Let's have a truthful talk about the cost of the Volt.

But BTW, who said anything in THAT post about being gay. There were two couples in the video snd kids. No homosexuals.

Apparently, you think the city you live in tells something about your identity too.

Yeah, vote for Romney. Maybe it will convince someone that you are country club material.
The irony.

You are the one obsessed with whether it will fit in the back of your truck. I was not trying to talk you into anything. You were criticizng my thoughts on what I might buy. I don't spend time looking at vehicles and forming opinions about their drivers at all. You do and that DOES tell us something about you.

Lighten up Francis. I made one off hand comment about a smartcar fitting in the back of my F250. I didn't realize it would make your pussy so sore. I sincerely apologize if I offended your obviously delicate sensibilities.

Personally I don't care what you drive and I certainly wasnt trying to talk you out of it. I however do reserve the right to make fun of it. Just as you can make fun of my vehicle choice. I just found it odd that you would focus on penis size.

Now go put some ice on that sore pussy of yours. The swelling will go down shortly
You made several comments and you are still playing the fool for me. You did not offend me. You want me to go back and bump the several times you mentioned and I asked why I should care? I just made you smell your own stink. You keep projecting here.
Tinfoil, f Topspin/Dixie and his bullshit about your GED. I don't give a crap! You are at least as intelligent as Topspin/Dixie until he plays you for a sucker and needles you into voting for his guy.

F250, do you need that? I use to like having a truck so I could move. Don't tell anybody but some people (i.e., almost everyone) find me annoying and I was always getting thrown out of some girl's house. But I can afford a uhaul now and if I can help it I am not moving into anyone else's house EVER again.

Damo has a good reason for a big truck and I respect that. I don't need a big truck anymore.

I once had a motrocycle. It was fun out in Cali. Here it's too hot, there are too many bugs and if you ride one without accepting membership into the Aryan brotherhood they WILL hurt you. So that is out.

The smart car has a lot of advantages. One is its size. I can stick it in my garage and not have to get rid of my other toys. It's easy to park and I bet you will see more and more spots made specifically for them soon. If not I can pull up on to a curb. In city life that size is even a bigger advantage and I may return to that soon. But the dbags in SF get the hybrid almost all for show. Me and my clown posse will jump out and revel in the laughs of the morons who sniff their own farts.

Some gay bull tries to charge me, toro.... That doesn't work then I will stick my blade between his ribs. Now please remember, I think bullfighting is inhumane. Bull's are stupid animals and we are taking advantage of them for sport. The human versions have been warned and should know better. But they think they are superior and that I don't know what they are.

If the truck suits your needs, fine. I don't care. Don't buy it as bling. That's ghey. You made it clear that was you motivation when you could not explain to me why I should care about the fact that it would fit into your truck bed, repeatedly.

That's part of the reason why I asked who cares, about the Volt's sales numbers first. More than likely the little Dick Cheney's at Fox or some other right wing news outlet were upset that some people might not agree with their vehicle of choice, the RANCHERO. So they start in about the Volt. It's not about the economics of it. They don't want it to succeed because then they might need to keep up with the Joneses and take a bath on their vanity plates, AGAIN.

Your car choice should be based on practical reasons and there is nothing wrong with factoring in a desire not to be a pig that pollutes the world. Your political choices should be similar, but THEY DO have more to do with your moral values. Don't vote for Romney or Obama to impress anyone. Topspin/Dixie will still think of you as a GED and refuse you entry to the country club. Damo is aiming for the same thing at times with his talk about the Lamborghini and golf clubs prattle.

Little Endian or Big Endian, IT DOES NOT MATTER! You both can crack the egg. I am sure of that.

Topspin/Dixie I don't know about him. He is too busy trying to smell somebody else's ass. You need to back up off of mine now or I will have to keep making you my little b!+(# like I do to Topspin/Dixie on a regularly scheduled basis.
Okay, you only obsessed over it once Tinfoil. That was while I was still uncertain whehter you were Topspin/Dixie and maybe you still are? The point is you failed to give any valid reason why I should care that I can fit my car choice in the back of your truck. I was not asking to park it there, buddy.
Okay, you only obsessed over it once Tinfoil. That was while I was still uncertain whehter you were Topspin/Dixie and maybe you still are? The point is you failed to give any valid reason why I should care that I can fit my car choice in the back of your truck. I was not asking to park it there, buddy.

