Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

I didn't say they were the same. Copy and paste my words. It's the same thing with you nitwits every single time. You are talking to the voices in your head not me. If you can't talk to me stop responding.

You people are so lazy
The Sermon on the Mount is the standard for Christian righteousness, so you learned something today.
The Sermon on the Mount is the standard for Christian righteousness, so you learned something today.
but you are wrong about that standard, so you must still learn.......the standard, in Jesus' words is unattainable.......that is why he must attain it for us........
Hey dummy, that was my challenge to the bible thumper Yakuda to prove to me that the Sermon on the Mount is basically a repeat of or equivalent to the Decalogue. Because I know they aren't
it is what you wrote.......and repeated by you in your next response when you claimed the Sermon is some standard we must attain....that was the error Christ came to correct........you have only tried to seal it in place in defiance of his words......
Hey dummy, that was my challenge to the bible thumper Yakuda to prove to me that the Sermon on the Mount is basically a repeat of or equivalent to the Decalogue. Because I know they aren't
I did t say it was a repeat you lying piece of shit. Copy and paste my words or admit you're a lying piece of sbit.
it is what you wrote.......and repeated by you in your next response when you claimed the Sermon is some standard we must attain....that was the error Christ came to correct........you have only tried to seal it in place in defiance of his words......
I accept your tacit admission that I never said the Decalogue is the equivalent of the Sermon on the Mount. I asked a bible thumper to prove to me they are supposedly equivalent, because Yakuda's claim was that if you just obey the Decalogue, then that somehow means by default you are obeying the standards of the Sermon on the Mount
they go where they have chosen to go.......if you want to make up your own version of God, make up your own version of heaven and hell as well......then enforce it.......make God let you go there......

Please do try to follow the conversation and look at the point I was addressing. Thanks!
Why do you hate the US Constitution so much?
I'm actually against this. but not strongly.

of course it's an overreach and a waste of time and a distraction and slightly fucked up.

but hey, that's politics and the divide and conquer order ab chao playbook.

it's a mistake. but of course, they must keep amping up the opposition and overreach to generate the charge, like a giant battery.
I did t say it was a repeat you lying piece of shit. Copy and paste my words or admit you're a lying piece of sbit..
Post 69

Yakuda: "Follow the 10 commandments and the sermon on the mount is fulfilled."

Nope, it's not sufficient to just obey the Decalogue and then you will be supposedly emulating the standards of the Sermon on the Mount. Because one is not equal the other.
Post 69

Yakuda: "Follow the 10 commandments and the sermon on the mount is fulfilled."

Nope, it's not sufficient to just obey the Decalogue and then you will be supposedly emulating the standards of the Sermon on the Mount. Because one is not equal the other.
That's not repeating and it's not the same.
Law won’t last long, only a matter of time before it hits the courts, and even Trump’s Court won’t rule over precedent when it comes to religion
Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to our country?!! These people want to make America a Christian Nation?!!:whoa:

Is US democracy in danger from a movement that wants to see America governed according to the Bible? Sky News investigates the growth of Christian nationalism.

How Christian nationalism is going under the radar in this election​

(RNS) — Some far-right Christian lawmakers have proposed that nonreligious Americans are not fit to govern because, without Christ, they are “evil.” Is it possible, given their relative lack of concern about such statements, that nonreligious Americans don’t know what Christian nationalism is?

In fact, it may be expected. As the nonreligious population grows, and as people increasingly choose where they live based on religion and politics, this group has less exposure to conservative Christian politics. While many nonreligious Americans today are aware of the political stakes and players, substantial minorities are socially insulated from religious forces and their effect on political realities as we head toward the 2024 election.

Mobilizing groups into politics can mean introducing terminology that helps people quickly make sense of the political world. Christian nationalism, a worldview seeking and legitimating Christian dominion in the U.S., is the crucial term here. While it may seem obvious that the nonreligious would have interests at stake were Christian nationalists to gain power, it actually comes as a surprise to a number of the nonreligious that they are combatants in a war for America.

A good example of Christian nationalism at work is the Texas Republican Party. As Texas Tribune reporter Robert Downen put it on X recently, “The [2024] Texas GOP convention was one, long and open call for spiritual warfare.” Speaker after speaker reinforced the theme that “they” — a loosely defined set of tags like liberals, globalists and LGBTQ Americans — “want to take God out of the country, and they want the government to be God.”

This “they” also certainly includes anyone who isn’t a Christian: “People that aren’t in Christ have wicked, evil hearts,” said one participant, according to the Tribune.

Proposals passed in the Texas GOP convention have required teaching the Bible in public schools and changing election procedures to protect the interests of rural, largely white, conservative Christians. These measures are designed to allow the government to force Christianity on others and to reinforce the privileged position of white Christians in power — a canonical case of Christian nationalism.

With such blatant Christian nationalism on the march, why aren’t more nonreligious Americans concerned?

The simplest answer may be that they don’t know about it. A recent report by Pew Research Center showed that in February 2024 slim majorities of Americans (54%) said they had not read or heard anything about Christian nationalism. Of those who identify as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular,” Pew found that a substantial minority (44%) had not heard of Christian nationalism.


In actual Christianity Jesus decides that. Scripture is clear just calling oneself a Christian is insufficient.

That's not the point though. One one hand you twits appeal to Jesus kindness when it suits you but also bash him for his judgement when thats suits your narrative. In other words you talk out both sides of your mouth. It's intellectual laziness.
If scripture is so fucking clear, why are there so fucking many sects of Christianity? NT scripture is anything but clear and the gospels disagree with each other on many issues.

In actuality, it wasn’t Jesus who defined what a Christian is. It was Paul and Nicea.