Mom forced to live in car with dogs

Ok then maybe you should be a cat person. I could never give up my dog. I would sleep in a car for a year to keep my dog. I would even allow you to call me a f*&cking idiot and not give me a dime. My dog is one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. Yeah she sh!ts outside ,has bad breath, farts and draggs her ass acrossed the grass but she is better company than most people I have met. so:321::eek::p

Desh, this doesn't even make sense. You're saying that its reasonalbe for someone to be willfully homeless because they don't want to give up their dogs?

If that's the case and that is a decision they make then they should live with the consequences without trying to elicit sympathy from me. If what you're saying is true (which I highly doubt) then her being homeless would not be the fault of the economy, Greenspan, the real estate bubble, or lack of a social safety net. This fool would have turned down a place to stay to be with her dogs. And to that I say fine. But don't look to me for anything but an eyeroll.
Desh, this doesn't even make sense. You're saying that its reasonalbe for someone to be willfully homeless because they don't want to give up their dogs?

If that's the case and that is a decision they make then they should live with the consequences without trying to elicit sympathy from me. If what you're saying is true (which I highly doubt) then her being homeless would not be the fault of the economy, Greenspan, the real estate bubble, or lack of a social safety net. This fool would have turned down a place to stay to be with her dogs. And to that I say fine. But don't look to me for anything but an eyeroll.

Oh come on you cat lover. Its her family. I dont know for a fact she has but I bet that is part of her situation. I dont blame her and I dont think she was begging for yours or anyone elses sympathy. She was some reporters story on who are the new homeless. If it came down to me having to put my dog in the pound or sleep in a car Im tellin you I would sleep in my car. No doubt in my mind.
Oh come on you cat lover. Its her family. I dont know for a fact she has but I bet that is part of her situation. I dont blame her and I dont think she was begging for yours or anyone elses sympathy. She was some reporters story on who are the new homeless. If it came down to me having to put my dog in the pound or sleep in a car Im tellin you I would sleep in my car. No doubt in my mind.
And we are telling you we'd have little sympathy for a person who made that choice. There are no-kill shelters, neighbors, etc. Even people who would likely take them on until she found a place that would take her and the dogs.

There are about a million excuses and no real reason to make that choice, we are not here to give excuses weight over reason.
Oh I already said I would even allow you to call me a f*&cking idiot and not give me a dime.

If she had those options I bet she would have taken someone up on them huh?

sometimes these situations develop very quickly on people. She may have only been in her car for a couple of days until she finds a place that will take her and her dogs.
Ah I dont think so. I would bet the kids cant help her. Her youngest is just 18 and I bet the ohters are not much older. They probably cant allow her to stay were they are either.

Dogs dont care if they are in a mansion or a car as long as thers food and water and the people who have loved them all their lives. I cant imagine leaving my girl even with people who like dogs. She would be miserable no matter how nice they were to her. She would want her own pack back.
Oh I already said I would even allow you to call me a f*&cking idiot and not give me a dime.

If she had those options I bet she would have taken someone up on them huh?

sometimes these situations develop very quickly on people. She may have only been in her car for a couple of days until she finds a place that will take her and her dogs.

desh, the article stated quite clearly that she had been paying two thirds of her income towards rent. That is not something that snuck up on her. Note to everyone who doesn't already know this. If you are paying two thirds of your income toward rent... sooner or later you are screwed. It gives you ZERO flexibility. You should never pay more than a third of your income toward rent. EVER. If you are in a place that has a cost of living that high, you need to move.
Oh I already said I would even allow you to call me a f*&cking idiot and not give me a dime.

If she had those options I bet she would have taken someone up on them huh?

sometimes these situations develop very quickly on people. She may have only been in her car for a couple of days until she finds a place that will take her and her dogs.
I doubt it, many people do not consider options past what they have in their head. Case in point, all the excuses you have given that have been shot through with holes in this thread.
Ah I dont think so. I would bet the kids cant help her. Her youngest is just 18 and I bet the ohters are not much older. They probably cant allow her to stay were they are either.

Dogs dont care if they are in a mansion or a car as long as thers food and water and the people who have loved them all their lives. I cant imagine leaving my girl even with people who like dogs. She would be miserable no matter how nice they were to her. She would want her own pack back.

Let's get off this ridiculous dog tangent because the likelihood of that even being the case isn't all that high. The problem is she wants to stay in Santa Barbara. For the most part, I can't afford live in Santa Barbara, and I make a half way decent living.
She might have been trying to keep her kid in the same school until she graduated.
And she might have been taking flying lessons from Superman, but I doubt it. There are these neat things called transfer forms. My mother was able to fill them out fine.
She might have been trying to keep her kid in the same school until she graduated.

She has no home, so technically the kid doesn't belong to that district anyway. As you pointed out before, she technically has no address.
She has no home, so technically the kid doesn't belong to that district anyway. As you pointed out before, she technically has no address.
The kid lives with others and is 19. It is very unlikely that this was the "reason". It is just another excuse.
The kid just graduated Tia. It was then that the lady went homeless.,_CA

Have you guys ever been to Santa Barbra? Its fricking beautiful. She may have been raised there and thinks of it as home. She would have to move pretty damn far from this place to find a city which she could afford.
So? That makes her circumstances her own choice. As for school districts, the girl was over 18 she can live outside the home and still attend the school. Since she was able to find living arrangements within the city she could very easily have continued attending her school. This is just more excuse with no reason.