Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

I would say it's Republicans who want to lose. That is why they have been flip flopping.
They see they are losing so they are now flip-flopping to keep the win.

The Republicans are going to win in the Fall. Most probably in the House and maybe the Senate. Still, all of their pedophiliac pro-Russian bull shit is starting to cause them problems...along with their elderly voters ending up on morgue trucks or on life support due to the Republican mismanagement of COVID.
Dude it's not us. It's Fox News. You've been had. It's pretty funny.

:laugh: It is you. But dont you see? Even if it wasnt it doesnt matter. All that matters is what people think they know. And all that matters is that a little more think one way then the other. You already lost . You won lots of battles but lost the war. EVERYTHING changes after November. Much more than people know or will even believe right now. Time will bear me out.
:laugh: It is you. But dont you see? Even if it wasnt it doesnt matter. All that matters is what people think they know. And all that matters is that a little more think one way then the other. You already lost . You won lots of battles but lost the war. EVERYTHING changes after November. Much more than people know or will even believe right now. Time will bear me out.

America matters. Apparently you think it doesn't. :dunno:
Repubs have been going after kids for years. This is not really a left or right problem. Some people are attracted to children and get in trouble. It is not about their politics. Me blaming a righty is as valid as rightys claiming it is a lefty problem. it is not.

Republicans didn't start or cause the pedophile problem but they certainly enabled it by allowing multiple pedophiles into their party.
It's time for Georgia voters to show this vacuous but vicious loser the door.

"When a sitting US congresswoman gives oxygen to a dangerous conspiracy theory by falsely accusing her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile," the country has a problem -- and her party has an urgent obligation to fix it.
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger to outlandish, offensive and frankly bizarre behavior. And on Monday, she did it again, tweeting, "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile" because "they just voted for #KBJ" -- a reference to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge set to become the next Supreme Court justice, and three moderate Republican senators who say they will vote to confirm her.

The accusation is an ugly one, but Greene isn't the only Republican to make it -- or at least to imply it. During Jackson's confirmation hearings, several Republicans twisted her record and obscured the facts to suggest that she was soft on pedophiles. And now, with her tweet, Greene has put her own party members in QAnon's sights. It's so absurd it could be funny if it weren't so dangerous, and if so many elected Republicans weren't so willing to play ball with brain-wormed conspiracy theorists whose ideas only further destabilize American democracy and have already led to repeated violence.

The GOP needs to take responsibility for their party members. It's abhorrent that a sitting congresswoman can accuse her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile" with few consequences. This is a repeated pattern of egregious behavior and damaging lies from Greene, and it's far beyond time that Republican leadership stepped in."

What were the allegations against Cavanaugh? Weren't they parrotted by libs here, as well as the liberal media? Where was your outrage then? :rofl2: