Millions blocked from porn sites as free speech, child safety debate rages across US

I couldn’t give a FUCK what a loser like you thinks about a winner like me. Carry on.


Your being a winner is a lie. You probably post from Momma's basement.


Your entire online persona is based on lies.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
If this is indeed a christo-fascist pushed legislation, then ANY who currently votes Republican has no one to blame but themselves. Also, the sheer irony of folks who vote against a "deep state" and "nanny gov't" always seem to put people in power who pass the most personally intrusive laws going. Just saying.

No, it's common sense legislation. If you can't go and buy a porno mag at an adult bookstore until you are 18, then you shouldn't be able to access the same sort of porn online until you're 18. That makes sense.

What's stupid is saying the former is fine, but the later is some "christo-fascist pushed legislation."

Your first sentence is proven wrong by the very FACT that the local politicos and courts had to rapidly change their rulings as to accommodate the negative fallout from their constituents. The rest of your blather is just the usual opinionated supposition and conjecture you seem to think is on par with the facts. Seems you refuse to accept that is an incorrect mindset. Carry on.
I'm getting tired of these self-righteous bible thumpers imposing their will and values on the rest rest of us?!! It won't stop with porn either?!! It's people like this who brought us prohibition too?!!

[FONT=&]A high-stakes battle over pornography, child safety and free speech is heating up across the nation, with more than a half-dozen states passing age-verification laws aimed at halting minors from accessing Pornhub and other adult web sites.

[FONT=&]Texas this week became the 7th - and largest - state to pass some form of the controversial legislation, which effectively blocks millions of adult video enthusiasts from entering Pornhub's site unless they can prove they are at least 18 years old.

[FONT=&]Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. Pornhub says it had no choice but "to completely disable access to our website in Texas" in order to reduce the risk of hefty fines and penalties.

[FONT=&]In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

[FONT=&]“We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home," said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition, a national advocacy organization for the First Amendment rights of adult businesses. The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers.

The HB 1181 law passed earlier this week in Texas requires companies that offer "sexual material harmful to minors" to verify that guests on their website are 18 or older either by proof of government-issued identification or another system that uses public and private data.

[FONT=&]Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a member of the Republican party, sued Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, to force them to comply with the HB 1181 law. Paxton also threatened the company with millions of dollars in civil penalties — including up to $10,000 per day and $250,000 "if a child is exposed to pornographic content due to not properly verifying a user’s age."

[FONT=&]“Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content,” Paxton said in announcing the suit. “I look forward to holding any company accountable that violates our age verification laws intended to prevent minors from being exposed to harmful, obscene material on the internet.”

[FONT=&]The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. And it shines a light on the debate over the balance between keeping children safe online and free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.



I can see why you are upset because you cannot watch your kiddy porn. You sick fucking Democrat.
The Founders weren't religious wackos, Arbie, but the witch-hanging Pilgrims most certainly were.

You're old enough to remember when the Bikini was controversial and why it was named the Bikini. You're old enough to remember when skirts above the knee were controversial and forbidden in schools. Your parents are old enough to remember when a woman's bare ankle was as sexy as showing cleavage. Why were those controversial if not for the wacky Pilgrims?

You said they were "Bible thumper(s) religious wackos". Why must you lie all the time?
You have serious issues with answering straightforward questions. No wonder your life's been a total fuckup.
You said they were "Bible thumper(s) religious wackos".

Why must you lie all the time?
You have serious issues with answering straightforward questions. No wonder your life's been a total fuckup.

You're free to believe the witch hangers weren't "Bible thumper(s) religious wackos" and I am free to believe they were, Arbie.

You're free to lie about me, son, and I'm free to wonder why you have low self-esteem.

God bless America!

No access. Lonely time for you....Right Ken. You fucking Pedo.
STFU you never served fuck. He is a Pedo. You obviously also. All democrats. Prove me legally wrong before trying to lamely ban me on "feelings". You bunch of limp dick assholes.
STFU you wimpy ass never served pedo. You pathetic waste of humanity. Democrat of course.
May I suggest?

Sailor doused himself in gasoline then lit a match. It took a few extra days for results. Presumably to gather a quorum over the weekend.

Sailor has sailed off for 3 months, his 4th 12b violation.
Lies, bitch! There were NO "Video stores" in '77-'78.


I bet you don't know why, either, tard.

Here's why, dumbass:

"The VBT200, the first retail SelectaVision product, was the first VHS Video Cassette Recorder marketed in the United States. RCA announced the VBT200 VCR on August 23, 1977"

First introduced in August '77 but you were working in a video store then? :laugh:

I already knew you had no problem lying, but damn! LMAO!

