Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture

Oh please. My grandfather, who is still alive today, fought in Iwo Jima. He's told me many a story. And you know what? I'm sure he reads time and I'm sure he had 0 reaction to the cover other than probably thinking it was a clever illustration.

My grandmother fought in Iwo Jima. Isn't that a coincidence? Wouldn't it be screamingly delicious if they knew each other? I still do not understand what the tree picture has to do with Iwo Jima, but I will ask her if she is upset about the tree. I will get back to you.

I canceled my subscription - permanently.

I don't know who thinks of these asinine things, but to play politics on a great event in the history of WWII and the Marine Corps is beyond stupid.

I would try to explain why it angers people who understand the symbology of the original WWII picture, but modern liberals do not have an equivalent event that can be trashed to illustrate the point.
Wow... a marine that actually reads....

Take that dress off nancy...
There were three flag raising events on that hilltop. The first raised by the first platoon to climb to the summit. They did not at that time meet significant resistance because the majority of the Japanese forces had been cut off from that area, and the Japanese left behind were concealed in deep tunnels.

Then some political type (I forget his name) made them bring the flag back down as s souvenir.

The second flag was put up under orders using a taller pole that the first. It was also a larger flag. During the exercise a combat photographer noticed the activity, but missed the action shot. So he secured permission to have the Marines take it back down and put it up again for the photo shoot.

In short, to be accurate, the shot was a reenactment which admittedly never would have taken place had that political SOB not grabbed the first one.

None the less, the photograph does represent one of the most hard fought battles (on both sides) of the enter Second World War. To be fair, it also represents the 22,000 Japanese who fought to the bitter end defending (as they saw it) the last stepping stone to their homelands.

And just for the hell of it, we might mention in passing the fact of 26,504 US casualties on Iwo Jima....including 6,821 kia and you may continue making little of the Marines and telling us about the 22,000 Japs.....

Being ecologically aware is important. But it is NOT the same as fighting a major battle, losing 80 of your buddies to death or injury. How many of you who think this is no big deal know someone who has given their lives for YOUR cause? That flag would not have been planted if thousands of Marines had not died to make it possible. Time magazine, and you asshole shitheads who support them, have spit on their graves for a political point that could have easily been better represented.
Fucking morons
No desh.....................

Oh how redicules to be mad at that.

It's not rediculous at is a matter of principal for vets who gave their all...blood,sweat and tears...some things should be left alone for those who relate...liberals have absolutely no right to make a point or money off the backs of those who served! imho
False outrage. It's all a face. None of you are upset about any of this and you know it. If you are, you're fucking retarded.
False outrage. It's all a face. None of you are upset about any of this and you know it. If you are, you're fucking retarded.

What did your grandfather say? I apologize I cannot tell you yet what my grandmother said. I phoned her however she did not have her teeth in. I hope I heard wrong, but I fear she wants a ride to the grocery store tomorrow. It is hard to tell when she has her teeth out. I will get back to you as soon as I get an answer, you have my word.

What did your grandfather say? I apologize I cannot tell you yet what my grandmother said. I phoned her however she did not have her teeth in. I hope I heard wrong, but I fear she wants a ride to the grocery store tomorrow. It is hard to tell when she has her teeth out. I will get back to you as soon as I get an answer, you have my word.


He said, "fuck Hoover." I didn't understand the rest.

There were three flag raising events on that hilltop. The first raised by the first platoon to climb to the summit. They did not at that time meet significant resistance because the majority of the Japanese forces had been cut off from that area, and the Japanese left behind were concealed in deep tunnels.

Then some political type (I forget his name) made them bring the flag back down as s souvenir.

The second flag was put up under orders using a taller pole that the first. It was also a larger flag. During the exercise a combat photographer noticed the activity, but missed the action shot. So he secured permission to have the Marines take it back down and put it up again for the photo shoot.

In short, to be accurate, the shot was a reenactment which admittedly never would have taken place had that political SOB not grabbed the first one.

None the less, the photograph does represent one of the most hard fought battles (on both sides) of the enter Second World War. To be fair, it also represents the 22,000 Japanese who fought to the bitter end defending (as they saw it) the last stepping stone to their homelands.

Being ecologically aware is important. But it is NOT the same as fighting a major battle, losing 80 of your buddies to death or injury. How many of you who think this is no big deal know someone who has given their lives for YOUR cause? That flag would not have been planted if thousands of Marines had not died to make it possible. Time magazine, and you asshole shitheads who support them, have spit on their graves for a political point that could have easily been better represented.

I do believe that you just spanked...Sgt soco...from the panama war! or was that granada...special forces or ranger...never mind he has five mysterious friends from the bar in Texas4/1 cav...he will check with them for the rebuttal! Then again maybe darla and us cit will clue his next move!...:dunno:
That image does not belong to the marines.

That image is part of the American experience.

Discribe how this insulted the men who were in that picture?

Do you believe that our planet is less important than our country?

You do realize that if we trash the planet we trash our country right?

This image is just conveying how most Americans feel about the concerns for the health of our planet.

How in any way is that insulting the men in that picture?

Do you think they would have fought for their planet as hard as they would have fought for their country?

I wouldn't think two seconds of this otherwise but god damn you are ignorant Desh. I have four family members that fought in WWII including one who was shot down over Germany and held as a POW and wouldn't fly for the rest of his life once released and you are going to try and say his experience is the same as the McParrot's tell you about global warming? Wow.
I was just going to say the same thing.

Grind, your cartoon is one of the funniest things I have seen on here. It made and stills makes me laugh my ass off.

On your answer above though I must say it is bullshit.