
No one here is ever going to read Marx, so I explained his importance to history. If workers had a say in the rail industry, there wouldn't be 1000 derailments every year, and there wouldn't have been a burn off of chemicals in Ohio. Marx wrote on how to improve society; a high tide lifts all boats sort of thing.

The people need to be part of the system instead of allowing a cabal of psychopaths pillaging the globe in endless war. The Forty-Eighters were abolitionists who changed the course of America within 12 years of their arrival. WWII veterans lifted workers into the middle class because they told government what they wanted after returning home from fighting fascists.

Tell me how we ended up with the New Deal and maybe you can redeem yourself from your willfull ignorance.

Communistism, Capitalistism

Let a proletarian movement be led solely by proletarians or you get the elitist totalitarian tyranny of Communism, which is designed to only benefit its know-it-all leaders.
Several very knowledgeable and well-read individuals tried to engage you in a discussion about Marx. You would not have it. It turns out that you're not very knowledgeable about Marx or Marxism. You were content with the Marxist political disinformation you had absorbed and simply wanted to preach that. When knowledgeable others began ruining your sermon with truthful information, you were actually disappointed. You did not appreciate it in the least.

You did nothing of the sort. If you had,, there would have been a lengthy discussion on the various religious ideologies that evolved from his own, and the militant (and often violent) political groups that sprung out of those faiths, damaging or destroying economies in their wakes and bringng misery to countless people over the generations. If you had actually engaged in discussing Marx, there would have been analysis surrounding Marxism's guaranteed failure and how it has failed every time, resulting in collapsed societies, war and negatively impacted to destroyed economies.

Instead, you simply wanted to whine about how sound economic principles (aka capitalism) is bad (the bottom line in any Marxist ideology) and to lament wealth disparities among people. You never intended to discuss Marx, only to preach Marxism.

Of course. It's like I keep saying, if only drivers had a say in driving, there wouldn't be any traffic accidents.

There are more railroad unions and brotherhoods than you can shake a stick at. Railroad workers get their say and their way. One could easily make the case that the existence of those unions is what keeps the derailments happening and keeps worker safety low, i.e. it's exactly as the workers demand it.

Marx preached the destruction of societies and to blame "the rich." Gullible people such as yourself absorb the propaganda without applying any independent thought or critical reasoning whatsoever.

It never occurs to you that you are babbling. You keep falling back on the words "the system" and you well know that you aren't talking about anything. I had tried to bring this to your attention multiple times but your intention is to babble, not to discuss.

You are in a mindless preaching mode and you aren't entertaining any questions.

This is Marxism, by the way, destroying/robbing the wealth of others and destroying the economy until there is no more of other people's money to pillage.

You won't discuss any of the above. You are set on idolizing the father of global economic cancer (Karl Marx) while blaming all of the world's problems on those who simply opt to engage in sound economic principles.

As a discussion, your thread held great promise, but you nipped that in the bud.
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

Ideology is not about ideas; it is nothing more than a spitball fight at a prep school. Abolish hereditary wealth and privileges or we will collapse under the weight of success being based primarily on birth, not worth. Neither controlled side distinguishes between rich and born-rich.
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I can agree with your sentiment. Just omit the word fascism; an oligarchy need not be fascist.

... and vendors / corporations are always using the government.

You have said nothing.

Nonetheless, it is one you insist on using and I, for the life of me, can't figure out why.

Insist yet again that "capitalism" has been bailed out. Too funny.

Either you have a republic or you have a tyrannical oligarchy, and that oligarchy can be the government, a corporate cabal, or a nasty hybrid as the US has today.

I realize that you itch to just oversimplify all tyranny as "fascism" but that's simply because you don't know what fascism is.

All Republics Go Bananas

Representation is a re-presentation of perpetual sheltered-elitist tyranny, which soon degenerates into Birth-Class Supremacy.
Russia kicking US and nato ass in Ukraine is more proof of late stage capitalism. The US is trying to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. Biden recently made a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran. How many war fronts does the US think it can keep going before we end up like Rome and the British empire?

The US is now instigating WW3 out of desperation.
You know what family Marx was a part of right?

