
That's just hilarious.

My kids and I all live in five different states. Let's say we are all register to vote where we live. They get their mail-in ballots and send them to me so that I can submit them to our township's election authority, and hopefully influence this swing state's vote with them.

1. The ballots won't be alike; ballots are individualized for each locale's races.
2. The ballots will be rejected because the owners' are not registered to vote here.
3. The only thing your screed above got right is that even the attempt to submit false ballots is fraud.

Let's pretend that I am a desperate MAGAT. I learn when the ballots are mailed out because my friend is the postmaster at our tiny little post office (which is true btw). I go around and grab the ballots out of neighbors' mailboxes before they can get them. I fill them out for Trump and the rest of the MAGAT clown show candidates. I mail them all in. Now tell me how I can forge my neighbors' signatures on both envelopes, good enough to match their signatures in the registered voter books the township election authority has? You can't because I can't.

Another #StopTheLibsFromVoting fail. :laugh:
He forgot to explain how non-residents managed to complete their registrations.
OMG. Again with 9th grade civics?

1. You go register to vote. You must show both ID and proof of residency.

2. You fill out a card with your information, including your signature.

3. At your request, your voting precinct sends you a ballot. The ballot comes with two envelopes. One is for the ballot and goes inside the other which has free postage and the address of your precint. Both envelopes require your signature.

4. Your ballot arrives at the address where votes will be tabulated. The outer envelope is opened and the inner envelope's signature and other info is checked against the exact same book you see on the desk when you vote in person. If the signatures don't match, the ballot is set aside and the voter is notified. The ballot will be destroyed if you don't follow the legal steps to verify your ballot.
In some states ballots were sent to everyone that was on the voter roll. That sometimes resulted in ballots being sent to residences where the voters no longer lived. Anyone that currently lives at that address can fill out that ballot and drop them in a drop box. There are reports of people at apartments receiving multiple ballots for previous residences. Requesting a ballot and voting the ballot is not a problem. Blanket sending out ballots to every registered voter is a big problem.

California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia allow ballots to be automatically sent to people that do not request them.

Foulwoman I assume you can read. Try going back to post 41 a reading what I posted
"If you send a the registrar a photocopy of your ID and a signature I and they send you a ballot . I don't have an issue with you casting a ballot.

But sending out a ballot to the address of every voter on the voter rolls...Oh hell no. To many people move and no longer live at the address on the rolls. There are multiple cases of people getting multiple ballots just sent to their address. Anyone that would vote for brain dead Joe Biden would be dishonest enough to cast multiple votes.
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He forgot to explain how non-residents managed to complete their registrations.
Yes, I noticed that as well. He also hasn't explained how his little group of nefarious LIBERAL fraudsters can register more than once either in their voting precinct, their town, or even their state. It would seem that he's forgotten that we have computers now that can cross-check this stuff, which they do.

Here is another fun scenario to keep him up at night. Our township has a summer population of 800+ citizens. Our winter population is ~600, more or less. The summer people own homes here. Can they register to vote here, for instance in our August primary, and also vote by mail at their winter residences? Gardner thinks so.
Yes, I noticed that as well. He also hasn't explained how his little group of nefarious LIBERAL fraudsters can register more than once either in their voting precinct, their town, or even their state. It would seem that he's forgotten that we have computers now that can cross-check this stuff, which they do.

Here is another fun scenario to keep him up at night. Our township has a summer population of 800+ citizens. Our winter population is ~600, more or less. The summer people own homes here. Can they register to vote here, for instance in our August primary, and also vote by mail at their winter residences? Gardner thinks so.
Don't get your feathers in a ruffle and go back and read post 41 where I explain the problem with the practice of sending everyone a ballot EVEN IF THEY DO NOT FIRST REQUEST THEM.

In some states ballots were sent to everyone that was on the voter roll. That sometimes resulted in ballots being sent to residences where the voters no longer lived.
This is, as usual, bullshit. Show us your evidence.

States mail out **ballot applications* to registered voters. You do not receive the ballot itself unless you sign and return the application. Let's pretend though for a minute that you actually know what you're talking about. If I were to receive actual ballots for the people who owned our house before us, so what? Do you really think that I could fill them out, sign their names on both envelopes, and know that the signatures would match? I suppose if I were the typical desperate, criminal-worshipping MAGAT, I could look at our closing paperwork and carefully copy their signatures, right?

