Liberal gun bullshit

Rana, automatic weapons were outlawed in 1934. Do some reasearch.
not true. automatic weapons weren't 'regulated' until 1934. That was when a $200 transfer tax was applied to them. It wasn't until 1986 that civilians were prohibited from owning them, but only if they were manufactered AFTER 5/19/1986. all automatics before then were (and are) still quite legal if the tax stamp is valid. Now, Rana, ask the ATF why there are some 20,000 machine guns owned by politically connected people that can't be accounted for in the national registry database that has NEVER been accurate.
Ask the FBI why I am on a list, and when I leave the country I need to sit at customs for 2 hours longer than anyoe else, while they try to find out why I am on the list.
Ask them why they will not tell me why I am on their list.
Because I have some blogs? So much for the first ammendment, now it's the second, who knows what tommorow.

So, you do fear the government because you have been targeted. I have never had this experience,other than being patted down at the airport. I did not feel it was tyrannical. I felt it was a damned inconvenience, but it is due to the paranoia of the people. If the people truly didn't wasn't the TSA, it would be gone,as would all the other measures you referenced, but to a degree, people like the allusion to safety it gives them.
anyone who has read my postings about police brutality, and no accountability for those brutal acts, and isn't afraid of their government is too stupid to be let out in public!!!!

drones, domestic surveillance, wiretapping and email sharking ring a bell??

again, read my posts!

and yet it is the reality of today

You forgot about cell phones. They know what you say, and where you are when you say it.
So, you do fear the government because you have been targeted. I have never had this experience,other than being patted down at the airport. I did not feel it was tyrannical. I felt it was a damned inconvenience, but it is due to the paranoia of the people. If the people truly didn't wasn't the TSA, it would be gone,as would all the other measures you referenced, but to a degree, people like the allusion to safety it gives them.
I notice you've ignored my post about tyranny. why is that???
No. Slow down. Think. You have a wonderful mind, please use it now.

No, this is what your line of thinking leads. One can see all laws as leading to tryanny. It is ridiculous.

Funny, how a brilliant mind becomes less so when it doesn't agree with the stated position.

I thinkwe have to be aware and informed, I don't think I have to be paranoid. I don't think restrictions to gun control means tryanny. I see countries with stricter gun control and there is no tryanny, it is a scare tactic.
not true. automatic weapons weren't 'regulated' until 1934. That was when a $200 transfer tax was applied to them. It wasn't until 1986 that civilians were prohibited from owning them, but only if they were manufactered AFTER 5/19/1986. all automatics before then were (and are) still quite legal if the tax stamp is valid. Now, Rana, ask the ATF why there are some 20,000 machine guns owned by politically connected people that can't be accounted for in the national registry database that has NEVER been accurate.

Just machine guns were banned in '34?
I think his question was not 'do we have a tyrannical government today'... but rather, 'is it not a slippery slope that we are on?'

Does saying 'we will JUST take away guns with high numbers of rounds in the mags' lead to 'now we will take JUST the guns with semi auto features'... etc...

Does the killing of JUST one US Citizen without trial lead to JUST ten... etc...

It was Rune's point, but others are stating we live in tryanny.
No, this is what your line of thinking leads. One can see all laws as leading to tryanny. It is ridiculous.

Funny, how a brilliant mind becomes less so when it doesn't agree with the stated position.

I thinkwe have to be aware and informed, I don't think I have to be paranoid. I don't think restrictions to gun control means tryanny. I see countries with stricter gun control and there is no tryanny, it is a scare tactic.

Rana, I didn't say you stopped being brilliant. I asked you a series of questions, I don't think you took the time to read them.

Right now we have americans being held without charges filed, we have at least one case of an american condemmed and killed without due process, we have no protection against search and seizure, we have americans on do not fly lists with no accountability. I am not saying we are actively in tyranny, but I am saying we are headed that way.
I would like a restriction placed on military style automatic weapons and the number of rounds in a clip. I know total gun restriction is not realistic, but some restrictions are necessary.

I would also like better enforcement of current gun laws and stricter sentences or people who use Gus in the omission of a crime. Will it stop all crime, no, but we can't just let gun ownership run rampant, either!


I guess I just don't get what a restriction on rounds in a clip would do. It is arbitrary and the ease of changing clips makes it rather moot.

I am all for punishing those who use guns in a crime more harshly. But again you strike the real point. No matter what we do, we will not stop all crime. So we need these regulations to make sense. But I do not see anything that we could have done to change the outcome of what happened in this case.
I would hate to live that way, but I am one of those nutty people who believe our thoughts manifest our future, so I try to live as paranoia free as possible, I try to avoid manifesting negative events in my life. Itry to be aware of my surroundings, but I don't fear them.

Reading some of STY's posts are really creepy.

His is literally a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I would like a restriction placed on military style automatic weapons and the number of rounds in a clip. I know total gun restriction is not realistic, but some restrictions are necessary.

I would also like better enforcement of current gun laws and stricter sentences or people who use Gus in the omission of a crime. Will it stop all crime, no, but we can't just let gun ownership run rampant, either!

First of all, "automatic" weapons are already illegal. "Semi" automatic, simply means the weapon has the mechanism to automatically discharge the shell and prepare the weapon for the next shot. This is merely a convenience feature. Next point, the "style" of the weapon is academic, it wouldn't matter if it looked like something Pee Wee Herman would use and was painted pink. The weapon happens to be styled in the manner of a military weapon, this is an aesthetics feature which has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the weapon. It's akin to protesting "fast cars" by claiming we shouldn't paint them red!

We have the right to keep and bear arms, and the perpetrator in CT was not a legal and responsible gun owner, he didn't even own a gun. He did not obey the laws, so there is no law you could put in place that would have prevented him from doing what he did. Had someone at that school been allowed to carry a weapon, perhaps they could have stopped him? If it wasn't nearly impossible to have someone committed for psychiatric evaluation, perhaps this would have never happened? And if we lived in a society that actually respected life and treasured it, along with instilling decent moral values and respect for those who have them, perhaps things would have been different? There are a billion reasons for why this tragedy occurred, and to simply bow up and demand we dismantle the Constitution and deny law-abiding people the right to arm themselves, is NOT the solution here.

I guess I just don't get what a restriction on rounds in a clip would do. It is arbitrary and the ease of changing clips makes it rather moot.

I am all for punishing those who use guns in a crime more harshly. But again you strike the real point. No matter what we do, we will not stop all crime. So we need these regulations to make sense. But I do not see anything that we could have done to change the outcome of what happened in this case.

Limiting the carnage done before intervention. Making it necessary to reload sooner. Limiting the access to semi automatic guns.
Ask the FBI why I am on a list, and when I leave the country I need to sit at customs for 2 hours longer than anyoe else, while they try to find out why I am on the list.
Ask them why they will not tell me why I am on their list.
Because I have some blogs? So much for the first ammendment, now it's the second, who knows what tommorow.




sitting at customs for two WHOLE hours?

In a row?

You are right...we live in tyranny!