McCain's got another problem

More deflection. Is McCain an elitist or not?
I don't know if he thinks he is better than me because he is where he is, or was born as he was. I think that in the Naval Academy his actions pretty much showed he was, he knew he would likely graduate regardless of how much chicanery he was into. However, other times of his life show that he was not, or is not any longer. At this point I cannot know, I don't know him personally enough to make that judgment.
Globalization itself is an elite worldview.
Well, enforced globalism definitely is an elitist worldview. Recognizing that communication itself drives some forms of globalism is not. Groups can identify and communicate with a larger community without regard to national boundaries because of easy communication lines. Catholics, for instance, may take a view larger than just the US all without promoting an enforced globalism that would be elitist.
But Obama, who worked with the poor, was an activist in poor neighborhoods is still the elitist? Does McCain go to dinner at Golden Corral on a regular basis? Does he hang at the local bar in Arizona? Is he out pitching horseshoes with his constitinsee. Fuck no! the guy hangs with his own. Just because you DON'T SAY that you think you are above the common folk doesn't negate how you act.
Well, enforced globalism definitely is an elitist worldview. Recognizing that communication itself drives some forms of globalism is not.
I'm talking enforced and forced globalism and the liars who deny the hardships caused to the victims of these lies, the main lie being "it's good for everyone". It's just not. It's good for elites who save money by destroying loyalties between people, so people will view other people as potential profit centers, and nothing more.
Groups can identify and communicate with a larger community without regard to national boundaries because of easy communication lines. Catholics, for instance, may take a view larger than just the US all without promoting an enforced globalism that would be elitist.

I have no problems with communication or with enjoying and learning about other cultures. None of that means "only a nazi cares about other americans being put out of work".
It's not about the value of national boundaries, those are just a means of protecting the people in side. Ultimately this is about people.
I don't know if he thinks he is better than me because he is where he is, or was born as he was. I think that in the Naval Academy his actions pretty much showed he was, he knew he would likely graduate regardless of how much chicanery he was into. However, other times of his life show that he was not, or is not any longer. At this point I cannot know, I don't know him personally enough to make that judgment.

So basically what you're saying is that cawacko and SF are being presumptuous in saying that Obama is an elitist because they don't know him personally enough?
But Obama, who worked with the poor, was an activist in poor neighborhoods is still the elitist? Does McCain go to dinner at Golden Corral on a regular basis? Does he hang at the local bar in Arizona? Is he out pitching horseshoes with his constitinsee. Fuck no! the guy hangs with his own. Just because you DON'T SAY that you think you are above the common folk doesn't negate how you act.

What Obama did in the past does not indicate his current attitude. His current comments and actions are what determines whether he gives the impression of an "elitist" or not. The same holds true for McCain. When you belittle people it gives the impression that you are "above them" because you would not be so silly as to act/react as they have (clinging to guns and religion). Acting as though thou art the savior of our great nation 'the one we have been waiting for'.... adds to such an impression.

The town hall style gatherings of McCain vs. the 'lets see how many people we can attract with free concerts, to show the world we can attract 100k people to hear Obama' events.... which one comes across as more in touch with the "common man" and which seems a bit egotistical/elitist?

Side note: I have no idea where the two candidates eat every day.
So basically what you're saying is that cawacko and SF are being presumptuous in saying that Obama is an elitist because they don't know him personally enough?

I did not say he was an elitist... I said his actions and words have given the impression that he is.
Oh. So say you, Oneceler and Dung are not apologists?

Nope not at all.

Actually, all of us at some point have explicitely stated conditions where would not vote for democrats and/or have been extremely critical of their policies, speeches and/or votes. So no. Definitely not apologists.

You guys on the other excuse and ignore the obvious with your candidate. Even on simple non issues like this.
Nope not at all.

Actually, all of us at some point have explicitely stated conditions where would not vote for democrats and/or have been extremely critical of their policies, speeches and/or votes. So no. Definitely not apologists.

You guys on the other excuse and ignore the obvious with your candidate. Even on simple non issues like this.

Actually Damo has quite frequently talked about not voting for McCain as he didn't vote for Bush in '04 and when he does that Darla and uscitizen rip him like he's not serious.

I'm not enamored by McCain but whatever.
And not knowing how many houses you own doesn't give that impression?

Not when the homes are owned by a variety of trusts. Go to Robs thread on McCains homes. Take a look at the titles of the properties. None are in McCains name which means he probably didn't have much to do with purchasing any of them.

Technically McCain himself does not own any homes. He got caught in a deer in headlights moment... one in which he would lose either way. If he said "we have seven" and it turned out the McCain family owned ten... you would have wailed about how he was such a liar. He instead chose to be honest... to state that he wasn't sure exactly how many.... and you wail about how his honesty on the matter makes him an elitist. All the while ignoring the fact that NONE are in his name which makes it easy to understand why he was unsure.

As I stated, McCain is certainly "elite" in the sense that he got breaks despite his attitude problems at the Naval academy. He is also "elite" in the sense of wealth. Meaning his family has a lot of money/properties/investments etc...

But an "elitist" is one who ACTS (either through actions or words) that they are better than the "common man". McCain has not shown that characteristic in my opinion.

To be fair, I really don't think Obama is an elitist either, though some of his comments have certainly given that impression. I simply think he has gotten just a bit TOO caught up in the media hype surrounding him.
Not when the homes are owned by a variety of trusts. Go to Robs thread on McCains homes. Take a look at the titles of the properties. None are in McCains name which means he probably didn't have much to do with purchasing any of them.

Technically McCain himself does not own any homes. He got caught in a deer in headlights moment... one in which he would lose either way. If he said "we have seven" and it turned out the McCain family owned ten... you would have wailed about how he was such a liar. He instead chose to be honest... to state that he wasn't sure exactly how many.... and you wail about how his honesty on the matter makes him an elitist. All the while ignoring the fact that NONE are in his name which makes it easy to understand why he was unsure.

As I stated, McCain is certainly "elite" in the sense that he got breaks despite his attitude problems at the Naval academy. He is also "elite" in the sense of wealth. Meaning his family has a lot of money/properties/investments etc...

But an "elitist" is one who ACTS (either through actions or words) that they are better than the "common man". McCain has not shown that characteristic in my opinion.

To be fair, I really don't think Obama is an elitist either, though some of his comments have certainly given that impression. I simply think he has gotten just a bit TOO caught up in the media hype surrounding him.

Right. For rich elite people it's not rare. You're making the point. Yes, they are both elitists.