Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

Do you not understand the difference? Just say so.

Something can be NECESSARY and SUFFICIENT. Some other things can be NECESSARY but NOT SUFFICIENT.

If you are unable to parse that then perhaps you could spend a bit of time.

(However, standard Protestant Soteriology actually does make belief in Jesus as one's savior necessary AND sufficient but it appears that is not your particular sect's requirements.)

That was the old God. You know, before he knew murdering children was wrong. The new God, aka Jesus, had it figured out.

I'd even be OK with that exegesis if the Old God wasn't the exact same one that ,BEFORE Saul, made the commandment not to murder. :)
Regressive mutants afflicted with religious superstitions and having political power
are known as the American Taliban
and they're a huge threat to the republic.

If there's anything that upsets me,
it's a young kid who knows the Ten Commitments or whatever the fuck by heart
but doesn't know how to calculate OPS.

That's a sure sign that our civilization is in free-fall.
Nope, you don't even understand your own religion. Sermon on the Mount reformulates and reimagines the Decalogue, and goes far beyond it.

Not only are you supposed to avoid murdering, you are also supposed to avoid the temptation to retaliate and hate.

Not only are you supposed to love your neighbor, you are commended to love the world, including your enemies.

Even lust in your heart is the same as adultery.

An eye for an eye retributive justice in TaNaKh is rejected; you are supposed to turn the other cheek and not retaliate

The peacemakers, the poor, the sick are the blessed.
I understand it far better then you and that's obvious.

Youn STILL didn't understand murder and theft. You do it everyday just like me.
Something can be NECESSARY and SUFFICIENT. Some other things can be NECESSARY but NOT SUFFICIENT.

If you are unable to parse that then perhaps you could spend a bit of time.

(However, standard Protestant Soteriology actually does make belief in Jesus as one's savior necessary AND sufficient but it appears that is not your particular sect's requirements.)
Faith in Jesus is necessary but not sufficient. And AGAIN scripture is VERY clear God can save whoever he wants.
Faith in Jesus is necessary but not sufficient.

Not according to many Protestant congregations. Perhaps you've heard of "Justification by Faith"? Or perhaps you've heard of "sola fide"?

And AGAIN scripture is VERY clear God can save whoever he wants.

It's clear to your sect that your sects beliefs are more true than other sects beliefs. Such is the beauty of religion: it comports with whatever you want it to say. Whatever feels good to you.
I understand it far better then you and that's obvious.

Youn STILL didn't understand murder and theft. You do it everyday just like me.
You don't seem to have read your bible.

Read the versions of the Sermon on the Mount in both Matthew and Luke, then come back here and tell me with a straight face and without lying your ass off that they are basically exactly the same as the Decalogue.

They are even reports of MAGA morons complaining to their ministers they don't want the Sermon on Mount preached in church service, because they seem to enjoy clinging to anger, retaliation, and hate
Not according to many Protestant congregations. Perhaps you've heard of "Justification by Faith"? Or perhaps you've heard of "sola fide"?

It's clear to your sect that your sects beliefs are more true than other sects beliefs. Such is the beauty of religion: it comports with whatever you want it to say. Whatever feels good to you.
Sola fide isn't biblical unless you can show me where. What protestants think is irrelevant

It's what scripture says not what I say.
You don't seem to have read your bible.

Read the versions of the Sermon on the Mount in both Matthew and Luke, then come back here and tell me with a straight face and without lying your ass off that they are basically exactly the same as the Decalogue.

They are even reports of MAGA morons complaining to their ministers they don't want the Sermon on Mount preached in church service, because they seem to enjoy clinging to anger, retaliation, and hate
I didn't say they were the same. Copy and paste my words. It's the same thing with you nitwits every single time. You are talking to the voices in your head not me. If you can't talk to me stop responding.

You people are so lazy
Sola fide isn't biblical unless you can show me where. What protestants think is irrelevant

Nothing any religious person thinks about the supernatural is relevant to reality anyway. I'm merely reminding you that some of your FELLOW BELIEVERS think about it quite differently than you do.

Now I'm sure 100% that your sect got it right and literally everyone else got it wrong (that's your luck to wind up believing in the RIGHT thing) but do be aware that you are not the arbiter of all Christians.
Nothing any religious person thinks about the supernatural is relevant to reality anyway. I'm merely reminding you that some of your FELLOW BELIEVERS think about it quite differently than you do.

Now I'm sure 100% that your sect got it right and literally everyone else got it wrong (that's your luck to wind up believing in the RIGHT thing) but do be aware that you are not the arbiter of all Christians.
That's true and they are wrong. Just because someone "believes" something it doesnt mean they are right. I can defend what I believe from scripture, protestants cannot.

I never claimed to be an arbiter. I'm just telling you what scripture says.
That's true and they are wrong.

Thus sayeth the Lord God almighty.

Just because someone "believes" something it doesnt mean they are right.

Ya don't say!

I can defend what I believe from scripture, protestants cannot.

Lucky for you you will be in Heaven while they are being damned.

I never claimed to be an arbiter. I'm just telling you what scripture says.

Or your interpretation. Either way. You are right and everyone else is wrong. QED.
Thus sayeth the Lord God almighty.

Ya don't say!

Lucky for you you will be in Heaven while they are being damned.

Or your interpretation. Either way. You are right and everyone else is wrong. QED.
Yes in scripture.

Yes because it's true

Where did claim I will be in heaven. I'm trying to get there but just being a Christian isn't sufficient. But post my words or admit you're just intellectually lazy.

No it's quite clear God can give salvation to whoever he wishes.
I never quite understood why holy rollers never wanted the cornerstone of Jesus' teachings posted, the sermon on the Mount.

My theory is that MAGA morons cannot abide by Christ's teachings on anger, hate, judgementalism, peace, love.
you've never understood the sermon.......you think the message was bend over and take it in the ass from unbelievers......