
JesusAI, I always enjoy your word games. I especially relish your "Spot the Gibberish" game because I am pretty good at it.

Yes, your statement is pure gibberish and I get 30 more points.

So you want to talk about free markets. OK. No society can be free without free markets. This is a huge area where Marx got it wrong ... and you do too occasionally. But I won't tell anyone.

Capitalism= Economics. It can't be "bailed out.". It's just a bunch of models based on the supply-demand curve.

Capitalism is not any bank, banker, agency, currency, market, cheeseburger, supervillain, magic power, legislation or desire to get laid. The ONLY thing capitalism tries to do is achieve price realization.

The "Invisible Hand" Is the One Picking Your Pocket

Worshipping rich trash won't make you rich; it will only make you trash.

The Free Market is a fleece market. It is a make-believe concept, much like the claims of astrology that outside forces in the sky control human activity. Both are hocus-pocus based on the Big Dipper.
The fact remains that Obama (a constitutional law professor) along with the supreme court, wiped their ass with the constitution and did away with Habeas Corpus.

Hedges also touched on the Patriot Acts and other unconstitutional laws that turned the US into a police state. You choose to remain ignorant of the facts.
This Is How Obama Got bin-Laden Killed

So you link yourself up with some Neo-Communist propaganders because, for once, they criticize a Neo-Communist shoeshine boy?
How are economics contradicted and destroyed by "hereditary power"? On its face, it sounds really stupid. Weren't you going to offer an explanation or was your plan to just throw it out there and hope no one actually calls you on it?

What would be the effect if somehow pro athletes could pass on their positions to their sons? It wouldn't be long before pro sports would become a joke and have to be disbanded. If you believe in the plutocrats' right to pre-position their spoiled brats, or that inherited wealth has no bearing on the heirs' positions in the economy, the joke's on you.

Tom Paine pointed out how absurd it would be to have a hereditary poet laureate. That's Common Sense.
"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact"

Giving any rights whatsoever to jihadists and their American sympathizers is a nation's Death Wish.
You can be held in detention indefinitely without access to a lawyer for something you say on the internet. Hedges made it clear government will find a way to link you to a terrorist group, the same way you did with me. US citizen no longer have Habeas Corpus.
What would be the effect if somehow pro athletes could pass on their positions to their sons?
The problem with your hypothetical is that professional athletes don't own the team. Naturally it would be stupid if employers were forced to fill positions with the children of the employees who currently hold those positions.

If you believe in the plutocrats' right to pre-position their spoiled brats, or that inherited wealth has no bearing on the heirs' positions in the economy, the joke's on you.
Supposing I recognize the benefit in a father helping his children. What then?

It doesn't seem like you have any kind of point. Did your father not help you? Do you think it unfair that other children are helped by their fathers? A you pouting to some extent?

Thereafter we can get into maternal assistance.
Merrick Garland orders parents concerned with school boards during covid to be investigated as terrorists. You can't make this shit up.

but you know it happened.
What is it that I supposedly know happened, and so what if I did?

and knowing it happened you should know it means free markets do not exist.
You'll have to walk me through that logic.

the entire game is rigged in favor of banks and their large corporate friends.
Are you talking about economics or just shitcoin cryptocurrencies?

Consumers wield all the power. Nobody has to ever do any business with any particular bank. The banks are all in competition with each other. What is your point?

that's fascism and you do not seek meaningful reform.
You apparently don't know what fascism is. You are correct in that I do not seek meaningful reform for a problem that we do not have.

I recommend you read The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini and Gentile.
We came close to having a good debate on Marx. Good job guys.
You won't come within ten miles of any debate about Marx. You will at best preach Marx's faith and ignore all who are not worshipers in the congregation.
I see that you are one of those who are doomed to bemoan any two people who have different amounts of wealth. You are one of the cursed who will only be happy when all people everywhere are equally broke and miserable ... because then it will all be fair.

Since that will never happen, you are cursed to being irrationally miserable for the rest of your days. It must really suck to be you.
You won't come within ten miles of any debate about Marx. You will at best preach Marx's faith and ignore all who are not worshipers in the congregation.
No one here is ever going to read Marx, so I explained his importance to history. If workers had a say in the rail industry, there wouldn't be 1000 derailments every year, and there wouldn't have been a burn off of chemicals in Ohio. Marx wrote on how to improve society; a high tide lifts all boats sort of thing.

The people need to be part of the system instead of allowing a cabal of psychopaths pillaging the globe in endless war. The Forty-Eighters were abolitionists who changed the course of America within 12 years of their arrival. WWII veterans lifted workers into the middle class because they told government what they wanted after returning home from fighting fascists.

Tell me how we ended up with the New Deal and maybe you can redeem yourself from your willfull ignorance.
No one here is ever going to read Marx,
Several very knowledgeable and well-read individuals tried to engage you in a discussion about Marx. You would not have it. It turns out that you're not very knowledgeable about Marx or Marxism. You were content with the Marxist political disinformation you had absorbed and simply wanted to preach that. When knowledgeable others began ruining your sermon with truthful information, you were actually disappointed. You did not appreciate it in the least.

