Millions blocked from porn sites as free speech, child safety debate rages across US

If you have enough social credit points you will probably be able to access porn.....sticks alone dont work very well.....adding carrots helps the New Slavers tremendously.
It is clear to me that the Regime has decided that online porn is going away. I dont care anymore....the quality has been going down for a lot of years now......and it was never spectacular.

The WOKE Death Cult does not like sex.....people having unregulated sex could give them ideas about breaking their chains and being free.....the same reason individual ownership of cars is programed to go away.

You have pro-life, pro-family, anti-porn, anti-gambling #MAGA people behind this. And this lawsuit was brought by Ken Paxton who is as #MAGA as they get. And they are all now woke? Interesting.
You have pro-life, pro-family, anti-porn, anti-gambling #MAGA people behind this. And this lawsuit was brought by Ken Paxton who is as #MAGA as they get. And they are all now woke? Interesting.

Worse yet, he's accusing the people whose entire lives and identity revolve around what kind of weird, kinky sex they're into, of being anti-sex.

I guess that's not surprising out of someone who's never actually had sex himself.
I'm getting tired of these self-righteous bible thumpers imposing their will and values on the rest rest of us?!! It won't stop with porn either?!! It's people like this who brought us prohibition too?!!

[FONT=&]A high-stakes battle over pornography, child safety and free speech is heating up across the nation, with more than a half-dozen states passing age-verification laws aimed at halting minors from accessing Pornhub and other adult web sites.

[FONT=&]Texas this week became the 7th - and largest - state to pass some form of the controversial legislation, which effectively blocks millions of adult video enthusiasts from entering Pornhub's site unless they can prove they are at least 18 years old.

[FONT=&]Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. Pornhub says it had no choice but "to completely disable access to our website in Texas" in order to reduce the risk of hefty fines and penalties.

[FONT=&]In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

[FONT=&]“We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home," said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition, a national advocacy organization for the First Amendment rights of adult businesses. The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers.

The HB 1181 law passed earlier this week in Texas requires companies that offer "sexual material harmful to minors" to verify that guests on their website are 18 or older either by proof of government-issued identification or another system that uses public and private data.

[FONT=&]Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a member of the Republican party, sued Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, to force them to comply with the HB 1181 law. Paxton also threatened the company with millions of dollars in civil penalties — including up to $10,000 per day and $250,000 "if a child is exposed to pornographic content due to not properly verifying a user’s age."

[FONT=&]“Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content,” Paxton said in announcing the suit. “I look forward to holding any company accountable that violates our age verification laws intended to prevent minors from being exposed to harmful, obscene material on the internet.”

[FONT=&]The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. And it shines a light on the debate over the balance between keeping children safe online and free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.

What does this have to do with "bible thumping?" It seems to me if you can't buy porn until you are 18 in a store, or go see a X-rated movie, then you shouldn't be able to view it online either. That's reasonable, and the state is simply telling internet porn sites to comply with rules and laws brick and mortar locations in Texas (and elsewhere) require.

That's really no different than requiring people prove they are 21 to buy alcohol online for example.
What does this have to do with "bible thumping?" It seems to me if you can't buy porn until you are 18 in a store, or go see a X-rated movie, then you shouldn't be able to view it online either. That's reasonable, and the state is simply telling internet porn sites to comply with rules and laws brick and mortar locations in Texas (and elsewhere) require.

That's really no different than requiring people prove they are 21 to buy alcohol online for example.
I asked basically the same question. He won’t answer. Because it doesn’t.

Because it's the Bible thumpers who have a problem with sex and nudity. Even George Carlin recognized this decades ago; it's okay to show one person blowing another person's head off but God-forbid showing two consenting adults having sex.

Notice that we can show violence on this forum but not a single female nipple. Why? Bible thumpers. Our nation was founded by religious wackos.

American culture becomes very upset about one of the most natural things in the world. Women are arrested for breast-feeding in public unless they cover themselves. Teaching sex ed to post-pubescent kids is common sense in most places except for the religiously extreme nations like Muslim nations and the United States.
About the only way I can watch porn videos now is to invent stories to go along with them, otherwise I am bored to tears. i sometimes do this with Hollywood product that sucks...I turn off the sound and make my own story to go with the screen.
Tumblr was destroyed, the erotic blogs are all gone, and the erotic stories sites are almost all gone too....interestingly I have been told that erotic stories always had an almost exclusively female audince....I was a huge fan though.
Literotica is still up but I stopped going there a long time....the quality has been in decline for a decade.....the good stuff removed, replaced with boring dreary WOKE anti-erotic stories.
About the only way I can watch porn videos now is to invent stories to go along with them, otherwise I am bored to tears. i sometimes do this with Hollywood product that sucks...I turn off the sound and make my own story to go with the screen.
I understand.
I'm getting tired of these self-righteous bible thumpers imposing their will and values on the rest rest of us?!! It won't stop with porn either?!! It's people like this who brought us prohibition too?!!

[FONT=&]A high-stakes battle over pornography, child safety and free speech is heating up across the nation, with more than a half-dozen states passing age-verification laws aimed at halting minors from accessing Pornhub and other adult web sites.

[FONT=&]Texas this week became the 7th - and largest - state to pass some form of the controversial legislation, which effectively blocks millions of adult video enthusiasts from entering Pornhub's site unless they can prove they are at least 18 years old.

[FONT=&]Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. Pornhub says it had no choice but "to completely disable access to our website in Texas" in order to reduce the risk of hefty fines and penalties.

[FONT=&]In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

[FONT=&]“We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home," said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition, a national advocacy organization for the First Amendment rights of adult businesses. The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers.

The HB 1181 law passed earlier this week in Texas requires companies that offer "sexual material harmful to minors" to verify that guests on their website are 18 or older either by proof of government-issued identification or another system that uses public and private data.

[FONT=&]Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a member of the Republican party, sued Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, to force them to comply with the HB 1181 law. Paxton also threatened the company with millions of dollars in civil penalties — including up to $10,000 per day and $250,000 "if a child is exposed to pornographic content due to not properly verifying a user’s age."

[FONT=&]“Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content,” Paxton said in announcing the suit. “I look forward to holding any company accountable that violates our age verification laws intended to prevent minors from being exposed to harmful, obscene material on the internet.”

[FONT=&]The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. And it shines a light on the debate over the balance between keeping children safe online and free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.



:laugh: Mad you can't get your BBW porn?
Tumblr was destroyed, the erotic blogs are all gone, and the erotic stories sites are almost all gone too....interestingly I have been told that erotic stories always had an almost exclusively female audince....I was a huge fan though.

Correct. Female porn is the erotic romance novel.
If this is indeed a christo-fascist pushed legislation, then ANY who currently votes Republican has no one to blame but themselves. Also, the sheer irony of folks who vote against a "deep state" and "nanny gov't" always seem to put people in power who pass the most personally intrusive laws going. Just saying.
If this is indeed a christo-fascist pushed legislation, then ANY who currently votes Republican has no one to blame but themselves. Also, the sheer irony of folks who vote against a "deep state" and "nanny gov't" always seem to put people in power who pass the most personally intrusive laws going. Just saying.

No, it's common sense legislation. If you can't go and buy a porno mag at an adult bookstore until you are 18, then you shouldn't be able to access the same sort of porn online until you're 18. That makes sense.

What's stupid is saying the former is fine, but the later is some "christo-fascist pushed legislation."