Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

Christy: "Pedophilia is universally despised. I don't know that religion has much to do with it."
Jack: Why are you even mouthing the Republican Talking Point of 'Pedophilia'?

It's a Smear Campaign. You even engaging in their Talking Point means it is working. They want you to say it, repeat it, discuss it, argue it.
What's next Christy? Hunter Biden and his Laptop?

See. Your "That's why I asked if you started drinking" bullshit line is the SAME TACTIC the Republicans use. NEVER address the Point, always come up with some "Hey, look at that Bird in a Tree".

Are you nuts or what? This is what MTG said: “any senator voting to confirm [Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court] is pro-pedophile just like she is.” This is slander no matter how you look at it. She just said three senators and a judge are pedophile supporters. And what did Congress do to MTG for her slander? As far as I can tell, zero, zip, nada.

When posters say that on JPP they get a nice vacation if not a permanent ban. It's pretty sad when a political forum holds its members to higher standards than Congress does.
:rolleyes: You must have started drinking early today.

Jack self-medicates with alcohol instead of his doctor recommended meds.

Use that against him. When he gets into an overly excited state, combined with alcohol, it's when he ends up with a ban. The key is to goad or persuade him to step off that cliff.

I watch Jack's state of mind. A Friday with drinking early is always a good opportunity to start posting to him to see if he'll take the leap.

Sadly, he's afraid of me for that very reason and often refuses to respond to my posts. Anyone can do it since he's the drunk nutjob.
Do you think this will help in the midterms?

In Georgia, maybe. I'm curious to see how the RW anti-vax campaign plays out with most of their elderly voters dead or hospitalized.

Voters in the youngest adult generations today – Generation Z (those ages 18 to 23 in 2020) and the Millennial generation (ages 24 to 39 in 2020) – favored Biden over Trump by a margin of 20 percentage points, though Trump gained 8 points among Millennials compared with his 2016 performance. Generation Xers, those ages 40 to 55 in 2020, divided relatively evenly (51% to 48%), as did Baby Boomers. Only among members of the Silent Generation, ages 75 to 92 in 2020, was Trump clearly favored (by 58%-42%). Notably, Boomers and Silents (and the very small number of voters from the Greatest Generation) made up less than half of the electorate in 2020 (44%), compared with just over half in both 2016 and 2018.
Are you nuts or what? This is what MTG said: [FONT=&]“any senator voting to confirm [Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court] is pro-pedophile just like she is.” [/FONT]This is slander no matter how you look at it. She just said three senators and a judge are pedophile supporters. And what did Congress do to MTG for her slander? As far as I can tell, zero, zip, nada.

When posters say that on JPP they get a nice vacation if not a permanent ban. It's pretty sad when a political forum holds its members to higher standards than Congress does.

Well, one, Free Speech is important. Margie can say whatever she wants. WHAT she says is more about HER than anyone else.
Do you think this will help in the midterms?

Yes! She and some other TRUMPTARDS in the Senate are the wedge between Good and Bad Republicans.

She is causing a divide that will show up in future elections as many good Republicans will just stay home on election day in protest of her malfeasance!
Well, one, Free Speech is important. Margie can say whatever she wants. WHAT she says is more about HER than anyone else.

Agreed, Jack, yet you shit bricks whenever I express my free speech. Why is that?
Jack self-medicates with alcohol instead of his doctor recommended meds.

Use that against him. When he gets into an overly excited state, combined with alcohol, it's when he ends up with a ban. The key is to goad or persuade him to step off that cliff.

I watch Jack's state of mind. A Friday with drinking early is always a good opportunity to start posting to him to see if he'll take the leap.

Sadly, he's afraid of me for that very reason and often refuses to respond to my posts. Anyone can do it since he's the drunk nutjob.

This is typical Talking Point for Religious Quacks:

--->"Jack self-medicates with alcohol instead of his doctor recommended meds.
Use that against him. When he gets into an overly excited state, combined with alcohol, it's when he ends up with a ban. The key is to goad or persuade him to step off that cliff.
I watch Jack's state of mind. A Friday with drinking early is always a good opportunity to start posting to him to see if he'll take the leap.
Sadly, he's afraid of me for that very reason and often refuses to respond to my posts. Anyone can do it since he's the drunk nutjob."

