Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

You are an uneducated Right Winger

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I promote the truth that every consenting adult has the constitutional right to engage in contracts with every and any other agreeable adult of any sexual gender and orientation without interference from government even “marriage” contracts.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I strongly oppose the Drug War and believe every American has a constitutional right to decide for themselves what they will and will not put into their own bodies.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I oppose the size and scope of America’s Military Industrial Complex and promote the downsizing thereof to a National “Defense” only operation devoid of the American World Police Force and international Nation Builder and foreign political busybody.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I strongly oppose the mixing of religion and politics.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I’m not a neo-con RINO Republican but rather a non-partisan, party hating, constitutionalist and libertarian, (small l).
What does that say about America's BIG government public education system and welfare state work ethic Goober? The proper agenda of a successful business Goober is to hire ambitious and intelligent workers.

You left out cheap. Globalist business owners are mostly traitors to America.
If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I promote the truth that every consenting adult has the constitutional right to engage in contracts with every and any other agreeable adult of any sexual gender and orientation without interference from government even “marriage” contracts.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I strongly oppose the Drug War and believe every American has a constitutional right to decide for themselves what they will and will not put into their own bodies.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I oppose the size and scope of America’s Military Industrial Complex and promote the downsizing thereof to a National “Defense” only operation devoid of the American World Police Force and international Nation Builder and foreign political busybody.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I strongly oppose the mixing of religion and politics.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I’m not a neo-con RINO Republican but rather a non-partisan, party hating, constitutionalist and libertarian, (small l).

All those are the fake "social conservative" issues. All that really matters is the financial stuff. It's all about the benjamins, and on that issue, you're a fascist.
You left out cheap. Globalist business owners are mostly traitors to America.

“Cheap” is the stuff that inflation control is made of. “Labor expense” is correctly and righteously determined by the ”COMPETITIVE market place. The best workers are best attracted by the best paychecks. The best workers attract the best paychecks. “It’s not complicated!!!!!”
All those are the fake "social conservative" issues. All that really matters is the financial stuff. It's all about the benjamins, and on that issue, you're a fascist.

You prove that you have nary a fucking clue what the fuck you talk about!

A “fascist” promotes and delivers ”CRONY CAPITALISM” the unholy alliance of government and corporate bribery. I am a radical opponent of crony capitalism and I bemoan and bash it regularly. What’s your fucking claim to fame Goober????
If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I promote the truth that every consenting adult has the constitutional right to engage in contracts with every and any other agreeable adult of any sexual gender and orientation without interference from government even “marriage” contracts.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I strongly oppose the Drug War and believe every American has a constitutional right to decide for themselves what they will and will not put into their own bodies.

If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I oppose the size and scope of America’s Military Industrial Complex and promote the downsizing thereof to a National “Defense” only operation devoid of the American World Police Force and international Nation Builder and foreign political busybody.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I strongly oppose the mixing of religion and politics.

If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I’m not a neo-con RINO Republican but rather a non-partisan, party hating, constitutionalist and libertarian, (small l).

you don't make you ideas very clear then bud.

how are we to blame you make yourself come off like a brain dead tea tard?
You prove that you have nary a fucking clue what the fuck you talk about!

A “fascist” promotes and delivers ”CRONY CAPITALISM” the unholy alliance of government and corporate bribery. I am a radical opponent of crony capitalism and I bemoan and bash it regularly. What’s your fucking claim to fame Goober????

Then you must realize that our whole economic system is based on crony capitalism. Hence, cheerleading for this current political economic regime, makes you a fascist.
I can't wait to see Right Wingers try to disprove the source (probably as comedy) instead of disproving the numbers, which is very typical.

If it was $1.60 in 1968... and you adjust for inflation of 3% per year over those 45 years, minimum wage would now be $6.05.

If you adjust at avg inflation of 3.5% it would be $7.52.

Remind me again where minimum wage is at now?
How does other people making a living wage, hurt those who are also making a living wage?

If you pay a burger flipper the same as a semi skilled worker, what incentive is there for anyone to gain the skill? If they are going to make the same amount of money either way, why learn a skill?
you don't make you ideas very clear then bud.

how are we to blame you make yourself come off like a brain dead tea tard?

Perhaps because you're a brain dead dimwit prone to uttering complete and utter nonsense and have the reading comprehension of an earthworm.

It's painfully obvious what Classic's politics are if you aren't a hyper up partisan dunce.
Your post is awesome. I didn't read it all because I DIDN'T have to. You take the focus of "which is more important, walmart or the workers" when the educated know it takes a team effort to be successful. Stating such ignorant things as "would Walmart workers be successful without walmart" is some of the most idiotic trash I've ever read and a spit in the face to Americans.

Dear dunce; the most idiotic trash ever uttered is the Marxist class envy nonsense repugnant morons like you spew on this forum in a vacuum of reality or common sense. Nothing is more idiotic than the "living" wage argument or the equally stupid "they couldn't do it without the workers."

But alas, you're an idiot who spams this forum with your special brand of stupid; why concern yourself with things like facts, reality or history?

You're dismissed.