LIVE THREAD: Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate

Holy Moly! Biden is doing worse than I've ever seen him do in modern history... I don't think he's actually said one sentence without a correction or three and can't get a number right to save his life.
trump machine-gunned so many lies it's going to take the fact checkers a week to sort them out.
Yah... I didn't "make that up" and pretending observation isn't information whereon you can build an opinion is very "Trumpian" of you. :rolleyes:

I think that it isn't very "Trumpian" of me to have thought that Biden would do better than this.

Do you really think that crappy insults with no basis in reality are going to hurt me? Jarod, do better.
Then link up to your evidence that "they" gave him medication.
“I have the biggest heart on the stage, I guarantee you that.”
OMG I was dying when he said that! Then again trump can't say a single sentence without superlatives. He talks like a high schooler... a high schooler with a really limited vocabulary.