Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture

This is the same sort of outrage that the flag burning amendment people exhibit. If someone goes to the Marine Corp monument with that same theatrically created pose and tries to deface it, give me a call I am will help you beat their ass. I also served in the military. I understand the sacrifices made by the men and women that serve in the military. This is not a slap in the face to that sacrifice. If you want to see the slaps you need look no further than the conditions at Walter Reed that so many of these brave men and women who gave limbs and eyes and brain matter are kept while we are supposed to be taking care of them. Look at the number of service members that are being chaptered out after their service in a combat theater and being told that their problems are not service related and being screwed out of insurance and benefits. Show me some outrage at things that REALLY matter.
War is important because it protects our freedom. The less war we have, the less proportionate amount of freedom is distributed amongst the people by the state, or so I'm told by conservatives.
Fucking morons
Try reading you fucking little twit. I mentioned the U.S. casualties in a previous post on this thread.

I spent 40 fucking years in the United States Marine Corps. I have forgotten more Marine Corps history than you will ever fucking know, bight eyes.
War is important because it protects our freedom. The less war we have, the less proportionate amount of freedom is distributed amongst the people by the state, or so I'm told by conservatives.
War is not hell, as has been oft quoted. War makes hell look pretty.

We are not glorifying war, though I can see how little fucks like you and "I-be-one-stupid-fucked-up-waste-of-human-skin" could make the mistake, not being able to think beyond "duh, mommy, look at da men wit' da guns! Don't they look SCARY?"

What we are glorifying is the sacrifice made by men and women who see it as their duty to take on the horrors of war so the majority of people can sit in their comfy little cribs and poke fun at them. Or spit on us and call us names.

But go ahead and poke your little fun. It's why the men and women you dishonor died - to protect your freedoms no matter how little you value them.
The freest society of all time was the one conservatives in America nobly wish to model, that of that great man, Adolf Hitler. God bless them. God bless America, every one (and there's only one LOL).
Fuck you and the piece of toilet scum you resemble.
War is not hell, as has been oft quoted. War makes hell look pretty.

Uhh yeah. I like the pseudo-tough language, keep the troll work up, maybe you'll intimidate an idiot. Let's make this clear. I have no respect for you. The nation as a whole wouldn't have been ruined if you and every bastard like you hadn't of been born and raped away the last thirty years from America.

We are not glorifying war, though I can see how little fucks like you and "I-be-one-stupid-fucked-up-waste-of-human-skin" could make the mistake, not being able to think beyond "duh, mommy, look at da men wit' da guns! Don't they look SCARY?"

Uhhh yeah. You're intellectual side is showing.

What we are glorifying is the sacrifice made by men and women who see it as their duty to take on the horrors of war so the majority of people can sit in their comfy little cribs and poke fun at them. Or spit on us and call us names.

Soldiers are glorified because the state needs an excuse to press gang its citizens into fighting for nothing but political goals. Probably 2-3 of the wars America has fought have defended America. The rest of our soldiers who died in war died in vein.

But go ahead and poke your little fun. It's why the men and women you dishonor died - to protect your freedoms no matter how little you value them.

The soldiers in Iraq are not protecting my freedom. Get them out.
And I suppose the folks who died in 'Nam saved us from the North Vietnamese who were going to steal our freedoms? Or maybe Hussein was going to take our freedoms away?

War hasn't been about preserving freedom for a long time, war worshiping wang sucker. "Glorifying sacrifice" of men who died for unnecessary wars such as this one in Iraq is a myopic way of looking at the costs of warfare.
I have awfully bad luck.

You know, it's pretty much impossible to win an argument with someone who holds no respect for you and really doesn't care what you have to say. But continue on.
Try reading you fucking little twit. I mentioned the U.S. casualties in a previous post on this thread.

I spent 40 fucking years in the United States Marine Corps. I have forgotten more Marine Corps history than you will ever fucking know, bight eyes.

You seem nice. Are you single?
Oh please. Any marine who gets upset about this is a pussy or lying.

glad i'm not upset then, i'd hate be called a pussy or a liar by the likes of you.:gives:

seriously though, this isn't a big issue. As a former marine, I look at it as a compliment, meaning that when there's a problem nobody else can solve, send in the marines. :woot:
You wouldn't know a reading type from a frog.

You faux intellectual types are all the same. All you can really do in debate is post little one line quips and completely inane rebuttals that only show your personal reading comprehension level places a point of shame on your kindergarten teacher for passing you. (assuming you did pass kindergarten.)

As for being upset with the way the flag raising has been politicized, like I said, the braindead modern liberals cannot possibly understand because they have no events of that import. While U.S. Marines (and Navy, Army and Air Force) go out and risk their lives - all too often losing them in the process - so you have the freedoms you so casually disdain with your diahrreal expution of mindless rhetoric.

The event you so casually defile with your personalized and idiotic agenda represents the deaths of 6,821 U.S. Servicemen, most of them Marines, along with over 19,000 wounded. But I know the deaths of servicemen only matters to liberals when it gains them political leverage. Otherwise we are just a bunch of baby killers.

It may surprise you tp know that there are lots of "liberals" in the Marines, in fact, there may have been some in the picture.

I'm coming to recognize that youb are strickly an ideolouge and everything to you comes down to "liberals" .. even when only republicans are involved. If you don't like it, liberals must have done it.

You have a lot of nerve talking about the deaths of US servicemen and women when it was your side of the fence that sent them off to die .. for senseless bullshit m,ade-up by republicans.

You also have a lot of nerve speaking as if you're the only intellectual here, when in fact your ideological blinders don't even allow you to honestly or intellectually discern, interpret, or analyze anything that doesn't fit in your political box.

In case you also haven't noticed, Americans aren't angry at liberals.