Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

Yet you whine Jesus will throw people into hell for not believing in him. You people just say whatever stupid shit seems to make to advance the narrative in the moment.

So in your version of Christianity what does happen to people who fail to believe in Jesus?

I know there are some variants of the faith that believe in "Hell" as being merely non-existence...no life after death, while many very real and very standard variants think of Hell as eternal punishment.

(Also: are you sure @Cypress whines about that?)
...until the Muslims decide to force their faith on you.

(Why so short sighted? Do you think you want religious conflict? Is that your jam?)
Depends on what you mean by "force". If muzzies want to put up a poster I don't care. That doesn't force Islam on me anymore than a poster with the 10 commandments for es Christianity onto me. You might want to sort out what youre trying to say before you say it.
Depends on what you mean by "force".

You know...gettin a law signed by the governor. That kind of force.

If muzzies want to put up a poster I don't care.

At your expense? How ecumenical of you!

That doesn't force Islam on me anymore than a poster with the 10 commandments for es Christianity onto me. You might want to sort out what youre trying to say before you say it.

So long as you would be OK with your tax dollars supporting Islam then I guess we have nothing to discuss. I'm not but hey, you do you.
So in your version of Christianity what does happen to people who fail to believe in Jesus?

I know there are some variants of the faith that believe in "Hell" as being merely non-existence...no life after death, while many very real and very standard variants think of Hell as eternal punishment.

(Also: are you sure @Cypress whines about that?)
In actual Christianity Jesus decides that. Scripture is clear just calling oneself a Christian is insufficient.

That's not the point though. One one hand you twits appeal to Jesus kindness when it suits you but also bash him for his judgement when thats suits your narrative. In other words you talk out both sides of your mouth. It's intellectual laziness.
Yet you whine Jesus will throw people into hell for not believing in him. You people just say whatever stupid shit seems to make to advance the narrative in the moment.
What whining? The sermon on the Mount is the cornerstone of the Christian ethical life, but Holy Rollers seem to pretend it doesn't exist.

Probably because it is hard to put into practice.

Murder and theft are easy to refrain from doing. That's a low moral bar to clear.

But ensuring you do not carry hate, anger , resentment, lust, judgement in your heart takes remarkable self discipline. And I feel like MAGA morons actually enjoy clinging to their hate and judgement.
You know...gettin a law signed by the governor. That kind of force.

At your expense? How ecumenical of you!

So long as you would be OK with your tax dollars supporting Islam then I guess we have nothing to discuss. I'm not but hey, you do you.
No one is forced to believe in or become a Christian because of a poster of the 10 commandments. Unless you can show how.

Tax dollars are spent on A LOT of things I dont like. Whats your point?
What whining? The sermon on the Mount is the cornerstone of the Christian ethical life, but Holy Rollers seem to pretend it doesn't exist.

Probably because it is hard to put into practice.

Murder and theft are easy to refrain from doing. That's a low moral bar to clear.

But ensuring you do not carry hate, anger , resentment, lust, judgement in your heart takes remarkable self discipline. And I feel like MAGA morons actually enjoy clinging to their hate and judgement.
Follow the 10 commandments and the sermon on the mount is fulfilled.

Very hard.

That's a woefully simple understanding of murder and theft.

Like the hate leftists have for trump? I agree.
In actual Christianity Jesus decides that. Scripture is clear just calling oneself a Christian is insufficient.

But it is REQUIRED that one believe in Christ as their savior for one to get into Heaven, which means that without AT LEAST that minimum requirement there is only one other option.

Just curious what your sect says that is.

That's not the point though. One one hand you twits appeal to Jesus kindness when it suits you but also bash him for his judgement when thats suits your narrative.

You misinterpret. The "bashing" of Jesus or God for the punishment bit is actually just a critique of the theology. As an atheist I don't believe in those things but I CAN and DO see great value in Jesus' teachings about love of others and care for others.

I don't know why that is such a tough concept.

In other words you talk out both sides of your mouth. It's intellectual laziness.

No. It's basically saying "the theology/supernatural stuff has logical problems with it, chief among this is the God who so loved the world turning around and eternally punishing some of his creation for being what he created them to be: imperfect."

It's pretty easy to see the good stuff without reference to the supernatural stuff.

If I complain about God's behavior in the OT for example (eg 1Sam15:3) that doesn't mean I don't see great value in the Torah's various demands that the poor and the immigrant be treated kindly and helped out.