Guy; trash up some other thread with your man-love talk for Damn Yankee.
Guy; trash up some other thread with your man-love talk for Damn Yankee.

It's not my fault no one wants to smell your's grandma.

I did not trash up a thing. I stated my choice. They came to sniff mine, repeatedly. I asked them for a legitimate reason why I should care that the smart car is small. I mean, that IS it's greatest value. But these two homos could not come up with a valid reason.

At least damo was not chasing and came up with a valid reason. He's not a closet .... That's why he really wants a Lamborghini.

This is what cars are about for men and to a great extent for women. It's a symbol of their identity and used in the mating rituals. That's especially so if you can not articulate a valid reason for your choice. You can pretend it is something else if you like but you are just ignoring reality just as some want to ignore the reality of global warming.

My chosen role is to make these guys see past their bs labels and use their brain.
It's not my fault no one wants to smell your's grandma.

I did not trash up a thing. I stated my choice. They came to sniff mine, repeatedly. I asked them for a legitimate reason why I should care that the smart car is small. I mean, that IS it's greatest value. But these two homos could not come up with a valid reason.

At least damo was not chasing and came up with a valid reason. He's not a closet .... That's why he really wants a Lamborghini.

This is what cars are about for men and to a great extent for women. It's a symbol of their identity and used in the mating rituals. That's especially so if you can not articulate a valid reason for your choice. You can pretend it is something else if you like but you are just ignoring reality just as some want to ignore the reality of global warming.

My chosen role is to make these guys see past their bs labels and use their brain.

So why would you want a smart car when a VW holds more gay clowns and gets better fuel economy?
Tinfoil, f Topspin/Dixie and his bullshit about your GED. I don't give a crap! You are at least as intelligent as Topspin/Dixie until he plays you for a sucker and needles you into voting for his guy.

F250, do you need that? I use to like having a truck so I could move. Don't tell anybody but some people (i.e., almost everyone) find me annoying and I was always getting thrown out of some girl's house. But I can afford a uhaul now and if I can help it I am not moving into anyone else's house EVER again.

Damo has a good reason for a big truck and I respect that. I don't need a big truck anymore.

I once had a motrocycle. It was fun out in Cali. Here it's too hot, there are too many bugs and if you ride one without accepting membership into the Aryan brotherhood they WILL hurt you. So that is out.

The smart car has a lot of advantages. One is its size. I can stick it in my garage and not have to get rid of my other toys. It's easy to park and I bet you will see more and more spots made specifically for them soon. If not I can pull up on to a curb. In city life that size is even a bigger advantage and I may return to that soon. But the dbags in SF get the hybrid almost all for show. Me and my clown posse will jump out and revel in the laughs of the morons who sniff their own farts.

Some gay bull tries to charge me, toro.... That doesn't work then I will stick my blade between his ribs. Now please remember, I think bullfighting is inhumane. Bull's are stupid animals and we are taking advantage of them for sport. The human versions have been warned and should know better. But they think they are superior and that I don't know what they are.

If the truck suits your needs, fine. I don't care. Don't buy it as bling. That's ghey. You made it clear that was you motivation when you could not explain to me why I should care about the fact that it would fit into your truck bed, repeatedly.

That's part of the reason why I asked who cares, about the Volt's sales numbers first. More than likely the little Dick Cheney's at Fox or some other right wing news outlet were upset that some people might not agree with their vehicle of choice, the RANCHERO. So they start in about the Volt. It's not about the economics of it. They don't want it to succeed because then they might need to keep up with the Joneses and take a bath on their vanity plates, AGAIN.

Your car choice should be based on practical reasons and there is nothing wrong with factoring in a desire not to be a pig that pollutes the world. Your political choices should be similar, but THEY DO have more to do with your moral values. Don't vote for Romney or Obama to impress anyone. Topspin/Dixie will still think of you as a GED and refuse you entry to the country club. Damo is aiming for the same thing at times with his talk about the Lamborghini and golf clubs prattle.

Little Endian or Big Endian, IT DOES NOT MATTER! You both can crack the egg. I am sure of that.

Topspin/Dixie I don't know about him. He is too busy trying to smell somebody else's ass. You need to back up off of mine now or I will have to keep making you my little b!+(# like I do to Topspin/Dixie on a regularly scheduled basis.

