Megachurch pastor gives up on Christianity in profanity-laced resignation

Souls enter Heaven one at a time. Without another person or their influence. The wife is responsible for herself alone.

In 70 A.D. the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. All tables of descent were lost, so it's impossible to trace any current pedigrees to specific tribes.
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You don't know squat about his wife. If his marriage was this awful he should have gotten a divorce.

You say I don't know squat about his wife? I can make reasonable conclusions, like you're a moron. A pastor isn't going to throw away his career by rejecting a good wife, as I explained. But, you don't get it, so I know you're a moron. And, I can bet his wife was a bitch.

He should have taken the bitch boating and drowned her, and then reported an accident. Why should he have to live with the cost and shame of divorce just because she's a bitch? It would also have spared him from being branded an adulterer.

“As an adult my marriage was a sham and a constant source of pain for me. I did everything I was supposed to – marriage workshops, counseling, Bible reading together, date nights every week, marriage books – but my marriage never became what I was promised it would be,” he said."

You have to be a fcking moron if you don't see that quote spells B I T C H.
If you love either jews or fags, you don't love God. These people spend their time denying what the Bible teaches. Dave Gass walked away from a false religion, not true Christianity.
You appear to know nothing about true Christianity.

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God says he hates fags, as the media use to love showing signs of Westborough giving chapter and verse. Jesus told the Jews there were the children of Satan, which shows hatred of Jews. So, go read the Bible.

The point is, this guy followed some wimpy and false Christianity that left him with a choice of 1) Being a brainless Christian who doesn't see the glaring fakeness of his version of Christianity, 2) Being a nominal Christian and not caring about what is true, or 3) leaving his pathetic excuse for faith. He chose option 3.

Hatred of what deserves hatred keeps faith strong.
Your faith is not in Jesus if it's fueled by hatred.

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What is disingenuous to the EXTREME is claiming or thinking anyone called a Jew is of the same religion as the next person called a Jew. Jesus was raised in a priestly faith and revealed himself to be Christian. You think (literally) cocksucking "rabbis" who have no priets and who will have nothing to do with Jesus is the same as Jesus.
"revealed himself to be Christian." You mean that Christianity existed before Jesus?

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No, you fcking moron, jewish doctrine is that you're jewish, if born to a jewish mother, as long as you don't convert to another religion. And, another simple point you fcktards are too fcking stupid to process is that jewishness is a religion, and not everyone called Jew is if the same religion, which is why those fcktards who call Jesus a Jew are so damn stupid.
You are dense.

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They weren't called Christians. But that's what they were. They believed in God and looked forward the the birth of their Messiah. Why do you think the Jews made animal sacrifices? They were for the forgiveness of sins.
So now you're saying that the Jews were the original Christians.

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You stupid, fucking ignorant shit, show me one Jewish website that says Jews are direct descendents of Judah. Fucktard, how can a person convert to judaism and become a direct descendent of Jacob? When you die, you'll get to burn in Hell, for eternity, with all the jewish spawn of Satan, where you can continue to worship them in stupidity, ignorance, and agony.
Your seething hatred will send you to hell.

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Just read Gass' entire rant. He was never a Christian. He spoke of how he
tried to "fake it till I make it". He enjoyed keeping one foot in the Church,
one foot in the world. He focused way too much on what other people were doing
and his own personal misery instead of keeping focused on Christ and his teachings
and his comfort and salvation.

His entire self-centered rant was all about him, his wants,
his needs, his thoughts, his opinions, his problems, his difficulties.
He was never willing to "die daily to the flesh" or "pick up his cross and follow Jesus".
The self-pity was suffocating to read. Poor little him. He thought he could earn his way to
glory with perfect church attendance, reading the Bible cover to cover 18 times (as if it
was a school assignment or something), being a pastor, doing good deeds, etc. He evidently
thought he could buy off God with "good works" so he could get away with adultery, too.
He's lost. He simply needs to acknowledge his sin, repent and allow God to heal and save him
and begin a real walk with the Lord and understand that "in this world you will have trouble".
He may have been a mega church pastor, but he was no Christian.

"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But their departure made it clear that none of them belonged to us.
1 John 2:18-19


Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’

Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’
Matthew 7: 15-23

You're clearly talking about the cult of Trump, the false prophet.

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You're right, he was never committed to Christ in the first place. No matter how good your life is, if you're self-centered, you're looking for reasons to be miserable. But, I bet that he had a frigid bitch for a wife. I doubt a pastor, because of the risk of career loss, would stray if he had a wife who cared about being a wife. And, a miserable wife is can be an intolerable thing.

He also said he came from a "hyper-fundamentalist" background. The only way someone can be anything like a fundamentalist is to be a liar or a moron. Look at the piece of shit Mason who says some of his family are Jews, yet he insists lineage of Judah makes someone a Jew, even though none of his Jewish relatives would tell him that. And, the Bible tells him he's wrong. Mason is just a fcking moron. This ex-pastor also appears to have pastored a non-denominational, which tend toward fundamentalism, and are otherwise sad. He had to play a role of a liar and a moron, because he doesn't know what the truth is. And, like Mason, even if someone put a foot up his ass, he probably still wouldn't get a clue.
A bit of self knowledge there?

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You say I don't know squat about his wife? I can make reasonable conclusions, like you're a moron. A pastor isn't going to throw away his career by rejecting a good wife, as I explained. But, you don't get it, so I know you're a moron. And, I can bet his wife was a bitch.

He should have taken the bitch boating and drowned her, and then reported an accident. Why should he have to live with the cost and shame of divorce just because she's a bitch? It would also have spared him from being branded an adulterer.

You have to be a fcking moron if you don't see that quote spells B I T C H.
You have made it abundantly clear that you're both a moron and not a Christian.

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Did your mama drop you on your head, from the roof? Esther 8:17 tells us "many of the people of the land [Persia/Iran] became Jews." You're telling me that the Old Testament says those people were descendants of Judah? Hey fucktard, you said the Old Testament says Jews are descendants of Judah. I asked where, and I'm still waiting.

You fucking absolute total retard, when you neighbor tells you he's a Jew, do you think he means he's a descendant of judah? You should talk to him, fucktard, because sure as you're headed to burn in Hell with the Devil's children, the Jews, that's not what he means when he calls himself a Jew.

How is it possible for a human being to be as fucking ignorant as you?
Well, there's you.

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FYI, you're a fcking moron. If you're a believer, what Jesus is isn't a "Jew". Mason is a liar and and an idiot. He says some of his family are Jews, yet what he says a Jew is isn't anything they'd say it is.

Anybody whose mother is a Jew is also a Jew, Jesus was 100% a jew. Well, "is", since you are a believer. While his followers would not be considered Jews, he most certainly was a circumcised, passover celebrating, jewish kid who even went to synagogue. Seriously, learn your bible if you want us to believe you are a believer. Shoot the Last Supper was a Passover meal. You have to be imbecilic not to understand that he was Jewish.