Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture

Wow any cry baby idiot that is seriously upset over that picture needs to get punched in the face. I love how all these retards cry about political correctness until they are offended by something. DIAF.
Wow any cry baby idiot that is seriously upset over that picture needs to get punched in the face.

Go right ahead. Find an Iwo Jima vet and punch him in the face as you tell him that his reaction to the debasement of that photo is baseless.

Let me know before you do it, OK? I'd like to watch what happens to you. :lolup:

There are still a few people left who value what those Marines did, present company obviously excepted, and who believe they deserve such memorials unsullied.
Go right ahead. Find an Iwo Jima vet and punch him in the face as you tell him that his reaction to the debasement of that photo is baseless.

Let me know before you do it, OK? I'd like to watch what happens to you. :lolup:

There are still a few people left who value what those Marines did, present company obviously excepted, and who believe they deserve such memorials unsullied.

Dude, you do know what year Iwo Jima took place in, right?
I think bf can outrun a couple of wheelchairs.
"There are still a few people left who value what those Marines did, and who believe they deserve such memorials unsullied."

Your melodramatic false outrage sullies their legacy.

In fact, it outrages me.
This is the same sort of outrage that the flag burning amendment people exhibit. If someone goes to the Marine Corp monument with that same theatrically created pose and tries to deface it, give me a call I am will help you beat their ass. I also served in the military. I understand the sacrifices made by the men and women that serve in the military. This is not a slap in the face to that sacrifice. If you want to see the slaps you need look no further than the conditions at Walter Reed that so many of these brave men and women who gave limbs and eyes and brain matter are kept while we are supposed to be taking care of them. Look at the number of service members that are being chaptered out after their service in a combat theater and being told that their problems are not service related and being screwed out of insurance and benefits. Show me some outrage at things that REALLY matter.

While I can understand how some marines may feel this photo by time somehow tries to equate the two situations, I agree 100% with the bolded portion of the above. THAT is what should piss off every single person on this board and in this country.
Acorn is funny, so Toby' esqu
Just cause you were in a war doens't make you smart, USGED is proof of that.
Fuck the veterans mad at the greenies and fuck little pee acorn brain.
Acorn is really going to have his head explode when Barack Hussain Obama wins in a Mondalish landslide over Mcfossil.
Hear here , SF .

Soc has it right.

You wnat to honor the sacrafice of our troops then you take care of the troops.

That is the best way to honor all of their sacrafices.
I guarantee you that I would be hard-pressed to find any actual marine "outraged" over this.

Nobody is even going to cancel their subscription because of this.
Are these guys actual marines?

Or just people who have learned how to use pseudo tough language, and falsely claim they are a marine to try to intimidate idiots?

I think it's the latter.
Go right ahead. Find an Iwo Jima vet and punch him in the face as you tell him that his reaction to the debasement of that photo is baseless.

Let me know before you do it, OK? I'd like to watch what happens to you. :lolup:

There are still a few people left who value what those Marines did, present company obviously excepted, and who believe they deserve such memorials unsullied.

I think there's no more fitting tribute than that they should be so dearly remembered in modern society.
Go right ahead. Find an Iwo Jima vet and punch him in the face as you tell him that his reaction to the debasement of that photo is baseless.

Let me know before you do it, OK? I'd like to watch what happens to you. :lolup:

There are still a few people left who value what those Marines did, present company obviously excepted, and who believe they deserve such memorials unsullied.

You are retarded. I was in the military for 10 years. Get over it. I know the value of service but this picture is silly and any cry baby that cries over it and is seriously offended needs to be punched in the face.
I love this thread. Let’s keep this thread going. I am enjoying watching all of the whiny righties get their faces smeared in it. Punch them in the faces! Stomp their heads on the floor! Do it do it do it.
I love this thread. Let’s keep this thread going. I am enjoying watching all of the whiny righties get their faces smeared in it. Punch them in the faces! Stomp their heads on the floor! Do it do it do it.

Me, too. I'm guessing that somewhere, deep beneath the corrupted grey matter that guides Little A's Bush-addled brain, there is some slight recognition that he should be deeply embarassed about this thread.

Let's keep it going....
It's embarrassing to me as an ex-hard core republican.
Freak, Damo are smart but the crew of Toby'esque morons totally outnumber them and make it look as if all republicans are cousin kissing truck driving GED beer swillers. No offense USC.
Isn't it their 1st amendment right to express outrage just as much as it is a right to be able to manipulate the photo or burn flags?

Just when I thought the thread couldn't get much dumber.

Sure, it's their 1st amendment right to express outrage, just as it's my 1st amendment right to ridicule that outrage.

Did anyone on the board suggest a fine or arrest for "expressing their outrage"?
Just when I thought the thread couldn't get much dumber.

Sure, it's their 1st amendment right to express outrage, just as it's my 1st amendment right to ridicule that outrage.

Did anyone on the board suggest a fine or arrest for "expressing their outrage"?

I'm sorry that I respect people, and that my heart is not as much of a blackened ball of ideological, dogmatic retardation as yours. People are suggesting that these marines should be "punched in the face" etc. etc., which is just as bad as saying "We should kill them godd*mn flagburnin' hippies".
Oh I fear I have been misunderstood? I only advocated for acorn and bravo to be punched in the face and about their heads. But in my defense, BF did get my blood up with that talk, and I do believe that hard-core righties should have their faces punched in and their heads stomped on, but only for their own good. It probably will raise their IQs.
Oh I fear I have been misunderstood? I only advocated for acorn and bravo to be punched in the face and about their heads. But in my defense, BF did get my blood up with that talk, and I do believe that hard-core righties should have their faces punched in and their heads stomped on, but only for their own good. It probably will raise their IQs.

I wasn't necessarily talking about you, dear, but I appreciate your explanation :)