I will take a shot and be civil since you have attempted the same. As to my reasons for having an F250, I have plenty. However I don't need to justify those reasons. That seems pointless. I would not more make you justify your purchase of a Volt or a SmartCar. I do think SmartCars are ridiculous and of no practical value, but if others like it and I don't have to subsidize it, then I say go with God. If you want to make fun of my F250, please go ahead. It really doesn't bother me.

But, the larger concern I have is how others seem to think they can determine what others "need" as if there should be a checklist for what people should and shouldn't purchase. Have horses? Check. Don't? Sorry, you can't buy that F250. What if you just want it? Why can't that be a reason? There are people who buy Volts and SmartCars that think they are saving the world and they are making a statement about how much they care about the environment. I personally think that is a dumb reason, but at the end of the day it is none of my business and I would never, ever, ever say to someone "You don't need that". As long as they can afford it and they aren't bothering me, I don't give a flying fuck. I do take umbrage to those who spout off in with their sanctimonious attitudes about what everyone else is driving.

With regards to Big Indian/Little Indian, you and I could not be more on the same page. I am in a fortunate situation that my state will under no circumstances vote for OWEbama, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience. As last time, I will cast my ballot for Calvin Coolidge.

As far as the GED cracks, they are of little concern to me and say more about the person making the comment than they do about me. It shows the disdain they have for people who actually do have GEDs as if they have less worth or their thoughts and opinions are of marginal value. It only highlights the condescending nature in which I think liberals approach the general populace. Someone went to Harvard? Oh they must be "wicked smat" unless of course it is George W Bush then he only got in because of his daddy and Obama didn't play on his ethnicity.

I could prattle on about the degrees I have, but a) it would give up my anonymity b) how could I prove it and c) it doesn't really matter

If you want to buy a SmartCar, I say go with God. If you ever break down and I am driving by, I will be more than happy to lift the little bugger into the back of my truck and spare you calling AAA. :)
So why would you want a smart car when a VW holds more gay clowns and gets better fuel economy?

Let's review, AGAIN. Put on your glasses this time and take some ginkgo.

I said smart car or a TDI (VW). I stated I had not given it too much thought. I stated the advantages of the smart car. It is CHEAPER and SMALLER. Those are advantages.
I will take a shot and be civil since you have attempted the same. As to my reasons for having an F250, I have plenty. However I don't need to justify those reasons. That seems pointless. I would not more make you justify your purchase of a Volt or a SmartCar. I do think SmartCars are ridiculous and of no practical value, but if others like it and I don't have to subsidize it, then I say go with God. If you want to make fun of my F250, please go ahead. It really doesn't bother me.

But, the larger concern I have is how others seem to think they can determine what others "need" as if there should be a checklist for what people should and shouldn't purchase. Have horses? Check. Don't? Sorry, you can't buy that F250. What if you just want it? Why can't that be a reason? There are people who buy Volts and SmartCars that think they are saving the world and they are making a statement about how much they care about the environment. I personally think that is a dumb reason, but at the end of the day it is none of my business and I would never, ever, ever say to someone "You don't need that". As long as they can afford it and they aren't bothering me, I don't give a flying fuck. I do take umbrage to those who spout off in with their sanctimonious attitudes about what everyone else is driving.

With regards to Big Indian/Little Indian, you and I could not be more on the same page. I am in a fortunate situation that my state will under no circumstances vote for OWEbama, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience. As last time, I will cast my ballot for Calvin Coolidge.

As far as the GED cracks, they are of little concern to me and say more about the person making the comment than they do about me. It shows the disdain they have for people who actually do have GEDs as if they have less worth or their thoughts and opinions are of marginal value. It only highlights the condescending nature in which I think liberals approach the general populace. Someone went to Harvard? Oh they must be "wicked smat" unless of course it is George W Bush then he only got in because of his daddy and Obama didn't play on his ethnicity.

I could prattle on about the degrees I have, but a) it would give up my anonymity b) how could I prove it and c) it doesn't really matter

If you want to buy a SmartCar, I say go with God. If you ever break down and I am driving by, I will be more than happy to lift the little bugger into the back of my truck and spare you calling AAA. :)

Hi Southern Man, hows it going in the beautiful Yadkin Valley, LOL.