LIVE THREAD: Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate

Biden did poorly.

Trump lied his ass off, but that won’t matter.
I agree. Biden also lied his ass off... that also will not matter. The appearance of old man brain on stage is going to hurt, and the "excuse" of "he had a cold" will not convince anyone but the faithful.
I agree. Biden also lied his ass off... that also will not matter. The appearance of old man brain on stage is going to hurt, and the "excuse" of "he had a cold" will not convince anyone but the faithful.
So, you supported Trump before. You support him now. How bizarre!
I agree. Biden also lied his ass off... that also will not matter. The appearance of old man brain on stage is going to hurt, and the "excuse" of "he had a cold" will not convince anyone but the faithful.
Jill was there!
The Dems are all in total meltdown!
Nah. trump spouted so many lies it's hard to believe anyone could take him seriously.

I really loved the trump howler that Democrats support after-birth abortion. Is he too stupid to understand that killing a baby after birth is murder and not legal anywhere?
Something for the Not Morons to notice:

JUST IN: CNN is refusing to allow journalists into the studio for the presidential debate this evening as the Biden team and CNN desperately try to rig the debate in Biden's favor.The White House Correspondents Association released the following statement:WHCA is deeply concerned that CNN has rejected our repeated requests to include the White House travel pool inside the studio. Through conversations and advocacy, we urged CNN to grant access to at least one print pool reporter for the duration of the debate. WHCA has been informed that one print reporter will be permitted to enter the studio during a commercial break to briefly observe the setting. That is not sufficient in our view and diminishes a core principle of presidential coverage. The White House pool has a duty to document, report and witness the president’s events and his movements on behalf of the American people. The pool is there for the “what ifs?” in a world where the unexpected does happen.The pool reporter works on behalf of the entire White House press corps. Print pool reports are an important part of the historical record. Further, the pool is screened by the US Secret Service and travels with the president on Air Force One so there is no security issue. The Biden campaign told WHCA it supports our request. The Trump campaign told WHCA it would not oppose the inclusion of the White House pool reporter. The Trump campaign has a separate press corps.Tonight’s debate will have no audience present and includes format rules that can silence candidates’ microphones. We don’t know how this will play out in real time. A pool reporter is there to observe what is said and done when microphones are off or when either candidate is not seen on camera but may speak, gesture, move, or engage in some way.WHCA believes this principle of coverage matters. The White House travel pool has been included in past presidential debates and we believe that standard of access is essential. Precedent matters for future debates.


Democracy dies in darkness.

What are they hiding?