Liberals and One Party Rule

and, from the moment we sent combat troops into Vietnam (i.e. when we went to WAR), the marginal tax rate did NOT go down, as it did during Iraq. How fucking dumb are YOU?

Dear dimwit; in 1960 marginal tax rates were at 91%. By the end of the war in 1972, the marginal tax rate was 70%. Now I don't know what planet you're on, but in the REAL world that indicates they went down.

And yes, you really are THAT stupid and THAT uninformed.

By the way, did you know that when marginal rates are reduced Federal revenue still goes up?
There never, and I mean never, was a surplus. And the reality is the war spending was outside the budgets, the spending was high before the war spending. Every year he made a budget.

Well, that depends on what data you wish to view; if we are talking revenue less spending, yes there was a surplus.

I don't have "talking points", it is simple observation.

Well, you’re observations are not based on facts then.

Year 1, that budget was passed by Clinton.

Wrong; it was signed into law, passed by Republicans in the House and Senate.

Year 2, that spending was almost all proposed and promoted by Bush before the war ever ramped up and wasn't due to the war.

I guess you do not know what “mobilization” means then.


Bush projected, on average, $150 Billion deficits in each budget, then had continuing resolutions for the war spending. He never made an effort to balance a budget.

Once again; show me a war that was fought with a balanced budget.

His actions tell me he was no conservative.

You probably believe this because you have a distorted perception about actual spending versus revenues and the funding of wars.
OR, perhaps you believe there is such a thing as the perfect politician?

Tell me his conservative "bonafides" that are somewhere listed in your fantasy. If the list consists of "was against abortion and stem cell research"... well, that's simply not enough. One isn't conservative solely because they believe in an invisible sky magician and think the book of spells tells them not to kill a zygote. Constitutionally limited government is what makes a conservative, and that man made no effort to protect the constitution from draconian power grabs in the name of the "War on Terrorism".

So in your mind, 9-11 never happened. Got it. ;)
Correct. Those are Bush's projected budgets pre-war spending.

Wrong; the numbers I gave were not budget numbers, they were actual spending versus revenue.

He spent like a drunken idiot, never even once tried to balance the budget, promoted his stupid pill bill and amnesty at the first opportunity, and outspent almost every President before him.

Again, what President ever ran a balanced budget or surplus during a time of war?

He was not a conservative by any measure that counts. His only claim to the description was his stance on the protection of Zygotes, and there are many religious lefties who have that same stance.

Zygotes? There's not a real Santa Claus either.
Now clearly the Republican House has battled Obama (and a Democratic Senate) to bring down spending. But that same Congress allowed Bush to spend at will.

•Spending growth in Bush’s first seven years: 8%, 7%, 6%, 8%, 7%, 3%, 9%.
•Spending growth in Obama’s six years: 13%, 6%, 2%, -3%, 5%, 2%.

This line in the article from CATO resonated with me.

""Partisan Republicans are probably tired of fiscal conservatives and libertarians complaining about Bush’s big spending, especially when Obama has done so much damage to limited government. But Republicans are fooling themselves if they think that the overspending problem has been confined just to the other party. The sooner people understand that overspending it is a deep and chronic disease with bipartisan roots, the sooner we can start finding a lasting cure.""
Dear dimwit; in 1960 marginal tax rates were at 91%. By the end of the war in 1972, the marginal tax rate was 70%. Now I don't know what planet you're on, but in the REAL world that indicates they went down.

And yes, you really are THAT stupid and THAT uninformed.

By the way, did you know that when marginal rates are reduced Federal revenue still goes up?

from the day we committed anything more than a handful of advisors in Vietnam, our marginal tax rate did not go down even one percent.... unlike Iraq.
Now clearly the Republican House has battled Obama (and a Democratic Senate) to bring down spending. But that same Congress allowed Bush to spend at will.

•Spending growth in Bush’s first seven years: 8%, 7%, 6%, 8%, 7%, 3%, 9%.
•Spending growth in Obama’s six years: 13%, 6%, 2%, -3%, 5%, 2%.

This line in the article from CATO resonated with me.

""Partisan Republicans are probably tired of fiscal conservatives and libertarians complaining about Bush’s big spending, especially when Obama has done so much damage to limited government. But Republicans are fooling themselves if they think that the overspending problem has been confined just to the other party. The sooner people understand that overspending it is a deep and chronic disease with bipartisan roots, the sooner we can start finding a lasting cure.""

Interesting quote; but when I look at the number of years Democrats have totally controlled the congress since 1940, 50 years, versus how many years Republicans have, 13 years, I find it hard to be able to fault them with the massive overspending of the Federal Government since 1940.

If over the last 78 years the minority party has only held the reigns of total control 16.6% of the time, it is a vast stretch to argue they are to blame for BIG Government spending. Particularly when FOUR of those years Congress wasn't deficit spending, EQUAL to the four years Democrats had no deficit.
from the day we committed anything more than a handful of advisors in Vietnam, our marginal tax rate did not go down even one percent.... unlike Iraq.

