MAGA hates America

They hate history

They hate science

They hate math

They hate our justice system

They hate our FBI

They seek the death of modern society

They want to have slaves again

They want greedy people to own the world

Evil idiots

They will live in shame the rest of their days


Them not so much

:lolup: This is your brain on moron. Don't be one. :laugh:
foreign policy in shambles, inflation still over 3%, open borders........and all your platform is "ankle bracelets".......which of us hates America?......
Foreign policy in shambles? Perhaps because the GOP in congress refused to pass bills to support Ukraine and Israel in a timely manner. But at least we are in full support of NATO these days.

Inflation over 3% is hardly an issue. We have often had inflation much higher than that. Maybe in your dementia you don't remember the 70s and 80s.

Open borders? The borders are not open. Then the GOP in congress has refused to give money to try to make the borders more secure. Maybe you should live in reality some day. You might find you don't hate America but instead hate the GOP.
You hate the United States of America, stop calling it names.

Apparently you hate it. You support a corrupt, senile, grifting, serial lying autocrat who is corrupting the DOJ to go after his opponents.

A corrupt, senile, grifting, serial lying autocrat who is corrupting the DOJ that calls his opponents' threats to democracy as he tears it down.

How stupid are you leftists? That, of course, was rhetorical.
The number of Americans, about a third, who are supporting a man who hates America is amazing.

If you call my America, my USA a banana republic... Maybe you should leave.

Remember the old phrase, "AMERICA, LOVE IT or LEAVE IT"
I think it's significantly less than a third. About a third are registered Republicans. Only about 80% of Republicans support Trump...and that may drop now that Trump is a convicted felon. There's also the fact that the fraction of MAGAts inside the Party of Trump are very loud and obnoxious so it only seems like there are more of them.

It's funny, but there are MAGAts on Fox News talking about leaving for Costa Rica. I'd support a GoFundMe account supporting buying them tickets. One-way, of course. ✈️

I am not, I am constantly improving it. You are the one calling it names. Leave!

Really? How is supporting and voting for a corrupt, senile, serial lying autocrat using his DOJ to imprison his political opponents improving it?

How is borrowing trillions to buy votes creating massive inflationary pressures on working class people helping them?

How is increasing energy costs by double helping anyone?

How is increasing gas prices to epic levels while attacking oil resources helping anyone?

How is high costs at your local grocery store or restaurant helping anyone?

You're not merely delusional, but patently dishonest and stupid.
foreign policy in shambles, inflation still over 3%, open borders........and all your platform is "ankle bracelets".......which of us hates America?......
Satan's minions all hate America so much that they support a convicted felon, pedophile, draft-dodging adulterer and oath-breaking traitor to be President.
You mean like the Democrats who claim they will leave America if so and so is elected but never do? Haven't you learned yet that everything you whine about others doing you have already done yourself?
Yes, political extremists like them. They exist in all groups. Will you be leaving for Costa Rica, Yak? If not, is it due to the lack of money for a one-way ticket?
Triggered? Rough couple days for you, I understand. Calling me names, calling your Country names. Maybe take a rest and turn off all media for a day or so...
Nah just pointing out that my writing skills don't cause your retardation. I did t figure you would understand any of that.
Some do, but your presidential candidate is calling America names. You should leave if you think its a Banana Republic and if you are going to call it that on the international stage.

I am sure Putin and Kim Jung agree with you. Saddam and OBL sure did.

Wrong, he is correctly calling New York a Banana Republic. It has made a mockery of our courts and justice system. That's a fact no matter how much you screech and pound your tiny insignificant fists on the table.

When he is re-elected, I'll be happy to help you pack. We wouldn't want you to live in such a horrible white Christian nationalist country against your will. :laugh:
Our receptionist is unhappy


He seems very triggered today. Oh wait, it's everyday. Imagine how triggered he will be when Trump wins. I hope his head splits open so al that hot air can escape. :laugh:
Why do you hate America?

STRAWMAN ALERT!! Scarecrow is fabricating bullshit again. Grab your hip waders.

In November, American voters are going to show America hating leftists how much they love this country by re-electing Trump.

Then we will watch as leftist haters deny the election was fair, riot in our cities and streets and make perfect asses of themselves for another four years.
No nominee has ever done such unAmerican shit.
Joe is not a nice guy... Nor has he been a good president... It will be nice To see him gone... There's going to be a lot of work Is to undo all the mess he's created... The justice system may never be the same...
Then why call America names?

If the shoe fits Biden's America, you should wear it. Banana Republic justice is what we saw the last five weeks. I know that leftist autocrats who hate anyone who disagrees with them hate that truth, but it is the truth.

If you don't like that, why don't you leave. Lord knows you vote for the idiots who are the real threat to Democracy.