need to pester others about how much they care.

I am sure you know, sometimes we imagine the other person is thinking something in error. That is why I try to avoid jumping to conclusions and will ask for clarification. It's funny, I will often look at smart cars in consdieration of the option from my old truck. Then I will notice the driver gets all white knuckled and I realize they probably think I am mocking them. People worry too much about what others think and the mocking does not help anyone. A wife and kids can make resisting that herd mentality even harder as they sort of distract us from what is really going on, like the matador's cape.

I am not sure what you mean about go with God? Do you know about the reinforced cage?

I wear my seat belt and I can go bouncing around all day. It does not matter to me. The only real concern I have about the size is that some group of drunk idiots will try to flip it over. But they can key your truck/Lamborghini. No use worrying too much about the little people.

I have lots of letters too and they start in the same place. :)
One other thing I do like about my big truck. I love playing chicken with some jerk in a sports car that tries to stop me from merging. :)
And the gay clowns reference (does anybody get metaphor???). Gay is another word for happy. Clowns are gay. The car does resemble the clown cars that fifty will jump out of laughing and smiling at the paying customers who think the clowns are fools.

And let's talk about clowns. It's one thing when kids laugh and giggle derisively. They are supposed to do that. When the teens do it in a superior manner they become a joke. When someone your age does it, it's just pathetic.

Develop a sense of humor and maybe you will get the last laugh.

In August, the Chevy Volt racked up the highest sales since its launch, but you wouldn’t know it by some of the headlines in the press.
The Volt is perhaps the most award-winning, technologically advanced car ever developed and brought to market in North America. But the extent of its coverage in the U.S. press is out of all proportions to its originally intended role as GM’s answer to the Toyota Prius.
Somewhere along the way in, order to paint the current U.S. president’s alternative energy policies as a failure, it became fashionable for the president’s opponents to portray the new kid on the road, the Chevy volt, as a flop.

1) The Volt is a selling a fraction of what is required to make it a success.
2) The Pentagon and U.S. Government are buying most of the Volts
3) GM’s corporate buddies such General Electric are making the Volt look good with large fleet purchases.
4) The Volt is selling for $49,000 less than it costs to make and therefore its sales success is a bad thing that is costing GM money.
5) GM can only sell Volts with deep discounts.

Often cross citing each other and rarely providing real quotes or references, these myths are music to the ears of those trying to bully the Volt off our roads.
Each of these myths is also easily disproved with nothing more than a few Google searches. Here are these myths easily busted.
Myth 1: The Volt is a Sales flop, selling a fraction of what is required to make it a success.
Busted: The Volt is now selling three times the number needed to breakeven (see myth 4 for details). In fact in August the Volt was outselling 50 percent of all [URL="http://gm-volt.com/2012/09/25/five-myths-used-to-bully-chevy-volt-sales/#"]car models
on the North American market and is now outselling every single hybrid model sold by BMW, Ford, Honda, and Volkswagen. The Volt is also well in front of the adoption curve of another “new kid” when they first arrived, the Toyota Prius.
But to some extent GM has to take some of the blame for downplaying its own success. Back in 2010 when it became clear the Volt was a solidly engineered contender bound to win multiple awards for its excellent qualities, a few GM executives got carried away and quoted sales goals equal to the production capacity of the updated Hamtramck assemble plant. This despite the well know adoption hurdles to the new technology. In 2012 GM reined in its cheerleading sales folks and in the words of Bob Lutz, GM’s former Vice Chairman, reminded them of that the Volt’s “ prime purpose was to introduce a new generation of technology.”
So let’s stack the Volt against cars in its own category – plug-in electric – the Volt is the runaway winner. In August, at 2,800 sold the Volt was on its way to tripling the Toyota Prius PHV’s 1,047 sales, which was followed by the Nissan Leaf’s 685 sales.
Next against the establish hybrids, as mentioned, the Volt is selling well. In fact the only ones it didn’t outsell were the Toyota Prius, Camry Hybrid, and the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid ( and its closing in on the Camry Hybrid fast).

But here is something really unexpected, the Volt is now outsell many conventional luxurysedans in its price range including both the BMW 7-Series and the Mercedes-Benz S Class, and even the mid-size Audi A6.
Myth 2: The Pentagon and U.S. Government is buying most of the Volts
Busted: The U.S. government has so far purchased only 130 Volts over the last year (source GM). This despite running a fleet of over 200,000 cars. Every attempt to purchase even a handful of Volts has been met by a firestorm of attention by local and national press that has created a barrier to sales.
Myth 3: General Electric and other corporations are making large fleet purchases.
Busted: Although in 2011 several large U.S. companies publicly announced that they would add a large number of Volts to their fleets, they have not yet done so. GE specifically announced that it would add as many as 12,000 Volts to its fleet over the next five years. So far GE has not followed through on this and has purchased only several hundred Volts. Because of the politics of the Volt sales in much of the U.S. press, GE and others are believed to be holding back so as not to be seen as taking sides in the November election. Fleet sales of all types only accounted for 100 to 200 Volts each month. Of the 2,800 volts sold in August in the U.S. only 100 went to fleets.
Myth 4: The Volt is selling for $49,000 less than it cost to make.
Busted, and busted again: This myth has been around for a while. The idea behind it is to present any Volts sales success as a bad thing that is costing GM big money.
This started back in December 2011 when a Fox news commentator “suggested” that the Volt cost $250,000 each to make. This creative accounting wrote off six years of the research and development costs ($1.2 billion in R&D) of the Voltec drivetrain into the number of Volts then sold. This August a Reuters article used this same weird math to recalculate the cost as $89,000 by using just U.S. Volt sales numbers to date.
This number will continue to decrease as the Volt sales volume builds and other, higher-margin GM cars, like the Cadillac ELR, piggy-back off of the Volt’s initial investment.
According to GM and its former head of the volt program, Bob Lutz , the Volt is actually on the cusp of break even at this sales pace. What this means is, excluding R&D costs GM is making money with each Volt sold, possible to the tune of $10,000 or more.
If you use industry standards, such as amortizing the Volts R&D over the next 10 years of its product cycle, the only way to conceivable come up with the Volt losing serious money is if the Volt and related product sales remained at or below 1,000 a month for all models (120,000 over the next decade). In short, assuming you ignore the irrational demands of a few pundits to write off the R&D over the first 18 months instead of the usual decade, each Volt sold is making GM money!
Myth 5: GM can only sell Volts with deep discounts.
False: End of year discounts on last year’s model is not normally headline news, unless of course you are talking about the Chevy Volt. In August, as the 2012 Volt was phasing out in favor of the 2013 model year, GM provided incentives, as it usually does with other models to clear out old stock. This included great lease deals, buyer incentives and dealer bonuses for making sales targets.
Before these offers the volt sales were growing steadily and the August numbers simply built on that success with typical end of year clearance events that still left GM room for profit (see previous myth 4).
Even though repeatedly disproved by multiple credible news organization and real journalist the Myths continue to thrive in the hands of what can only be called cyber bullies.
So what’s the new kid to do when confronted by cyber bullies? I think we all already know the answer.
Twice more before the election, when the Volt’s Septembers and October sales figures are released, these myths will once again resurface. Make sure to give the myth repeaters the intellectual respect all cyber bullies deserve.