I know you want to play in the never ending circle of stupidity about what constitutes troop levels, but Vietnam was an immense undeclared war by Democratic leaders and extremely costly; so you are right, UNLIKE Iraq, which was not undelcared or nearly as costly in lives.

In addition, marginal tax rates were indeed reduced during that war contrary to your efforts to remain blissfully ignorant and wallow in DNC partisan talking points.

U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s, with troop levels tripling in 1961 and again in 1962.

Regular U.S. combat units were deployed beginning in 1965.

Direct U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973

Marginal Tax rates
1960 - 91%
1961 - 91%
1962 - 91%
1963 - 91%
1964 - 77%
1965 - 70%
1966 - 70%
1967 - 70%
1968 - 75.25%
1969 - 77%
1970 - 71.75%
1971 - 70%
1972 - 70%

No matter how you parse it, during that costly UNDECLARED war, marinal tax rates WERE REDUCED.

Now I know you want to wallow in the circle of stupidity; but this started when I asked this question:

Please find me a war where we had a balanced budget or surplus?

Your response was this:

Post #63
what war, up until Bush's invasion of Iraq, was ever fought without a tax increase on the citizenry to help defray the costs of it?

To which I responded: Historical marginal tax rates were unchanged through WWII, Korea and Vietnam Wars. Perhaps you have some made up data arguing otherwise?

Your next dimwitted response without sharing any facts was:

Post #65
let me rephrase... what war, until Bush's war in Iraq, was ever fought while simultaneously CUTTING taxes on the citizenry?

To which the above data indicates CLEARLY that during the more costly undeclared Vietnam War, we actually had tax rate reductions and they were by a Democratic controlled congress.

Now you can continue removing any doubt you’re a complete uninformed idiot prattling off moronic talking points, or accept the FACTS I have given you that destroy your hyper partisan rhetoric.

I don’t know how ANY ignoramuses on the left like you can rant and rail about Bush’s war spending and efforts yet ignore the costly UNDECLARED war of Vietnam started by Democrats and ended by Nixon.

But you really are THAT stupid so I cannot say I find your ignorance surprising.
Interesting quote; but when I look at the number of years Democrats have totally controlled the congress since 1940, 50 years, versus how many years Republicans have, 13 years, I find it hard to be able to fault them with the massive overspending of the Federal Government since 1940.

If over the last 78 years the minority party has only held the reigns of total control 16.6% of the time, it is a vast stretch to argue they are to blame for BIG Government spending. Particularly when FOUR of those years Congress wasn't deficit spending, EQUAL to the four years Democrats had no deficit.
You don't get control often, because dems double your market returns.
Marginal Tax rates
1960 - 91%
1961 - 91%
1962 - 91%
1963 - 91%
1964 - 77%
1965 - 70%
1966 - 70%
1967 - 70%
1968 - 75.25%
1969 - 77%
1970 - 71.75%
1971 - 70%
1972 - 70%

these statistics prove my point. marginal tax rates were at 70% prior to our sending combat troops to Vietnam, and their three year bump ABOVE 70% corresponded to our large influx of combat troops during those years. We raised taxes to finance that increase, and we returned the tax rate back to 70% - but not lower - when the troop strength levels started to be reduced.
Reagan ballooned the debt TD

No Desh, the efforts of Tip O'Neil and his Democrat counterpart in the Senate did. But you're a dimwit stuck on permanent stupid who has the historic memory of an ant and lack even the slightest clue about how our Government works.

You see shit-for-brains, Reagan had to work with a Democrat controlled Congress who declared ALL of his budgets DOA. Presidents cannot write spending legislation, they can only veto it, or pass it.

Now run along and let the adults debate; you're I'll equipped for it much like your dullard buddy The Dimwit..I mean Dude.
these statistics prove my point. marginal tax rates were at 70% prior to our sending combat troops to Vietnam, and their three year bump ABOVE 70% corresponded to our large influx of combat troops during those years. We raised taxes to finance that increase, and we returned the tax rate back to 70% - but not lower - when the troop strength levels started to be reduced.

Your remarkably stupid efforts to remain a partisan dimwitted buffoon contrary to any facts have been noted.

Dismissed; rational debate with morons like you is beyond the capacity of bandwidth on the www.
That's usually how you refute facts
Republitard Fox News dimwit

Wrong again dimwit as evidenced by this thread; but you NEVER add anything beyond your dimwitted simple canards.

The reason for your special brand of stupid is simple and apparent; because you really are THAT stupid.
Your remarkably stupid efforts to remain a partisan dimwitted buffoon contrary to any facts have been noted.

Dismissed; rational debate with morons like you is beyond the capacity of bandwidth on the www.
I noticed that you conveniently forget to include - as usual - any substantive rebuttal to the point I made. boooooring!