Man admits voting for Obama in late wife's name

once again another dem getting all worked up because someone brought to light voter fraud by a democrat.

why do so many dems seem angry that someone would create a post that shows voter fraud by a democrat?

it didn't change anything is a cop out. it was fraud, period. but because he is a democrat, you guys excuse it and then go on to attack the messenger and then whine about republican fraud. too funny.

There it is again. The dumb routine.

I have no problems calling the guy out for fraud. I said in several posts that it's rampant on both sides, to which you dishonestly implied I was trying to defend Democrats.

You're playing dumb about your "makes you wonder how many DEMS are doing this." You're a fool if you can't see what the clear implication is there.

Call me a crybaby & sissy now, HACK.
who said he was the dem party? and read the article silly girl, he said his wife would NOT have approved, there was no promise, got any more bs?

i thinks its cute how the dems who have posted in this thread are so angry that someone who dare post a thread that shows a democrat committing voter fraud.

We are laughing because it is ONE Democrat and I believe you knew exactly the response you would get and therefore why yo posted it! I know why I post articles that flame Repubs! It is to flame them!
oh noze....yurt wonders how many more dem votes like this there are...oh noze yurt talks about dems in a thread....oh noze...

go cry in another thread admit that there are MORE DEM votes like this as you admit fraud is rampant on both sides and yet you get all in a tizzy that i fail to mention republicans....well...i didn't mention libertarians, the green party, the torries, the wigs....but oh no, you jump on me only for not mentioning republicans....

go talk to your want to talk about republican fraud, feel free to open a thread, but good lord, calm down....there is absolutely nothing wrong that i did not mentioned all the other parties out there...the thread is about a democrat :pke:

We are laughing because it is ONE Democrat and I believe you knew exactly the response you would get and therefore why yo posted it! I know why I post articles that flame Repubs! It is to flame them!

did i ever claim that any other dems do this? no, i only wondered if maybe there were more and onceler said that in fact there are fraud is rampant on both sides.

i love how you guys get in a tizzy when someone shows democrat fraud...settle down :)
When have I or anyone ever suggested it had never happened?

Now tell us about the voting machine distribution in Ohio during the 2004 election?
wow....desh has lost it...i'm now an asshole for posting this thread...

i wonder why the libs who responded in this thread are so defensive about this? guilty concsience maybe....

they are so angry at anyone who dares point out that dems are imperfect and break the law...

Sorry, wrong answer, no cigar!
Maybe, it is because the conservatives always get all worked up about one little old man voting for his wife. It didn't change the results, did it? If you want to talk about voter fraud, let's find a case where there were thousands who votes weren't counted or they were counted wrong!

actually, no... I think every case of voter fraud should be addressed. Whether it changed the results is irrelevant.

Side note... as mentioned before... when Coulter was caught... it was an OUTRAGE!!! or so Desh and other liberals stated (rightfully so). But now here we are and like any other time a Dem is caught in fraud, Desh dismisses it because it wasn't 'as bad' as other elections.

Even you are downplaying this fraud. The man should be in jail... period. As should anyone who is caught committing fraud.
actually, no... I think every case of voter fraud should be addressed. Whether it changed the results is irrelevant.

Side note... as mentioned before... when Coulter was caught... it was an OUTRAGE!!! or so Desh and other liberals stated (rightfully so). But now here we are and like any other time a Dem is caught in fraud, Desh dismisses it because it wasn't 'as bad' as other elections.

Even you are downplaying this fraud. The man should be in jail... period. As should anyone who is caught committing fraud.

Sorry, I have to agree with Desh, this little old man is not a figure that crazy Dems look up to, Ann Cuthroat is and therefore, her crime is larger by comparison. This little old man will influence noone, while Cuthroat actually has people who listen and obey! she is one crazy bitch and I too believe all voter fraud is hazardous to our nation's health, but I like Desh was outraged when it was shown to be happening on a large scale and the connies, all they had to say is, well, one guy voted for his wife! A whole Presidential election was stolen and they worry about one little old man, I just fon't understand their reasoning is all and have to point it out to them!
Its a matter of timing, Cultwhore did not deserve to vote where she was not allowed to vote( yet she thought she was above the rules others had to follow).

