Liberal gun bullshit

I guess I just read too many historical novels, because to me tyranny is when you are held, beaten and then maybe released, but then again, they might hold you and forget about you.

noun, plural tyr·an·nies.
1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5. undue severity or harshness.
Yes, that is happening. Americans are being held, without charge, incommunicado.

Yes, it does happen, but for me, not to the degree where I see my government as tryannical to the point that I need to stockpile arms, munitions, medical supplies and food. I am not that paranoid and I don't see reaonable gun control as heading towards tryanny. I also don't see the foolishness in trying to ban all guns, but I don't believe banning guns leads to tryanny, there are too many nations who have done it.
No, it just means I'm not an impatient little bitch whining because the line is too long.

Your problem is you've become used to the "instant gratification" society we live in and you just can't stand having to wait




to get what you want!

Oh the horror!
you totally ignored the point. don't blame you. it makes you look retarded.
I guess I just read too many historical novels, because to me tyranny is when you are held, beaten and then maybe released, but then again, they might hold you and forget about you.
you mean like gitmo? or rendition overseas? waterboarding? or the dozens of examples i've posted throughout the months???
Yes, it does happen, but for me, not to the degree where I see my government as tryannical to the point that I need to stockpile arms, munitions, medical supplies and food.
which again proves you don't know what freedom is. when one persons rights are violated or ignored, ALL of our rights are violated or ignored. evil flourishes if good men do nothing. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
False... all of those were created in a bipartisan manner.

And they were all created in a Republican controlled House of Representatives, a Republican controlled Senate, and a Republican controlled White House.

They were all ushered in during Republican administrations.

You expect Obama to take ownership of failures you believe he's made...take ownership of the Government overreach created by Republicans.
And they were all created in a Republican controlled House of Representatives, a Republican controlled Senate, and a Republican controlled White House.

They were all ushered in during Republican administrations.

You expect Obama to take ownership of failures you believe he's made...take ownership of the Government overreach created by Republicans.
then take ownership of democrats strengthening the same things.
You mean the point that you feel that a two hour wait at customs is proof of governmental tyranny?

Yeah...a two hour the hell did you survive such TYRANNY?!?

You are full of shit right now Zappa. The point was being on a list, not the wait.
You mean the point that you feel that a two hour wait at customs is proof of governmental tyranny?

Yeah...a two hour the hell did you survive such TYRANNY?!?
no, moron. the point that he has to do it EVERY TIME. EVERY TIME. and EVERY TIME that it's cleared up, the DHS and TSA do not bother removing him from the no fly list, so he has to do EVERY TIME!! of course we see that doesn't matter to you because 1) it's not happening to you and 2) it makes you feel safer.
noun, plural tyr·an·nies.
1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5. undue severity or harshness.

Phew...thank goodness we don't have to worry about this guy anymore!
