
The intellectually inadequate--virtually all conservative populists--routinely confuse intellectualism with snobbery.
Capital is such a difficult read that it's almost impossible to make it through volume 1. Sometimes I had to read a page 2 or 3 times to understand it. It took me forever to finish. Capital gave me the courage to come out of the closet as an anarchist.

We don't need big government's boot on our neck. Intellectuals could have built off the foundation laid by our founding fathers.
Capital is such a difficult read that it's almost impossible to make it through volume 1. Sometimes I had to read a page 2 or 3 times to understand it. It took me forever to finish. Capital gave me the courage to come out of the closet as an anarchist.

We don't need big government's boot on our neck. Intellectuals could have built off the foundation laid by our founding fathers.

What some see as a boot on the neck is viewed by others as a helping hand.
What some see as a boot on the neck is viewed by others as a helping hand.
The lockdowns and mandatory vaccines are a boot on the neck of our constitutional rights. The US is trying to make protests illegal. How is that a helping hand?
The lockdowns and mandatory vaccines are a boot on the neck of our constitutional rights. The US is trying to make protests illegal. How is that a helping hand?

It is your right to believe in the supremacy of the individual in all things and the needlessness of social responsibility,

but in doing so,

you're denying evolution. Homo sapiens didn't evolve as a lone hunter. He/she evolved as a social creature. Socialism is nature as it exists.
It is your right to believe in the supremacy of the individual in all things and the needlessness of social responsibility,

but in doing so,

you're denying evolution. Homo sapiens didn't evolve as a lone hunter. He/she evolved as a social creature. Socialism is nature as it exists.
Protests are going on around the world as we type. Corporatists are murdering entire towns in the US, yet we rarely see the people in the streets. Divide and conquer was way too easy in the US.
Protests are going on around the world as we type. Corporatists are murdering entire towns in the US, yet we rarely see the people in the streets. Divide and conquer was way too easy in the US.

Nobody had to cause the division.
It was baked into the cake when they tried to make a unified nation out of incompatible colonies after the revolutionary war.
We started out with free states and slave states.

America was divided from day one.
Nobody had to cause the division.
It was baked into the cake when they tried to make a unified nation out of incompatible colonies after the revolutionary war.
We started out with free states and slave states.

America was divided from day one.
It would have been in the free states best interest for Lincoln to allow the slave states to secede. They had no industry and were headed to financial ruin. Dixie's only option was to be in servitude to British royalty.
It would have been in the free states best interest for Lincoln to allow the slave states to secede. They had no industry and were headed to financial ruin. Dixie's only option was to be in servitude to British royalty.

Probably a lot of truth to that, but that's not how it went down. Perhaps things could have been different.
The lockdowns and mandatory vaccines are a boot on the neck of our constitutional rights. The US is trying to make protests illegal. How is that a helping hand?

The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

The way American sheep submitted to the "SMOKING CAUSES CANCER!!!" hoax encouraged the ruling class to go ahead with the cronyvirus hoax. The Lethal Lockdown limiting virus-killing "pollutants" also helped the totalitarians with their "Clean Air" hoax. With so much proof that we'll willingly be Faucied-over again, expect more of this rolling tyranny.
Capital is such a difficult read that it's almost impossible to make it through volume 1. Sometimes I had to read a page 2 or 3 times to understand it. It took me forever to finish. Capital gave me the courage to come out of the closet as an anarchist.
So you're telling me that if you had instead chosen wisely and read through a few economics textbooks, you would have gotten the courage to be a fiscally savvy, productive member of society?

We don't need big government's boot on our neck.
Then be a conservative or a Libertarian. Just read an economics textbook first.
French pension strikes to continue Thursday, disrupting fuel supply and air travel
By Forrest Crellin and Benjamin Mallet

Opinion polls show a majority of voters oppose President Emmanuel Macron's plan to delay the retirement age by two years to 64, but the government says the policy change is essential to ensure the system does not go bust.

Americans continue to squabble over red vs blue.
French pension strikes to continue Thursday, disrupting fuel supply and air travel
By Forrest Crellin and Benjamin Mallet

Opinion polls show a majority of voters oppose President Emmanuel Macron's plan to delay the retirement age by two years to 64, but the government says the policy change is essential to ensure the system does not go bust.
Let's see if the French are gullible enough to fall for the line about "the system going bust."

Remember, Taibbi's Protest Is About What the Influencers Tell You Is the Only Problem

With dumbing-down education, necessary because its goal of going to college means the economy-killing absurdity of getting a job just because the graduate went four or more years without a job, social-media robotic posters were pre-conditioned to write what they were told to think, because they had lost the ability to think independently of what seductive gurus had been hired by the bipartisan ruling class to tell them what to think. Originality is the only crime attacked on this Netrix. The invasion of the mind-snatchers has made American thought occupied territory.

So I was thinking that the totalitarians were overdoing it with unnecessary post-brainwashing censorship. But this regime imposes what is so much the opposite of natural human thought that a few squeaks of independence manage to get through, so they must squelch that to be sure they are safe in their sheltered castles.