Millions blocked from porn sites as free speech, child safety debate rages across US

If this is indeed a christo-fascist pushed legislation, then ANY who currently votes Republican has no one to blame but themselves. Also, the sheer irony of folks who vote against a "deep state" and "nanny gov't" always seem to put people in power who pass the most personally intrusive laws going. Just saying.
It’s mind blowing to me that grown mature adults are actually complaining about not having access to porn on their iPad. FFS I thought porn was only appealing to horny frat guys that rarely got laid.
Where I grew up, porn was NEVER illegal. Damn, that must have sucked. I actually worked at a video store that had an adult section. It got a ton of business. That was around 77 or 78.

Lies, bitch! There were NO "Video stores" in '77-'78.


I bet you don't know why, either, tard.

Here's why, dumbass:

"The VBT200, the first retail SelectaVision product, was the first VHS Video Cassette Recorder marketed in the United States. RCA announced the VBT200 VCR on August 23, 1977"

First introduced in August '77 but you were working in a video store then? :laugh:

I already knew you had no problem lying, but damn! LMAO!
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Because it's the Bible thumpers who have a problem with sex and nudity. Even George Carlin recognized this decades ago; it's okay to show one person blowing another person's head off but God-forbid showing two consenting adults having sex.

Notice that we can show violence on this forum but not a single female nipple. Why? Bible thumpers. Our nation was founded by religious wackos.

American culture becomes very upset about one of the most natural things in the world. Women are arrested for breast-feeding in public unless they cover themselves. Teaching sex ed to post-pubescent kids is common sense in most places except for the religiously extreme nations like Muslim nations and the United States.

Those "Bible thumper(s) religious wackos" were responsible for writing the constitution you "claim" to protect, yet you despise our founding fathers? Pathetically ironic, isn't it?

As for the internet porn, I agree with an age requirement (if enforceable?).
Both conservatives and the WOKE Death Cult are in agreement that porn is bad, and pushing to end online porn....that is not good news for porn consumers.
The world’s first video store opened in West Hollywood in 1977. Blockbuster first opened in Oct. 1985.

Sauce? Why would there be video stores with no players available to the public? Also, unless CuntFart worked at that very store, he's lying.
Those "Bible thumper(s) religious wackos" were responsible for writing the constitution you "claim" to protect, yet you despise our founding fathers? Pathetically ironic, isn't it?

As for the internet porn, I agree with an age requirement (if enforceable?).
The Founders weren't religious wackos, Arbie, but the witch-hanging Pilgrims most certainly were.

You're old enough to remember when the Bikini was controversial and why it was named the Bikini. You're old enough to remember when skirts above the knee were controversial and forbidden in schools. Your parents are old enough to remember when a woman's bare ankle was as sexy as showing cleavage. Why were those controversial if not for the wacky Pilgrims?
Lies, bitch! There were NO "Video stores" in '77-'78.
Did you ride a short bus to school as a child and wear a helmet all the time?
The first professionally managed video rental store in the U.S., Video Station, was opened by George Atkinson in December 1977 at 12011 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. ...Such stores led to the creation of video rental chains such as West Coast Video, Blockbuster Video, and Rogers Video in the 1980s.

Sony released its first commercially available video recorders in the United States on June 7, 1975,
STFU you wimpy ass never served pedo. You pathetic waste of humanity. Democrat of course.

While I'm certain there are some Democrat pedos and I know there are Republican pedos like Pedo Don, Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore, I am not a pedo, Sailor. Why are you lying?
Did you ride a short bus to school as a child and wear a helmet all the time?
The first professionally managed video rental store in the U.S., Video Station, was opened by George Atkinson in December 1977 at 12011 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. ...Such stores led to the creation of video rental chains such as West Coast Video, Blockbuster Video, and Rogers Video in the 1980s.

Sony released its first commercially available video recorders in the United States on June 7, 1975,


^This, this is what happens when people can't think critically. Who were the video store customers in '77-'78 with hardly any movies to buy/rent, one store in Hollywood, and players only got released to the

public in August of '77, dumbass?

Btw, what did Sony release? :laugh: Do you even know?

I know somebody that has one and a couple tapes.

So unless CuntFart worked at that very first video store, (he didn't) he was lying his ass off. (because that's what he does)
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Who were the video store customers in '77-'78 with hardly any movies to buy/rent and players only got released to the public in August of '77,
Rich people, dumbass. Just like the first people to buy large screen $10,000 plasma TVs were rich people. You and your friends living in a Floridian trailer park would still be watching broadcast tv on your black and white 10" GE TV.
Rich people, dumbass. Just like the first people to buy large screen $10,000 plasma TVs were rich people. You and your friends living in a Floridian trailer park would still be watching broadcast tv on your black and white 10" GE TV.

Bitch, you were listening to just the radio back then until a tube popped. :laugh:

No Plasma TVs in '78, brah. In fact, I remember when Plasma 1st came out. Same goes for videotapes, CDs, DVDs, Laser disks, Walkmans, and digital players.
Bitch, you were listening to just the radio back then until a tube popped. :laugh:

No Plasma TVs in '78, brah. In fact, I remember when Plasma 1st came out. Same goes for videotapes, CDs, DVDs, Laser disks, Walkmans, and digital players.
I was listening to ELO on a portable cassette player while bombing down the slopes at Keystone, CO in 1977, son.

No shit, dumbass. Those with IQs higher than Floridian trailer trash understand what I wrote. The trailer trash, not so much.

My favorite ski song. I'd hang at the top until about the 2:44 mark.

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I was listening to ELO on a portable cassette player while bombing down the slopes at Keystone, CO in 1977, son.

No shit, dumbass. Those with IQs higher than Floridian trailer trash understand what I wrote. The trailer trash, not so much.

My favorite ski song

You're full of shit. There weren't portable cassete players unless they were the mono, hand-held/table type that take 4 C batteries back then, and really 8-tracks were the thing at that time.

So you're telling me you were carrying this down the slopes while skiing in 1978?


I call bullshit! All headphones were big earmuff things in 1978, too. Well, no. They had the little mono earpieces.
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Lies, bitch! There were NO "Video stores" in '77-'78.


I bet you don't know why, either, tard.

Here's why, dumbass:

"The VBT200, the first retail SelectaVision product, was the first VHS Video Cassette Recorder marketed in the United States. RCA announced the VBT200 VCR on August 23, 1977"

First introduced in August '77 but you were working in a video store then? :laugh:

I already knew you had no problem lying, but damn! LMAO!
Dude I worked there 50 years ago I don’t remember the exact year. I’m sure you do though. That first film you rented finally gave you something to do with all those dildos. I know I was working there when the first Star Wars came out on video so there’s your timetable. Happy?
Dude I worked there 50 years ago I don’t remember the exact year. I’m sure you do though. That first film you rented finally gave you something to do with all those dildos. I know I was working there when the first Star Wars came out on video so there’s your timetable. Happy?

You're a liar. Where was that?

I remember my first video rental membership. Ah, good times, a girl talked me into getting it.

It was a thing for a while. I never rented no pornos, what'd I rent? Horror stuff, comedies. I remember I rented "The Money Pit".


"1982- Video Rental Library: Perhaps the only release of Star Wars on VHS that is worth a pretty penny (about 40-80 bucks) as it was never available to purchase, rather it was purely a rental tape back when VHS tapes were expensive and not something people would own. Comes in a clamshell case with the Video Rental Library logo."
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