
You'll never hear Biden admit nato is getting its ass kicked. Scott Ritter is saying this will be the end of nato. Europe is tired of being bullied by the US empire.

NATO has never been stronger / united and more nations are joining , Sweden and Finland ,hardly anything but weak or divided
Biden cannot control what Israel does
Israel is a US military outpost. Truman had to be talked into creating the military base.

If anyone thinks Putin and Russia today is the same as The Soviet Union , they are more then stupid
Putin and Russia are modern day capitalist making trade deals with the world. The US is corporatist pillaging the globe for its natural resources.
Communistism, Capitalistism

Let a proletarian movement be led solely by proletarians or you get the elitist totalitarian tyranny of Communism, which is designed to only benefit its know-it-all leaders.
Communism has no tyranny. Communism also doesn't exist anywhere.

I believe you meant to write "the tyranny of socialism that dishonestly calls itself communism."
Israel has been planning it for years as Iran says their goal to destroy Israel
I'd like to build on what you have stated.

What the Ayatullah wants more than life itself is to assume the role of the prophet of Allah. The problem, of course, is that mainstream Islam has cancelled the idea of any more prophets popping up because then all Islamic leaders would have to bow to him. Now, if anyone comes along claiming to be a prophet, he can be executed as a blasphemer, i.e. everyone knows that Mohammed is the last prophet.

However, in the history of Islam, the 12th prophet never died ... he just "vanished" ... and so the Ayatullah wants to make a public announcement to the world that he is the 12th imam who has been wandering the earth waiting for just the right time to reveal himself ... without having to explain how he lost his Arabic-speaking proficiency.

Enter the one HUGE problem. The 12th imam cannot so reveal himself until ... wait for it ... until Israel is destroyed. So the only thing holding up the Ayatullah's prohethood is Israel. Now the Ayatullah doesn't actually need to destroy all of Israel. If he can just get some really big bombs to explode in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and capture some massive smoke on video, he can claim that Israel has been destroyed and claim victory. This is why the rockets from Hezbollah and Hamas NEVER end. They figure that maybe if they can COMPILE enough footage of Israel's destruction then they can make a plausible claim that Israel has been destroyed. Too much is riding on this to allow any angle go untried.

Of course, nothing has been of any avail. It has become readily apparent to the current Ayatullah, as it did to his predecessor, that the only hope is to get a nuke into Israel. Poison gas won't work because killing lots of Israelis won't accomplish what is needed. They need visual evidence to support the claim that "Israel has been DESTROYED" that will be believable to Muslims around the world.

Iran will stop at nothing to get a nuke into Israel. There can be no reasoning with Iran on this matter.
Cherchez la Femme

Young Marx was a rich kid who had enough social rank to marry a countess, who herself had enough aristocratic rank to marry any king in Europe. He had become a nerdy philosopher, but his naturally power-hungry wife seduced him into becoming a demagogue with the goal of killing off all the rulers of Europe and becoming world-dictator over the working classes, whom all anti-social Socialitsts despise. The American parallel is Abe Lincoln marrying a rich widow and taking on her class's Northern sweat-shopping spirit.

Mostly true, I'll disagree with you on one thing....Marx was never motivated to do anything except worry about Marx.
Marx theme of Capital is society deserves better than capitalism. He at least deserves credit for predicting corporatism.

He deserves no credit, Helen Keller could have seen that coming, espeially since it was already there. And I don't think Marx wrote his own stuff.

You know what family he married into...right? He knew.
He deserves no credit, Helen Keller could have seen that coming, espeially since it was already there. And I don't think Marx wrote his own stuff.

You know what family he married into...right? He knew.
I don't get what family has to do with it. Either you're for society or you're for the corporatists. There're no fence sitters here.
He married into the Siemens family.
Heather Mills married Paul McCartney but that doesn't make her a Beatle. Marx changed sociology by letting people know they didn't have to remain slaves to capital.
Marx theme of Capital is society deserves better than capitalism.
It's like you don't speak English.

Das Kapital is nothing more than Marx whining about how people compete, which leads to some people winning and that is UNFAIR ... because Marx was constantly projecting his conscientiousness about his totally inability to compete on any level.

Marx further whines that some people have ADVANTAGES which they leverage! How can a civilized society permit this?

All this adds up to the losers actually being VICTIMS who were EXPLOITED by the winners who VICTIMIZED the EXPLOITED losers ... and it's UNFAIR!
