Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

True it's free speech but when did we stop expecting a minimum of decorum from our congress people? I know there was always fighting and name-calling but IMO it ramped up tenfold after trump became president.

Yeah. Real big with the Religious Quacks.
True it's free speech but when did we stop expecting a minimum of decorum from our congress people? I know there was always fighting and name-calling but IMO it ramped up tenfold after trump became president.

It's been growing since the 1990s. Remember yelling "You lie!" at Obama's SOTU?

Right wingers have latched onto the idea that the best way to attract the biggest collection of pedophiles, violent murderers and criminals of all varieties is to be the biggest liar in Congress.

--->"What will you do if permbanned from JPP, Jack? Are you such a fucking loser like Memorygal that you'd keep coming back under different names?
Have you ever considered suicide? Especially after drinking? Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you do, who would you call for help? Do you have any friends not on JPP?"
^^^ Shitfaced bipolar nut job can't answer simple questions ^^^

What is he hiding?
Those of us on the right will bring up Pedo's as much as possible straight on thru to 24. The actual target wont even be the individual or individuals mentioned. Just talking about the subject triggers the electorate to think of our ACTUAL targets Hunter and Joe Biden and the possibility that they too could be pedo's. Its a wonderful display of mental manipulation on a grand scale. We can get people to attach the negative feelings of pedophilia to the Bidens without suffering the blowback of actually using their names. ;)
Christy. Are you getting an education here? This is the only agenda the Religious Quacks have.

--->"What will you do if permbanned from JPP, Jack? Are you such a fucking loser like Memorygal that you'd keep coming back under different names?
Have you ever considered suicide? Especially after drinking? Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you do, who would you call for help? Do you have any friends not on JPP?"

Ignoring Margie is like ignoring Dutch. Neither have anything to say.

More from the article: "Regardless of Greene’s motives, the bigger issue is what Washington plans to do about its rising — and increasingly insidious — pro-slander culture.

For years, nothing stopped Donald Trump — and eventually most Republicans — from believing Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore was an illegitimate president.

QAnon conspiracies are now alive and well in the hearts of minds of an alarming number of Republicans, with roughly 80 percent either believing it hook, line and sinker (one in four) — or doubting, but refusing to reject it (55 percent)."
Those of us on the right will bring up Pedo's as much as possible straight on thru to 24. The actual target wont even be the individual or individuals mentioned. Just talking about the subject triggers the electorate to think of our ACTUAL targets Hunter and Joe Biden and the possibility that they too could be pedo's. Its a wonderful display of mental manipulation on a grand scale. We can get people to attach the negative feelings of pedophilia to the Bidens without suffering the blowback of actually using their names. ;)

Excellent admission. I do wish Christy might put 2 and 2 together here.
More from the article: "[FONT=&]Regardless of Greene’s motives, the bigger issue is what Washington plans to do about its rising — and increasingly insidious — pro-slander culture.

[FONT=&]For years, nothing stopped [/FONT][FONT=&]Donald Trump[/FONT][FONT=&] — and eventually most Republicans — from believing Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore was an illegitimate president.

[FONT=&]QAnon conspiracies are now alive and well in the hearts of minds of an alarming number of Republicans, with roughly 80 percent either believing it hook, line and sinker (one in four) — or doubting, but refusing to reject it (55 percent)."


Yes. It's called 'Taking all the Oxygen out of the Room'.
(See Stone's Post for Strategy)
Excellent admission. I do wish Christy might put 2 and 2 together here.

Yep. we dont have to change any D minds either. Its all about swinging just a couple % points of the indy vote in battleground states. Going to be hearing a whole lot more about Epstein, Maxwell and others over the next couple years with increasing intensity. ;) :cool:
It's not what it says about her. It's about setting a dangerous precedent.

:) It's a strategy. The Wokesters have one:
"If you aren't talking about Racism 24 hours a day, you're a Racist!'.

(again, check out Stone's Post for enlightenment)
Those of us on the right will bring up Pedo's as much as possible straight on thru to 24. The actual target wont even be the individual or individuals mentioned. Just talking about the subject triggers the electorate to think of our ACTUAL targets Hunter and Joe Biden and the possibility that they too could be pedo's. Its a wonderful display of mental manipulation on a grand scale. We can get people to attach the negative feelings of pedophilia to the Bidens without suffering the blowback of actually using their names. ;)

And yet you guys on the right screech like a banshee when Trump is accused of being a pedo.
Excellent admission. I do wish Christy might put 2 and 2 together here.

I do wish you'd acknowledge that slandering an innocent person with the pedo label can incite violence from crackpots... like the guy who decided to travel to Comet Ping Pong and open fire.

Dec. 4, 2016

"Welch walked into Comet Ping Pong armed with a knife, AR-15 assault weapon and a revolver. Welch said that he had driven to the pizzeria from Salisbury, N.C., in order to investigate online conspiracy theories of child sex slaves being held in the restaurant. Welch fired his gun multiple times when he came upon a locked storage closet.

After finding no children held against their will, Welch surrendered to police. He said “that he had read online that the Comet restaurant was harboring child sex slaves and that he wanted to see for himself if they were there,” according to the arrest affidavit."
Yep. we dont have to change any D minds either. Its all about swinging just a couple % points of the indy vote in battleground states. Going to be hearing a whole lot more about Epstein, Maxwell and others over the next couple years with increasing intensity. ;) :cool:

:) Can't agree more about your observation.
Oh. Don't forget 'The Border' and inflation, along with Hunter Biden)