Lutherans allow Sexually Active Gay Priests...

By Anne & Tom Lipe of Damascus, MD

There was a monk named Luther,
As devout as he could be.
You couldn't find a better
monk in all of Germany.

All of the other friars
used to laugh and call him names.
They never dreamed that God would
lead him down the path to fame.

Then one cold October morn
God's call came to him:
"Luther, I think you are right;
I want you to lead my fight."

So then he wrote his theses;
tacked them up for all to see.
And now the Reformation
will go down in history...."

Everybody sing!


Martin Luther's Theses Door - Thesentür - Wittenberg, Germany
The Episcopalians are Protestants, and as far as I know they were the FIRST Protestant denomination in America to accept openly gay priests.

My apologies to any Lutherans or Episcopalians for my error!:FootMouth:
Doooood, do you ever STFU long enough to read the question that you're responding to?
I see that after Martin Luther's incident they put up a fence to keep anyone else from nailing things to it......

A lot of people mis-understand the whole "nailing to the door" concept. The door was the best thing the University could do in terms of not having a bulletin board and tacs, so it was quite common to nail pamphlets to the door.

Luther intended for his college students to give them a cursory glance, and come to class ready to debate them. That is why they are referred to as "theses" and not some other term. Its believed that at the time, he had no intention for them to become widely circulated.
Taichiliberal wrote: The Episcopalians are Protestants, and as far as I know they were the FIRST Protestant denomination in America to accept openly gay priests.

My apologies to any Lutherans or Episcopalians for my error!

Doooood, do you ever STFU long enough to read the question that you're responding to?

Do you ever stay exactly on topic? I made an error within discussing the subject title. I admitted it and corrected it. If you have proof my statement is incorrect, then please enlighten me. If not, then continue the predictable path to slam fest city that you're on.

"Dooood", *shrug*.....quite a repertoire you're building up there, bunky! :rolleyes:
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this is a travesty upon God's word. The sodomites have no place in the priesthood corrupting it with their dirty practices :mad:
Do you ever stay exactly on topic? I made an error within discussing the subject title. I admitted it and corrected it. If you have proof my statement is incorrect, then please enlighten me. If not, then continue the predictable path to slam fest city that you're on.

"Dooood", *shrug*.....quite a repertoire you're building up there, bunky! :rolleyes:

Dooooood, Why would I need to provide proof, when you freely admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about? *shrug*
A lot of people mis-understand the whole "nailing to the door" concept. The door was the best thing the University could do in terms of not having a bulletin board and tacs, so it was quite common to nail pamphlets to the door.

Luther intended for his college students to give them a cursory glance, and come to class ready to debate them. That is why they are referred to as "theses" and not some other term. Its believed that at the time, he had no intention for them to become widely circulated.

Martin Luther also hated j00s.
The issue of gay rights and marriage equality is not going to remain one that is so clearly divided between religious and secular worldviews.

Even if these religious groups are regarded as liberal, they are still entitled to their practice as are traditional and fundamentalist movements.

Moving away from the subject of clergy, we have today religious groups that will recognize same-sex unions and marriages, or wish to if the law would allow it. Anyone is free to disagree based on their own religious philosophy, of course, but the idea of religious freedom cannot function unless both the liberal and traditional are allowed to practice freely.

I don't really see why if this is the reality of our society that anyone would work themselves up too much about preventing what is really an inevitable thing. You'd think traditionalists would be satisfied with their traditions (if they value them and believe in their worth) and not fret too much about what other people are doing.

Especially it seems not much to worry about in the grand scheme if other more liberal people still hold the common desires of having a family, going to church, and paying their taxes.

I don't really see why if this is the reality of our society that anyone would work themselves up too much about preventing what is really an inevitable thing. ....
With that attitude we should just all be socialists because democracies all seem to go down that path anyway; we should all just stop exercising and grow old quickly because we will eventually no matter what; we should not paint our homes because the wood will eventually rot anyway. *shrug*
The issue of gay rights and marriage equality is not going to remain one that is so clearly divided between religious and secular worldviews.

Even if these religious groups are regarded as liberal, they are still entitled to their practice as are traditional and fundamentalist movements.

Moving away from the subject of clergy, we have today religious groups that will recognize same-sex unions and marriages, or wish to if the law would allow it. Anyone is free to disagree based on their own religious philosophy, of course, but the idea of religious freedom cannot function unless both the liberal and traditional are allowed to practice freely.

I don't really see why if this is the reality of our society that anyone would work themselves up too much about preventing what is really an inevitable thing. You'd think traditionalists would be satisfied with their traditions (if they value them and believe in their worth) and not fret too much about what other people are doing.

Especially it seems not much to worry about in the grand scheme if other more liberal people still hold the common desires of having a family, going to church, and paying their taxes.

I agree, and well said, Adam. The idea that what someone else does in their life changes your life has always amazed me.
With that attitude we should just all be socialists because democracies all seem to go down that path anyway; we should all just stop exercising and grow old quickly because we will eventually no matter what; we should not paint our homes because the wood will eventually rot anyway. *shrug*

Well, it's one thing to raise hell about politics and be vigilant about things that impact your life, but this seems to be beyond politics, and is certainly beyond other people's concerns. Our society and my generation particularly has become more accepting of gay people, same-sex couples and their right to do as they please.

And as I said, it's no longer just secular people who are responding with this acceptance, it is even religious institutions who believe that gays and lesbians can make good followers and leaders in their congregations. The simple fact is that sexual orientation has nothing to do with your quality as a human being.

Even if you were someone who believed it to be a sin, it is not as if heterosexual people do not have their own deviant acts and sins to overcome, and we still trust them generally to be parents, clergy, soldiers, athletes, etc.
Well, it's one thing to raise hell about politics and be vigilant about things that impact your life, but this seems to be beyond politics, and is certainly beyond other people's concerns. Our society and my generation particularly has become more accepting of gay people, same-sex couples and their right to do as they please.

And as I said, it's no longer just secular people who are responding with this acceptance, it is even religious institutions who believe that gays and lesbians can make good followers and leaders in their congregations. The simple fact is that sexual orientation has nothing to do with your quality as a human being.

Even if you were someone who believed it to be a sin, it is not as if heterosexual people do not have their own deviant acts and sins to overcome, and we still trust them generally to be parents, clergy, soldiers, athletes, etc.

Organized religions are merely vehicles of brainwashed noahide internationalist control.
Well, it's one thing to raise hell about politics and be vigilant about things that impact your life, but this seems to be beyond politics, and is certainly beyond other people's concerns. Our society and my generation particularly has become more accepting of gay people, same-sex couples and their right to do as they please.

And as I said, it's no longer just secular people who are responding with this acceptance, it is even religious institutions who believe that gays and lesbians can make good followers and leaders in their congregations. The simple fact is that sexual orientation has nothing to do with your quality as a human being.

Even if you were someone who believed it to be a sin, it is not as if heterosexual people do not have their own deviant acts and sins to overcome, and we still trust them generally to be parents, clergy, soldiers, athletes, etc.

Society has been more accepting of gays, but that's not a guideline for what should be; but evidence of the destruction of morality. I don't have to accept society's yardstick as my own, and as a Catholic, I know my Church won't.
Society has been more accepting of gays, but that's not a guideline for what should be; but evidence of the destruction of morality. I don't have to accept society's yardstick as my own, and as a Catholic, I know my Church won't.

SM, if the Lutherans accept gays and perform gay marriages, what effect, if any, will this have on your life?