Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

There's everything political about plastering the whole classroom in LGBTPDQRSTUV+- whatever paraphernalia, flags, etc. and putting that agenda into lessons, particularly for children who are pre-pubescent.
You're overreacting which is ironic considering what you said.
Kinda self explanatory, Frank. Whatever/whoever your Lord God might be. If you have none, so be it. No one is forcing you to read/look at them.
That is actually the way you feel? Truly?

In Louisiana they will be there by force of LAW.

And the best you can say of that is that you do not have to look at them?
Gov. Jeff Landry signed legislation on Wednesday requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in Louisiana, making the state the only one with such a mandate and reigniting the debate over how porous the boundary between church and state should be.

This is clear violation of first amendment.
The PEOPLE of that state must want it. This is called democracy. People vote for politicians that will put in place things they agree with . If you do not like it,...tough shit,...than dont live there. Pretty simple. Elections have consequences,......REMEMBER?
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The Quran doesn't have a clear set of ten commandments in it. There are verses that together, scattered through it, might parallel the ten commandments, but no one verse or two does that.

I see no harm however in quoting some religious text or another, be it Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or whatever where the quote conveys what virtually anyone would consider good values, like You cannot commit murder. Foisting heavy doses of any religion on schools should be avoided. There are religious schools for those parents that want their children to grow up in that environment, and we should have that choice too.
Hey dumbfuck, it’s not the “don’t steal” part of the Commandments we’re talking about here.
That is actually the way you feel? Truly?

In Louisiana they will be there by force of LAW.

And the best you can say of that is that you do not have to look at them?


Yep again. Don't look at them if you're offended. Pretty simple, eh?
The PEOPLE of that state must want it. This is called democracy. People vote for politicians that will put in place things they agree with . If you do not like it,...tough shit,...than dont live there. Pretty simple. Elections have consequences,......REMEMBER?
You should think about what you just said in regards to the USA currently and who is the president.

If you do not like it,...tough shit,...than dont live there. Pretty simple. Elections have consequences,......REMEMBER?
“It’s our foundational law. Our sense of right and wrong is based off of the Ten Commandments,” he told The Washington Post, adding that Moses is a historical figure and not just a religious one.

“The Ten Commandments is as much about civilization and right and wrong,” Bayham said. “It does not say you have to be this particular faith or that particular faith.”

Absolutely it does.

No, it does not.
I'm surprised they didn't want trump's 10 commandments posted..