Christy. Notice how it is never about the Topic? It's called a 'Smear Campaign' for a reason.
Are you nuts or what? This is what MTG said: [FONT=&]“any senator voting to confirm [Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court] is pro-pedophile just like she is.” [/FONT]This is slander no matter how you look at it. She just said three senators and a judge are pedophile supporters. And what did Congress do to MTG for her slander? As far as I can tell, zero, zip, nada.

When posters say that on JPP they get a nice vacation if not a permanent ban. It's pretty sad when a political forum holds its members to higher standards than Congress does.

Not a lawyer, but unless she's specific, it's just free speech. Consider JPP where calling someone a pedo has more stringent punishment than Georgia's Congress slut; It's one thing to say all RWNJs who support Trump are cocksucking child rapists versus naming actual JPP members who do...even if 100% correct.
In Georgia, maybe. I'm curious to see how the RW anti-vax campaign plays out with most of their elderly voters dead or hospitalized.

Voters in the youngest adult generations today – Generation Z (those ages 18 to 23 in 2020) and the Millennial generation (ages 24 to 39 in 2020) – favored Biden over Trump by a margin of 20 percentage points, though Trump gained 8 points among Millennials compared with his 2016 performance. Generation Xers, those ages 40 to 55 in 2020, divided relatively evenly (51% to 48%), as did Baby Boomers. Only among members of the Silent Generation, ages 75 to 92 in 2020, was Trump clearly favored (by 58%-42%). Notably, Boomers and Silents (and the very small number of voters from the Greatest Generation) made up less than half of the electorate in 2020 (44%), compared with just over half in both 2016 and 2018.

This is why Trump tried to tell them to get vaccinated.
This is typical Talking Point...
What will you do if permbanned from JPP, Jack? Are you such a fucking loser like Memorygal that you'd keep coming back under different names?

Have you ever considered suicide? Especially after drinking? Have you ever attempted suicide?

If you do, who would you call for help? Do you have any friends not on JPP?
This is why Trump tried to tell them to get vaccinated.

Too late since Trump had already spread the word.

Same thing happened with Russia; Trump flip-flops on the Russian mass murder of Ukrainians but look at all the Russian cocksuckers on JPP - They're still pro-Putin. Once they get the idea in their heads, the nutjobs run with it and can't be changed.
Too late since Trump had already spread the word.

Same thing happened with Russia; Trump flip-flops on the Russian mass murder of Ukrainians but look at all the Russian cocksuckers on JPP. Once they get the idea in their heads, the nutjobs run with it and can't be changed.

Yup, but Trump will pretend he was never pro-Russia, if he can help himself.
Not a lawyer, but unless she's specific, it's just free speech. Consider JPP where calling someone a pedo has more stringent punishment than Georgia's Congress slut; It's one thing to say all RWNJs who support Trump are cocksucking child rapists versus naming actual JPP members who do...even if 100% correct.

True it's free speech but when did we stop expecting a minimum of decorum from our congress people? I know there was always fighting and name-calling but IMO it ramped up tenfold after trump became president.

The same article I quoted from above also has this to say about her: "[FONT=&quot]A decade ago, Greene might have been expelled from the House. Then again, a decade ago, there was no such thing as QAnon, a cult comprised of millions of mostly conservative Americans who believe, among other things, that many Democrats are child sex abusers."

What will you do if permbanned from JPP, Jack? Are you such a fucking loser like Memorygal that you'd keep coming back under different names?

Have you ever considered suicide? Especially after drinking? Have you ever attempted suicide?

If you do, who would you call for help? Do you have any friends not on JPP?

Christy. Are you getting an education here? This is the only agenda the Religious Quacks have.

--->"What will you do if permbanned from JPP, Jack? Are you such a fucking loser like Memorygal that you'd keep coming back under different names?
Have you ever considered suicide? Especially after drinking? Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you do, who would you call for help? Do you have any friends not on JPP?"

Ignoring Margie is like ignoring Dutch. Neither have anything to say.