Mmmm, not exactly:
I just don’t think it’s in the best interests for minors to watch.
As for me… borrring.

So your opinion which experts proved was wrong, is what should determine porn's existence online. Are there other huge issues that you alone should determine?
I'm getting tired of these self-righteous bible thumpers imposing their will and values on the rest rest of us?!! It won't stop with porn either?!! It's people like this who brought us prohibition too?!!

[FONT=&]A high-stakes battle over pornography, child safety and free speech is heating up across the nation, with more than a half-dozen states passing age-verification laws aimed at halting minors from accessing Pornhub and other adult web sites.

[FONT=&]Texas this week became the 7th - and largest - state to pass some form of the controversial legislation, which effectively blocks millions of adult video enthusiasts from entering Pornhub's site unless they can prove they are at least 18 years old.

[FONT=&]Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. Pornhub says it had no choice but "to completely disable access to our website in Texas" in order to reduce the risk of hefty fines and penalties.

[FONT=&]In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

[FONT=&]“We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home," said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition, a national advocacy organization for the First Amendment rights of adult businesses. The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers.

The HB 1181 law passed earlier this week in Texas requires companies that offer "sexual material harmful to minors" to verify that guests on their website are 18 or older either by proof of government-issued identification or another system that uses public and private data.

[FONT=&]Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a member of the Republican party, sued Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, to force them to comply with the HB 1181 law. Paxton also threatened the company with millions of dollars in civil penalties — including up to $10,000 per day and $250,000 "if a child is exposed to pornographic content due to not properly verifying a user’s age."

[FONT=&]“Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content,” Paxton said in announcing the suit. “I look forward to holding any company accountable that violates our age verification laws intended to prevent minors from being exposed to harmful, obscene material on the internet.”

[FONT=&]The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. And it shines a light on the debate over the balance between keeping children safe online and free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.



We're talking about one porn site. There are plenty of other sites Texans can visit to spank it to. Right, @DocDutch? :)
I'm getting tired of these self-righteous bible thumpers imposing their will and values on the rest rest of us?!! It won't stop with porn either?!! It's people like this who brought us prohibition too?!!

[FONT=&]A high-stakes battle over pornography, child safety and free speech is heating up across the nation, with more than a half-dozen states passing age-verification laws aimed at halting minors from accessing Pornhub and other adult web sites.

[FONT=&]Texas this week became the 7th - and largest - state to pass some form of the controversial legislation, which effectively blocks millions of adult video enthusiasts from entering Pornhub's site unless they can prove they are at least 18 years old.

[FONT=&]Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. Pornhub says it had no choice but "to completely disable access to our website in Texas" in order to reduce the risk of hefty fines and penalties.

[FONT=&]In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

[FONT=&]“We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home," said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition, a national advocacy organization for the First Amendment rights of adult businesses. The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers.

The HB 1181 law passed earlier this week in Texas requires companies that offer "sexual material harmful to minors" to verify that guests on their website are 18 or older either by proof of government-issued identification or another system that uses public and private data.

[FONT=&]Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a member of the Republican party, sued Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, to force them to comply with the HB 1181 law. Paxton also threatened the company with millions of dollars in civil penalties — including up to $10,000 per day and $250,000 "if a child is exposed to pornographic content due to not properly verifying a user’s age."

[FONT=&]“Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content,” Paxton said in announcing the suit. “I look forward to holding any company accountable that violates our age verification laws intended to prevent minors from being exposed to harmful, obscene material on the internet.”

[FONT=&]The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. And it shines a light on the debate over the balance between keeping children safe online and free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.



Also, there's a plug-in called a "VPN". If Texans really want to watch money shots on PornHub they still can.
Here's the thing: I'll bet you dollars to donuts that at least a1/3 of the people wringing their hands about this DON'T UTTER A PEEP when some priest, rabbi, reverend or evangelical pastor gets nailed touching some kid.
So your opinion which experts proved was wrong, is what should determine porn's existence online. Are there other huge issues that you alone should determine?
I couldn’t care less who watches porn unless it’s my minor kids which are now grown. I just personally find it boring and peeked at it a few times out of curiosity.
I couldn’t care less who watches porn unless it’s my minor kids which are now grown. I just personally find it boring and peeked at it a few times out of curiosity.
If people wouldn't want their kids being porn stars they shouldn't watch other peoples kids being porn stars.
Here's the thing: I'll bet you dollars to donuts that at least a1/3 of the people wringing their hands about this DON'T UTTER A PEEP when some priest, rabbi, reverend or evangelical pastor gets nailed touching some kid.

Probably. I know most MAGAts don't give a shit about rape of minor females. They only get upset over transwomen and homosexuals.