You are so painfully stupid. lol

Foulwoman I assume you can read. Try going back to post 41 a reading what I posted

I see you have conceded this debate, as evidenced by your childish sandbox name-calling. So very mature. :rofl2:
Don't get your feathers in a ruffle and go back and read post 41 where I explain the problem with the practice of sending everyone a ballot EVEN IF THEY DO NOT FIRST REQUEST THEM.
No thanks, Chicken Little. I've had my minimum daily requirement of idiocy for today. You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence that states/local election authorities mail ballots to everyone whether they requested one or not. :laugh:
He forgot to explain how non-residents managed to complete their registrations.
Martin I never mentioned non residents. But there are incidences of people that received mass mail out ballots from mail sent to old addresses forward to new addresses in another state where they were registered to vote. That is another problem with mass sending out of mail in ballots.
Yes, I noticed that as well. He also hasn't explained how his little group of nefarious LIBERAL fraudsters can register more than once either in their voting precinct, their town, or even their state. It would seem that he's forgotten that we have computers now that can cross-check this stuff, which they do.

Here is another fun scenario to keep him up at night. Our township has a summer population of 800+ citizens. Our winter population is ~600, more or less. The summer people own homes here. Can they register to vote here, for instance in our August primary, and also vote by mail at their winter residences? Gardner thinks so.
AS I SAID providing proof of ID and requesting the registrar to send you a mail in ballot ISN'T a problem. Sending a ballot to residences of registered voters on the roll is a problems because people move and don't update the voter rolls. That results in people receiving the ballots of people who no longer live there.

Now get your feathers out of a ruffle and eat a mouse or something. :rofl2:

[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop-boxes and drop sites. In-person voting booths are also available.[2][/TD]

[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop-boxes and drop-off locations. In-person voting is available to all voters at designated voter service and polling centers.[3][/TD]

[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop sites, voter service centers, or clerk's offices. In-person voting is available to all voters at designated voter service centers.[4][/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop-boxes and drop sites. In-person voting booths are also available.[5][/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop-boxes and drop sites. In-person voting booths are also available.[6][/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop sites and polling locations. In-person voting is available to all voters at designated polling locations.[7][/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default in general elections. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop sites. In-person voting is also available.[8][/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop sites. In-person voting is available to all voters at designated voting centers.[9][/TD]
[TD]Washington, D.C.[/TD]
[TD]Automatic mail-in ballot[/TD]
[TD]Every voter receives a mail-in ballot by default. Voters may submit completed ballots by mail or deposit them at designated drop sites. In-person [/TD]
One way people in a mail-in ballot election with weeks of voting can cast multiple ballots is simply register to vote in multiple states.

They then work with others doing the same thing such that the address--remember, the ballot goes to an address, not a person--they use is their co-conspirators. What the people in this conspiracy do is collect the ballots sent to those in other states locally and then re-mail them to the person they were intended to receive wherever they might be.

The person on the ballot, in some other state, fills it out and mails it back to their co-conspirator in the state of origin. That person then mails it in.

In the 2016 election there was a case of this being done between people in Ohio and Arizona where 24 people (between the two states) got ballots mailed to them and then voted in both states.

Yes, that's a small number but it is voter fraud, and it shows the weakness of mail-in ballot elections. There is ZERO control on the ballots. With weeks to operate in, this is possible. This sort of fraud is IMPOSSIBLE in a vote in person, ID required, election.
I guess if enough Democrats went through all that to cast extra votes...instead of losing to Joe Biden by over 7,000, would have been closer to 6,999,997.

C'mon, TA. Mail in voting is fine. I used it for the first time during the epidemic and loved it. I will vote by mail from now on.
I guess if enough Democrats went through all that to cast extra votes...instead of losing to Joe Biden by over 7,000, would have been closer to 6,999,997.

C'mon, TA. Mail in voting is fine. I used it for the first time during the epidemic and loved it. I will vote by mail from now on.
About 44,000 votes spread over 3 states won the 2020 race for Dementia Joe.
BTW: what state do you live in
From the Biden leaning NPR

The tight races in the trio of states had a big electoral impact. As NPR's Domenico Montanaro has put it, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."
I can, because I'm not conspiracy-minded.
I guess if enough Democrats went through all that to cast extra votes...instead of losing to Joe Biden by over 7,000, would have been closer to 6,999,997.

C'mon, TA. Mail in voting is fine. I used it for the first time during the epidemic and loved it. I will vote by mail from now on.
That Depends frankie. Most local elections are settled by a small percentage of votes