Cherchez la Femme

Young Marx was a rich kid who had enough social rank to marry a countess, who herself had enough aristocratic rank to marry any king in Europe. He had become a nerdy philosopher, but his naturally power-hungry wife seduced him into becoming a demagogue with the goal of killing off all the rulers of Europe and becoming world-dictator over the working classes, whom all anti-social Socialitsts despise. The American parallel is Abe Lincoln marrying a rich widow and taking on her class's Northern sweat-shopping spirit.
Serfs Up!The next generation owns the competitive playing field
How poetic. For that to be the case, they have to own the market, which they would not. They would only own one of the many "seats on the exchange" ... and all are free to create their own seats at any time.

If you want to insult me, I fight back with no holds barred.
You just don't know any holds.

If someone supports this plutocratic favoritism of picking of winners and losers
You just lost this one. The question is about the ethics of parents supporting/helping their children. You irrationally leapt to the ominous scenario of "winners" being arbitrarily chosen by some unseen/unnamed deity. You need to back up and connect the dots.

Why is it wrong for parents to support/help their children? Start with mothers breastfeeding and otherwise nurturing their infant children. Should they really be doing that? Run through the entire gamut of parental support. Make sure to include the parents' purchase of the child's first football/hockey skates/baseball glove/soccer ball, etc... Explain why this is abhorrently wrong. Make sure to cover the child's first car. Explain how my son will own the competitive playing field because I bought him a Mustang when he turned 16. Combine that with the hockey sticks I had previously purchased for him to show how this country is guaranteed to be socially raped by what I have done as a parent.

I think you've got a strong case.
Russia kicking US and nato ass in Ukraine is more proof of late stage capitalism. The US is trying to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. Biden recently made a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran. How many war fronts does the US think it can keep going before we end up like Rome and the British empire?

The US is now instigating WW3 out of desperation.

Russia kicking US and nato ass in Ukraine

What planet do you live on?

Ukraine war: Russia's Wagner boss suggests 'betrayal' in Bakhmut battle

The head of Russia's Wagner private army says it is not getting the ammunition it needs from Moscow, as it seeks to gain control of Bakhmut.

The eastern city has seen months of intense fighting, as Wagner and regular Russian troops try to seize it.

But Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin says his army's lack of ammunition could be "ordinary bureaucracy or a betrayal".
What planet do you live on?

Ukraine war: Russia's Wagner boss suggests 'betrayal' in Bakhmut battle

The head of Russia's Wagner private army says it is not getting the ammunition it needs from Moscow, as it seeks to gain control of Bakhmut.

The eastern city has seen months of intense fighting, as Wagner and regular Russian troops try to seize it.

But Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin says his army's lack of ammunition could be "ordinary bureaucracy or a betrayal".
The BBC is state owned media. They only tell the establishment narrative. What are your own thoughts on Biden making a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran? Is it a good idea?
Russia kicking US and nato ass in Ukraine is more proof of late stage capitalism.
Russia was destroyed in Ukraine. I think I'm beginning to see where you get your backwards, dishonest propaganda, somebody has you bent over furniture and is reaming it into you.

The US is trying to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.
This is the kind of statement a non-US person would make. The US is working overtime to become NAZI Germany, or Chavista Venezuela, and it wouldn't occur to anyone here in the US to view the US as trying to retain any sort of "relevance" outside its borders. My conclusion is that the person who is reaming you over a credenza is an America-hating non-American.

Biden recently made a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran.
Who do you expect is going to believe that you somehow know this?

How many war fronts does the US think it can keep going before we end up like Rome and the British empire?
What are you claiming are in the STRATCOM's strategic plans?

The US is now instigating WW3 out of desperation.
I guess I must have missed that part. How is the US doing this? Should I be asking your America-hating reamer?
The BBC is state owned media. They only tell the establishment narrative. What are your own thoughts on Biden making a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran? Is it a good idea?
You ask this as though it is true. Why do you think Israel even needs any sort of agreement with anyone to attack Iran? (hint: they don't need any help from anyone)
Russia kicking US and nato ass in Ukraine is more proof of late stage capitalism. The US is trying to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. Biden recently made a deal with Netanyahu to attack Iran. How many war fronts does the US think it can keep going before we end up like Rome and the British empire?

The US is now instigating WW3 out of desperation.

You'll never hear Biden admit nato is getting its ass kicked. Scott Ritter is saying this will be the end of nato. Europe is tired of being bullied by the US empire.