This man voted for his wife who would have voted if she lived long enough.

His vote was obviously a love thing and he admitted his crime.

Cultwhore beat the rap and this poor old guy will likely not.
Its a matter of timing, Cultwhore did not deserve to vote where she was not allowed to vote( yet she thought she was above the rules others had to follow).

This man voted for his wife who would have voted if she lived long enough.

His vote was obviously a love thing and he admitted his crime.

Cultwhore beat the rap and this poor old guy will likely not.

i know all my friends would vote the way i think they would...i love i look forward to you defending me in the next election when i will get absentee ballots for them and vote they way i know they will vote...and if anyone criticizes me, i look forward to you vigorously defending me as you have done here.
i know all my friends would vote the way i think they would...i love i look forward to you defending me in the next election when i will get absentee ballots for them and vote they way i know they will vote...and if anyone criticizes me, i look forward to you vigorously defending me as you have done here.

Zoom, sailed right over you head, you found the point you wanted and not the one trying to be made.
Sorry, I have to agree with Desh, this little old man is not a figure that crazy Dems look up to, Ann Cuthroat is and therefore, her crime is larger by comparison. This little old man will influence noone, while Cuthroat actually has people who listen and obey! she is one crazy bitch and I too believe all voter fraud is hazardous to our nation's health, but I like Desh was outraged when it was shown to be happening on a large scale and the connies, all they had to say is, well, one guy voted for his wife! A whole Presidential election was stolen and they worry about one little old man, I just fon't understand their reasoning is all and have to point it out to them!

Incorrect. Fraud is fraud. Period. Every instance is illegal. Every instance should be prosecuted when discovered. The only reason Ann Coulter is 'larger by comparison' to you and Desh is because she is a REPUBLICAN that Dems love to hate.

While I agree Coulter is a friggin nut... this 'little old man' and Coulter did the exact same thing.

As far as comparing this instance to 2004 or 2000, the only ones I saw doing that were those on the left.
Its a matter of timing, Cultwhore did not deserve to vote where she was not allowed to vote( yet she thought she was above the rules others had to follow).

This man voted for his wife who would have voted if she lived long enough.

His vote was obviously a love thing and he admitted his crime.

Cultwhore beat the rap and this poor old guy will likely not.

Exactly.... keep downplaying the fact that this man BROKE THE FUCKING LAW. You can break every law you want and come to me and say 'well I did it for love'.... who gives a shit? you still knowingly and willfully broke the fucking law. PERIOD. Trying to compare his breaking the law to someone else is totally irrelevant.
i know all my friends would vote the way i think they would...i love i look forward to you defending me in the next election when i will get absentee ballots for them and vote they way i know they will vote...and if anyone criticizes me, i look forward to you vigorously defending me as you have done here.

if all your friends had tragically died, your analogy might hold a drop of water... the guy committed fraud. he admitted his crime. he should be punished. Anne Coulter committed is my understanding that she dismissed the fact that she had done anything wrong... she should be punished. Do you agree?
I wouldn't really be able to put you in jail for that Damo.

I would make a horrible prosecutor. My values say that if no physical harm or financial loss resulted then it cannot be a crime, and that retaliatory violence is an acceptable recourse within certain limits.

Epicurus For District Attorney!!
Exactly.... keep downplaying the fact that this man BROKE THE FUCKING LAW. You can break every law you want and come to me and say 'well I did it for love'.... who gives a shit? you still knowingly and willfully broke the fucking law. PERIOD. Trying to compare his breaking the law to someone else is totally irrelevant.

Right is right, regardless of the how it effects the election or even whether or not you get caught.

Something is either right wrong.