
Well, the one thing we do have is mindless chanting from your corner. All we need to do now is to get some really big speakers, amplify your droning and aim it all at those neighbors we don't like.

this is all a distraction from your fascist shilling. learn what words mean, dipshit.
Tell me what the New Deal has to do with Marx and why you refuse to discuss Marx in your thread titled "Marx."

totalitarianism in practice is always fascist oligarchy.

the government always uses vendors / corporations, whether they function under a logo or just continue to use the state flag publicly. and sometimes the vendors themselves created the government to give themselves no bid contracts and pilfer the people's wealth unfettered.

the whole communist/capitalism thing is a false dichotomy at the point of de facto state capture.

totalitarianism in practice is always fascist oligarchy.
I can agree with your sentiment. Just omit the word fascism; an oligarchy need not be fascist.

the government always uses vendors / corporations,
... and vendors / corporations are always using the government.

You have said nothing.

the whole communist/capitalism thing is a false dichotomy
Nonetheless, it is one you insist on using and I, for the life of me, can't figure out why.

Insist yet again that "capitalism" has been bailed out. Too funny.

Either you have a republic or you have a tyrannical oligarchy, and that oligarchy can be the government, a corporate cabal, or a nasty hybrid as the US has today.

I realize that you itch to just oversimplify all tyranny as "fascism" but that's simply because you don't know what fascism is.

I can agree with your sentiment. Just omit the word fascism; an oligarchy need not be fascist.

... and vendors / corporations are always using the government.

You have said nothing.

Nonetheless, it is one you insist on using and I, for the life of me, can't figure out why.

Insist yet again that "capitalism" has been bailed out. Too funny.

Either you have a republic or you have a tyrannical oligarchy, and that oligarchy can be the government, a corporate cabal, or a nasty hybrid as the US has today.

I realize that you itch to just oversimplify all tyranny as "fascism" but that's simply because you don't know what fascism is.


yes they use each other. it's fascism.

learn to call it out.

I see that you are one of those who are doomed to bemoan any two people who have different amounts of wealth. You are one of the cursed who will only be happy when all people everywhere are equally broke and miserable ... because then it will all be fair.

Since that will never happen, you are cursed to being irrationally miserable for the rest of your days. It must really suck to be you.

When you assume!
Do your own research on the New Deal and the Marx connection quickly becomes obvious.

Your fantasy delusions will only be obvious to you, and those cannot be researched by anyone else.

Just admit that your little game of pretend ends here. You have nothing to discuss.
But do you comprehend it?
I fully realize that at your cognitive level, you believe it to be terribly creative to play on the words of the name of your avatar, i.e. "AM I?" to insinuate that you are science, math and logic ... and I applaud your efforts to dare to grow and to experiment ... well done. Sure, people will tell you not to quit your day job, but ignore them.
I fully realize that at your cognitive level, you believe it to be terribly creative to play on the words of the name of your avatar, i.e. "AM I?" to insinuate that you are science, math and logic ... and I applaud your efforts to dare to grow and to experiment ... well done. Sure, people will tell you not to quit your day job, but ignore them.

Just as I thought you didn't comprehend it
Just as I thought you didn't comprehend it
What I wrote is the only interpretation that makes any sense to a rational adult with solid reading comprehension. There's no saying what convoluted, irrational and illogical meaning you've got going on in your mind.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I'll remember to not do that in the future.
What I wrote is the only interpretation that makes any sense to a rational adult with solid reading comprehension. There's no saying what convoluted, irrational and illogical meaning you've got going on in your mind.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I'll remember to not do that in the future.

Word salad! It's quite easy, just because you don't get it is sad.For you.
Word salad! It's quite easy, just because you don't get it is sad.For you.
If you had had any meaning then you would have already explained it. As it stands, you simply don't want it revealed that I was right all along.

Marx had 4 stages of capitalism. What we call late-stage capitalism today, Marx called it state capitalism by predicting capitalists would own the state (state meaning government). That's exactly where we are right now and have been for quite some time.

Over 1000 derailments a year proves that capitalists profits are more important than the lives of we the people. These CEOs are psychopaths. It may take a decade or 2 before the people of East Palestine, OH start dying of cancer, but past manmade disasters show it's inevitable.

You know what family Marx was a part of right?
You know what family Marx was a part of right?
You'll have to be a little more specific. I'm not sure what it has to do with his philosophy. FDR did a 180 on his family beliefs to give us the New Deal.
The problem with your hypothetical is that professional athletes don't own the team. Naturally it would be stupid if employers were forced to fill positions with the children of the employees who currently hold those positions.

Supposing I recognize the benefit in a father helping his children. What then?

It doesn't seem like you have any kind of point. Do you think it unfair that other children are helped by their fathers?
Serfs Up!

The next generation owns the competitive playing field, so preordination of pampered Preppies is the same as hereditary sports interfering with owners' rights.

Even in a minor case, which you claim all pre-ordaining of Preppies is, can a Little League father bribe the umpire to help his son win the game? After all, he does it "with his own money," which you unrealistically claim excuses interference with the rights of others, especially with the talented you are so jealous of.

If you want to insult me, I fight back with no holds barred. If someone supports this plutocratic favoritism of picking of winners and losers in the next generation, it is out of resentment that his own father didn't get rich and place him halfway to the finish line without merit. Having Daddy issues is childish, and so is this country for allowing any inheritance that tilts the competitive playing field.

Both the Bushes and the Kennedys destroyed the political process and brought it back to medieval birth-class tyranny. America better grow up or it will die at its young age, just like those who died in Vietnam because birth privileges determined who would die there and who would make no sacrifice whatsoever: the pre-positioned young plutocrats and their future flunkies who ran away to college to avoid the draft. Those people owe real Americans 60,000 lives.