I went to see The Kite Runner last night. What a brutal movie, I was crying through most of it. This whole SF thing is reminding me of the poor boy in the movie who was beaten up constantly, tortured, betrayed, and eventually shot in the head.

I can’t take it anymore. Leave him alone! Leave him alone!

I read hte book! Me and a couple of coworkers were trying to see it together because we have a semi operational book club.

You liked it?

**You should read a thousand splendid suns. That one focused more on the Afghani woman's strenth as opposed to the sensitivity of the man. I loved it!
I read hte book! Me and a couple of coworkers were trying to see it together because we have a semi operational book club.

You liked it?

**You should read a thousand splendid suns. That one focused more on the Afghani woman's strenth as opposed to the sensitivity of the man. I loved it!

You’re the second person who told me to read that book in two days. I am going to pick it up this weekend.

The movie, well it was well-acted and very moving, but difficult to get through without crying a lot. It certainly affected me and stayed with me.
You’re the second person who told me to read that book in two days. I am going to pick it up this weekend.

The movie, well it was well-acted and very moving, but difficult to get through without crying a lot. It certainly affected me and stayed with me.

I would also suggest reading "see spot run".... quite riveting.
I remember you showed up on fullpolitics, for a short while. And then I sent you an email about this place. I don't know if you got it.

Anyway, I hope life's journey has been great for you these past couple years, and I hope you stick around here. Ornot was on here, but I haven't seen him for a while. Oh, and froggie was here, but she seems to have gone MIA too.

Um, yeah. I actually was told to come here by Froggie.
The journey has been beautiful. Right now its COLD. Colder than a well-diggers butt. And, I am sick to death of the wind coming off the plains!! 90 mph every other dang day! How's a girl supposed to keep her 'do lookin' good?!?!
You’re the second person who told me to read that book in two days. I am going to pick it up this weekend.

The movie, well it was well-acted and very moving, but difficult to get through without crying a lot. It certainly affected me and stayed with me.

I read the Kite Runner on the plane and I'll be damned if I wasn't sitting there crying like an idiot/Superfreak.
Um, yeah. I actually was told to come here by Froggie.
The journey has been beautiful. Right now its COLD. Colder than a well-diggers butt. And, I am sick to death of the wind coming off the plains!! 90 mph every other dang day! How's a girl supposed to keep her 'do lookin' good?!?!

Oh christ, you're still in the upper midwest then? Sucks to be you. ;)

Well, I'm sure you look great, bad hair-do day or not.