I just find it theologically flawed for the self-same God who commands people not to murder is the same God who commanded the murder of infants and non-combatants via his prophet in the case of the Amelekites. Doesn't mean I find "murder" to be a questionable evil. I can still find murder to be worthy of a commandment against it.
A Utah school district has decided to remove copies of the King James Bible from library shelves, after a parent alleged the religious text violated a recently passed state law banning inappropriate books.

Bible banned from Utah school district for ‘vulgarity and violence’


No one is forced to believe in or become a Christian because of a poster of the 10 commandments. Unless you can show how.

That is not the point. You seem to be missing the FACT that this will be PAID FOR BY OUR TAXES.

So if you want YOUR tax money to support Islam then DEFINITELY support this kind of legislation. Because it opens the door to that exact thing.

Tax dollars are spent on A LOT of things I dont like. Whats your point?

And how many of them are antithetical to the US Constitution? If you have a case, present it to the courts.
But it is REQUIRED that one believe in Christ as their savior for one to get into Heaven, which means that without AT LEAST that minimum requirement there is only one other option.

Just curious what your sect says that is.

You misinterpret. The "bashing" of Jesus or God for the punishment bit is actually just a critique of the theology. As an atheist I don't believe in those things but I CAN and DO see great value in Jesus' teachings about love of others and care for others.

I don't know why that is such a tough concept.

No. It's basically saying "the theology/supernatural stuff has logical problems with it, chief among this is the God who so loved the world turning around and eternally punishing some of his creation for being what he created them to be: imperfect."

It's pretty easy to see the good stuff without reference to the supernatural stuff.

If I complain about God's behavior in the OT for example (eg 1Sam15:3) that doesn't mean I don't see great value in the Torah's various demands that the poor and the immigrant be treated kindly and helped out.

I just find it theologically flawed for the self-same God who commands people not to murder is the same God who commanded the murder of infants and non-combatants via his prophet in the case of the Amelekites. Doesn't mean I find "murder" to be a questionable evil. I can still find murder to be worthy of a commandment against it.
But scripture is clear salvation is God's to dispense and faith alone is insufficient.

It's funny how you people NEVER misinterpret anything. Again it's lazy

No one is required to believe the 10 commandments if they are listed in a classroom. Period.
But scripture is clear salvation is God's to dispense and faith alone is insufficient.

This is a bit of logic perhaps we are missing each other on. I'm not saying it is SUFFICIENT but it IS NECESSARY.

It's funny how you people NEVER misinterpret anything. Again it's lazy

It's also funny that you aren't actually following my point.

No one is required to believe the 10 commandments if they are listed in a classroom. Period.

And, again, you ignore my point which I've made many times now. It isn't the "believing" part I'm complaining about. It's the MONEY PART. My money shouldn't go to support YOUR faith.

I honestly don't know how a Conservative can miss this crucial point.

Because I know with 100% accuracy that if it were the Muslims getting such a law in place for their faith you'd be screaming to high heaven.
That is not the point. You seem to be missing the FACT that this will be PAID FOR BY OUR TAXES.

So if you want YOUR tax money to support Islam then DEFINITELY support this kind of legislation. Because it opens the door to that exact thing.

And how many of them are antithetical to the US Constitution? If you have a case, present it to the courts.
But it is the point, you desire to ignore it is irrelevant. The Constitution only says the govt cannot ESTABLISH a religion. Posting the 10 commandments doesnt ESTABLISH any religion.

Lots of them. The department of education. The Constitution does not authorize the govt to engage in education.
What is weird is that a rainbow flag in a classroom promotes the gay agenda but the 10 commandments doesn't promote christian agenda?

Interesting isn't it?
Follow the 10 commandments and the sermon on the mount is fulfilled.
Nope, you don't even understand your own religion. Sermon on the Mount reformulates and reimagines the Decalogue, and goes far beyond it.

Not only are you supposed to avoid murdering, you are also supposed to avoid the temptation to retaliate and hate.

Not only are you supposed to love your neighbor, you are commended to love the world, including your enemies.

Even lust in your heart is the same as adultery.

An eye for an eye retributive justice in TaNaKh is rejected; you are supposed to turn the other cheek and not retaliate

The peacemakers, the poor, the sick are the blessed.
This is a bit of logic perhaps we are missing each other on. I'm not saying it is SUFFICIENT but it IS NECESSARY.

It's also funny that you aren't actually following my point.

And, again, you ignore my point which I've made many times now. It isn't the "believing" part I'm complaining about. It's the MONEY PART. My money shouldn't go to support YOUR faith.

I honestly don't know how a Conservative can miss this crucial point.

Because I know with 100% accuracy that if it were the Muslims getting such a law in place for their faith you'd be screaming to high heaven.
Do you not understand the difference? Just say so.