Liberal gun bullshit

Just curious... but do you even know how long it takes to change a 10/15 round clip? I grant you it is easier to simply blast away with a 30 shot clip than having to take 3 seconds to eject a magazine and replace it. But are you again changing the outcome?

Oh, so now you want an answer?

It didn't seem that way a couple minutes ago when I tried to answer and all you bothered to respond with was the same tired taunts and insults.
The fact remains that, until we do something, our children and other innocent citizens of this nation will continue to die at the hands of these gun obsessed nutbars.

Let the carnage continue, I say.

EVERY time it happens we just point to those who allow this kind of terrorism to continue, gun lovers too scared to agree to some reasonable regulation of certain firearms and call them what they are...accomplices in the murder of our children.

Great idea. And for every innocent victim murdered, the citizens have public hangings of equal number of domestic terrorist enablers.

I wonder if the murderers name was Ahmed instead of Adam what their reaction would be?
Let's just ban guns and trust in the government and criminals everywhere not go harm us.

Behold the typical right wing mind. These are people who 'look' like adults, but their mind never moved past the 1st grader who is taught to hide under their desk. Their minds are not only childlike, their little brains are infested with FEAR.
The enablers would be those who want to take away guns from the law abiding citizens?

You know freak, if you take a step back and read all the postings on the 2nd amendment threads here, there is not ONE liberal or Democrat who is calling for banning ALL guns. Even Senators and Congressmen with A ratings from the NRA are calling for sensible gun laws. And behold you and your counterparts. YOU are the extremists, the zealots, the absolutists. What it is boiling down to is YOU are defending Adam Lanza's right to eviscerate a whole classroom of 1st graders.
Behold the typical right wing mind. These are people who 'look' like adults, but their mind never moved past the 1st grader who is taught to hide under their desk. Their minds are not only childlike, their little brains are infested with FEAR.

Behold, someone who's avatar is the liberty bell, but wants to restrict, and do away with liberty.
You didn't? REALLY? Sure looks like it to me...the one you insulted. did.

Standard issue Yurt...completely incapable of discussing ANYTHING with me honestly no matter how trivial the topic.

funny how you dishonestly ignore the part where i addressed your amendment concerns:

if you want to freeze the second, then why not the first?

you claimed this thread was only about the 2nd amendment. interestingly, others have brought up other amendments, but you are only concerned about me doing so. it makes sense to bring it up because someone suggested we limit "arms" to those that were available when the second was written. if the person wants to limit the 2nd to that time period, why not the first?
and for every public hanging of an innocent gun owner, we'll just eliminate a whole family of anti-gunners.

you really hang on to that strawman, don't you?

Glad to see you're still supporting gunning down innocent little children. How proud your mother should be of you, traitor!

Behold, someone who's avatar is the liberty bell, but wants to restrict, and do away with liberty.

There are other, more important, guarantees in the Constitution. One of them being "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The parents of 20 dead children have been denied that right at the hands of gun advocates.
Glad to see you're still supporting gunning down innocent little children. How proud your mother should be of you, traitor!

There are other, more important, guarantees in the Constitution. One of them being "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The parents of 20 dead children have been denied that right at the hands of gun advocates.

there is no gurantee of life in the Constitution
lmao...after whining about petty attacks and insults....what does zappa do?

I gave back what I received...

But surprise that two-faced Yurt ONCE AGAIN ignores the petty insults directed at me in the post I was responding to, and instead attacks me for not letting others push me around.
Behold, someone who's avatar is the liberty bell, but wants to restrict, and do away with liberty.

Behold the childlike response, the polarized, absolutist argument. There is no moderate adult position that they don't see as taking ALL their guns.

NO right is absolute. The 1st amendment doesn't mean you can scream fire in a crowded theater, or show pornography to children.

Grow the fuck up you right wing pea brains.
Glad to see you're still supporting gunning down innocent little children. How proud your mother should be of you, traitor!

There are other, more important, guarantees in the Constitution. One of them being "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The parents of 20 dead children have been denied that right at the hands of gun advocates.

wrong. they lost their children because of one lunatic. it is absolutely horrendous that you would place the blame on all the people who support gun rights.
wrong. they lost their children because of one lunatic. it is absolutely horrendous that you would place the blame on all the people who support gun rights.

If your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists hadn't struck down the assault weapons ban, Lanza wouldn't have had a legal weapon of mass destruction to murder those 1st graders. Maybe he would have had to use a hand gun, which is much less accurate. And he wouldn't have been able to fire off as many rounds without reloading. ALL opportunities for someone to intervene.

The blood is on your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists.
wrong. they lost their children because of one lunatic. it is absolutely horrendous that you would place the blame on all the people who support gun rights.

What is horrendous is that you believe the batshit crazy gun nuts that suffer down to the rest of us idiotic gun legislation don't bear some responsibility in those murders and all others for that matter. A new day is coming. You probably won't like it. In the meanwhile, FUCK OFF AND EAT SHIT.
there is no gurantee of life in the Constitution

There is in the Declaration of Independence, from your beloved Jefferson:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
What is horrendous is that you believe the batshit crazy gun nuts that suffer down to the rest of us idiotic gun legislation don't bear some responsibility in those murders and all others for that matter. A new day is coming. You probably won't like it. In the meanwhile, FUCK OFF AND EAT SHIT.

how do they bear responsibility? be specific.