McCain's Speech

As election season approaches, Damo comes closer and closer to completely throwing away his independent facade and coming to blow yet another Republican.
HE SAID IT, DAMO. Hell, he bragged about it. And your source says the 95% figure (which I have not used, just the one McCain claimed) is true.
McCain is a thorough collectivist. The end of his speech was all about how individuals should sacrifice for the glory of the state. If you did not get that then you were not listening.
Yeah, he did talk about ideas like serving the country in the armed forces, or doing something collectivist like feeding a hungry child. (There were a few other things in between suggesting we need to help each other out as a community, but I don't at this time, remember the specifics. Hit the ol' Southern Comfort a bit hard this evening....)

Any way, what exactly does the democratic party support, if not collectivism? Are they not the ones who claim it is the duty of government to FORCE the rich to help feed a hungry child? Why else do they talk all about the rich paying their fair share, while also talking how everyone deserves this, that, and the other thing, free if they cannot earn it themselves. Is that not the very definition of collectivism?

Of course, we won't mention how they then design their assistance programs to make sure the needy stay needy. That is beside the point.
HE SAID IT, DAMO. Hell, he bragged about it. And your source says the 95% figure (which I have not used, just the one McCain claimed) is true.
Yes, but again, it also points out that it was only one year, as was the 90% one, most of the time he votes party line much less than those two years hand-selected for the "study".

If I said in a speech that McCain only votes with Bush 67% of the time, it would be "true" according to the measure you use here. You've taken a turn to the hack side, and it isn't appealing. What happened to you?

I think I'll try to find that thread with the link to the "study" itself so that you can know I'm not making the crap up. He's taking the talking point of the criticism and turning it to as much advantage as possible.
Oh geez. My bad.

[ame=""]McSame votes 100% with Bush in 2008 - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

It was "100%".
Yeah, he did talk about ideas like serving the country in the armed forces, or doing something collectivist like feeding a hungry child. (There were a few other things in between suggesting we need to help each other out as a community, but I don't at this time, remember the specifics. Hit the ol' Southern Comfort a bit hard this evening....)

I don't recall him saying one thing about serving anything but the state. Maybe, he threw in a couple lines there, but it was mostly about ways you could serve the state.

Any way, what exactly does the democratic party support, if not collectivism? Are they not the ones who claim it is the duty of government to FORCE the rich to help feed a hungry child? Why else do they talk all about the rich paying their fair share, while also talking how everyone deserves this, that, and the other thing, free if they cannot earn it themselves. Is that not the very definition of collectivism?

I am not a Democrat, so wtf do I care. But, one thing they don't talk as much about is how grand it is to go risk your life and die in some foreign land, for no good reason.
I don't understand the "votes with Bush" thing... does the President actually have a Senate vote? When did they change this? I learned in civics class, the president signs legislation passed by the House then the Senate, or either he vetoes it.
My friends, if you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist -- (cheers, applause) -- enlist in our armed forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an -- an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed.

Well, there were a few non state actions he recommended, but the emphasis was clearly on serving the state.
McCain is blatantly misrepresenting his voting records to paint himself as a third Bush term! Clearly the hackery of John McCain knows no bounds!
My friends, if you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist -- (cheers, applause) -- enlist in our armed forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an -- an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed.

Well, there were a few non state actions he recommended, but the emphasis was clearly on serving the state.

Stringy, 'state actions' had nothing to do with the point McCain was making. What he essentially was saying is... get up off your ass and take action, if you don't like it. Stop bitching and moaning about it, and do something about it. If you are so disgruntled with America, take effective action to change what you don't like. Then he gave you suggested ways, in which one might do this. I know it is a tough concept to grasp, because it involves getting up off your ass, and actually performing some actions, but he makes a legitimate point here, and I think you totally missed it. Not a surprise!
When did you start pounding inane talking points?

Only in this year did he vote "90% of the time" with Bush, and at that, when the tally was taken there had only been 8 votes for that year.

Wrong. He voted with bush 95% of the time this year, not 90%. That's a fact. As to the overall average, it was 90% from Jan 2001 on. You are the one spouting inane talking points, sorry.

Here is his record from the Congressional Daily Quarter:

According to Congressional Quarterly, McCain's presidential support scores (the percentage of roll call votes on which he sided with Bush's position) for each completed individual year of Bush's presidency are: (also, and I now you must have "forgotten" to add this in Damo, but the things that McCain DID vote against bush on, he has now REVERSED his position on, ie; the bush tax cuts)


McCain Presidential Support Score














Because 90% of the time, Bush was right and the Dems were wrong.


You mean like he was right on invading Iraq?

You mean like he was right on his response to Katrina?

You mean like he was right on managing our budget?

You mean like he was right in protecting our civil liberties?

Should I go on? LOL
I discovered that terrible truth many years ago, son. Everything I've observed about liberalism since that time has merely supported my conclusion. Liberalism is a mental disorder - this is a fact.

I see so you're saying that the following liberals were mentally disturbed?

George Washington?
Sam Adams?
John Adams?
Tom Jefferson?
James Madison?
James Monroe?
Ben Franklin?
Woodrow Wilson?

Just to name a few liberals.
Stringy, 'state actions' had nothing to do with the point McCain was making. What he essentially was saying is... get up off your ass and take action, if you don't like it. Stop bitching and moaning about it, and do something about it. If you are so disgruntled with America, take effective action to change what you don't like. Then he gave you suggested ways, in which one might do this. I know it is a tough concept to grasp, because it involves getting up off your ass, and actually performing some actions, but he makes a legitimate point here, and I think you totally missed it. Not a surprise!

We are Dixie. Were going to vote for someone who is competent. Now I personally don't question John McCain's competence. However, he is now the head of a political party that has been in control of the entire ship of state of nearly eight years and has demonstrated historical incompetence.

How can I, in a good conscience vote for a party so inept and incompetent and prone to corruption?

By all objective measures the opposing party has a vastly superior record of effectively governing.

Let's not mention that McCain and the Republicans support our involvement in an immoral war.
The most interesting thing to me is that McCain has chosen to fight on Obama's terms. He has chosen "change". He has decided that the choice America has to make is about "change" and who is the representative of real change. That has been Obama's message for the last year and a half. It is McCain's message for the last 3 days.