... so I explained his importance to history.
You did nothing of the sort. If you had,, there would have been a lengthy discussion on the various religious ideologies that evolved from his own, and the militant (and often violent) political groups that sprung out of those faiths, damaging or destroying economies in their wakes and bringng misery to countless people over the generations. If you had actually engaged in discussing Marx, there would have been analysis surrounding Marxism's guaranteed failure and how it has failed every time, resulting in collapsed societies, war and negatively impacted to destroyed economies.

Instead, you simply wanted to whine about how sound economic principles (aka capitalism) is bad (the bottom line in any Marxist ideology) and to lament wealth disparities among people. You never intended to discuss Marx, only to preach Marxism.

If workers had a say in the rail industry, there wouldn't be 1000 derailments every year,
Of course. It's like I keep saying, if only drivers had a say in driving, there wouldn't be any traffic accidents.

There are more railroad unions and brotherhoods than you can shake a stick at. Railroad workers get their say and their way. One could easily make the case that the existence of those unions is what keeps the derailments happening and keeps worker safety low, i.e. it's exactly as the workers demand it.

Marx wrote on how to improve society;
Marx preached the destruction of societies and to blame "the rich." Gullible people such as yourself absorb the propaganda without applying any independent thought or critical reasoning whatsoever.

The people need to be part of the system
It never occurs to you that you are babbling. You keep falling back on the words "the system" and you well know that you aren't talking about anything. I had tried to bring this to your attention multiple times but your intention is to babble, not to discuss.

You are in a mindless preaching mode and you aren't entertaining any questions.

instead of allowing a cabal of psychopaths pillaging the globe in endless war.
This is Marxism, by the way, destroying/robbing the wealth of others and destroying the economy until there is no more of other people's money to pillage.

You won't discuss any of the above. You are set on idolizing the father of global economic cancer (Karl Marx) while blaming all of the world's problems on those who simply opt to engage in sound economic principles.

As a discussion, your thread held great promise, but you nipped that in the bud.
What is it that I supposedly know happened, and so what if I did?

You'll have to walk me through that logic.

Are you talking about economics or just shitcoin cryptocurrencies?

Consumers wield all the power. Nobody has to ever do any business with any particular bank. The banks are all in competition with each other. What is your point?

You apparently don't know what fascism is. You are correct in that I do not seek meaningful reform for a problem that we do not have.

I recommend you read The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini and Gentile.

stfu legion.

banks are a cartel.

we have fascism.

it's the government and large corporations acting as a monolithic power structure.

state capture is 100%.

you probably don't know any of these words and that's sad for you.
Several very knowledgeable and well-read individuals tried to engage you in a discussion about Marx. You would not have it. It turns out that you're not very knowledgeable about Marx or Marxism. You were content with the Marxist political disinformation you had absorbed and simply wanted to preach that. When knowledgeable others began ruining your sermon with truthful information, you were actually disappointed. You did not appreciate it in the least.

You did nothing of the sort. If you had,, there would have been a lengthy discussion on the various religious ideologies that evolved from his own, and the militant (and often violent) political groups that sprung out of those faiths, damaging or destroying economies in their wakes and bringng misery to countless people over the generations. If you had actually engaged in discussing Marx, there would have been analysis surrounding Marxism's guaranteed failure and how it has failed every time, resulting in collapsed societies, war and negatively impacted to destroyed economies.

Instead, you simply wanted to whine about how sound economic principles (aka capitalism) is bad (the bottom line in any Marxist ideology) and to lament wealth disparities among people. You never intended to discuss Marx, only to preach Marxism.

Of course. It's like I keep saying, if only drivers had a say in driving, there wouldn't be any traffic accidents.

There are more railroad unions and brotherhoods than you can shake a stick at. Railroad workers get their say and their way. One could easily make the case that the existence of those unions is what keeps the derailments happening and keeps worker safety low, i.e. it's exactly as the workers demand it.

Marx preached the destruction of societies and to blame "the rich." Gullible people such as yourself absorb the propaganda without applying any independent thought or critical reasoning whatsoever.

It never occurs to you that you are babbling. You keep falling back on the words "the system" and you well know that you aren't talking about anything. I had tried to bring this to your attention multiple times but your intention is to babble, not to discuss.

You are in a mindless preaching mode and you aren't entertaining any questions.

This is Marxism, by the way, destroying/robbing the wealth of others and destroying the economy until there is no more of other people's money to pillage.

You won't discuss any of the above. You are set on idolizing the father of global economic cancer (Karl Marx) while blaming all of the world's problems on those who simply opt to engage in sound economic principles.

As a discussion, your thread held great promise, but you nipped that in the bud.
Tell me how we ended up with the New Deal and maybe you can redeem yourself from your willful ignorance.
Tell me how we ended up with the New Deal and maybe you can redeem yourself from your willful ignorance.
Tell me what the New Deal has to do with Marx and why you refuse to discuss Marx in your thread titled "Marx."
stfu legion.
banks are a cartel.
we have fascism.
it's the government and large corporations acting as a monolithic power structure.
state capture is 100%.
Well, the one thing we do have is mindless chanting from your corner. All we need to do now is to get some really big speakers, amplify your droning and aim it all at those neighbors we don't like.