Mom forced to live in car with dogs

You want a fifty year old lady with two dogs as a room mate? If I lived in that city I probably would have asked her.

I will bet she has a room right now. The coverage pobably did it. Beach town people are a little softer hearted than other people in my experience.

You see I just think its time for us to be a little kinder to each other. Yeah there are idiots in this world but some people are redeemable and desreve a chance to get it right. This lady and her kids are not criminals they are just people without as many assests as me and you.

you really crack me up.... you make one assumption after another and then pretend that those assumptions are reality.
Or if her kids are not capable of assisting her with a computer search, she could go to a public library and do the search herself.

Bottom line though... you and I simply want to side with rapists and blame victims and you know it.

Of course, because working on immediate solutions rather than trying to make a new government program that might help in a few years is "heartless". Compassion and "heart" can only be measured in the amount of GOVERNMENT assistance one is willing to "give".
Yep, a couple of 17 year olds whistling past the graveyard alright.
The amount of introspection that brought you to admit this is something to be admired.
;) <- I forget if I don't add these people take me 100% serious. I know it ruins the wit of the sarcasm to have to actually point it out to people but if I don't I get "accused" of things. So here it is folks.
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I have always wondered why welfare agencies don't help qualified people find jobs in OTHER states or cities and then pay for their re-location upon confirmation of job placement. Seems that in the long run, that would be the cheapest route, lots of up front costs but no continuing payouts, hell maybe a max of three months until they got on their feet and then off the rolls. Seems like it would be much more economical.
I have always wondered why welfare agencies don't help qualified people find jobs in OTHER states or cities and then pay for their re-location upon confirmation of job placement. Seems that in the long run, that would be the cheapest route, lots of up front costs but no continuing payouts, hell maybe a max of three months until they got on their feet and then off the rolls. Seems like it would be much more economical.

that would make way too much sense.

Plus how DARE you make someone move!!!! You should instead force the companies to let that person work from home.
I have always wondered why welfare agencies don't help qualified people find jobs in OTHER states or cities and then pay for their re-location upon confirmation of job placement. Seems that in the long run, that would be the cheapest route, lots of up front costs but no continuing payouts, hell maybe a max of three months until they got on their feet and then off the rolls. Seems like it would be much more economical.
I agree with this.
that would make way too much sense.

Plus how DARE you make someone move!!!! You should instead force the companies to let that person work from home.
Which is a car with no internet connection. They should force them to pay her for playing fetch.
So why is it the three of us see the benefit in this and still we keep people on the welfare rolls. It would take NOTHING to create a web based job database like Monster, hell you could probably contract with them to do that for cheaper than the feds or state governments ever could, then state dept of labor job searches could become nationwide searches. You could set up video conference inteviews, buy some reasonably nice clothes for the interviewee from Wal-Mart or the like. It would not be that hard in this day and age. People HAVE to become more mobile if they want to work a job. YOU COULD EVEN give tax incentives to companies that hire people from this system. This really could work if people would just think outside the traditional welfare box.
So why is it the three of us see the benefit in this and still we keep people on the welfare rolls. It would take NOTHING to create a web based job database like Monster, hell you could probably contract with them to do that for cheaper than the feds or state governments ever could, then state dept of labor job searches could become nationwide searches. You could set up video conference inteviews, buy some reasonably nice clothes for the interviewee from Wal-Mart or the like. It would not be that hard in this day and age. People HAVE to become more mobile if they want to work a job. YOU COULD EVEN give tax incentives to companies that hire people from this system. This really could work if people would just think outside the traditional welfare box.

1) Because people will demonstrate against this idea with all the faux outrage they can muster about you making people move.

2) Because you forgot to find a way to screw the evil rich and evil corporations in the process

3) Because it is far too simple... you need to make the solution so complex that it takes the creation of another government agency to help people misread the procedures.
Yeah it amazes me that there are ways to help people without just providing for them. There is more than just a kernel of truth to the "teach a man to fish" saying. And people that work full time at a job that pays well are on the whole happier.
Yeah it amazes me that there are ways to help people without just providing for them. There is more than just a kernel of truth to the "teach a man to fish" saying. And people that work full time at a job that pays well are on the whole happier.

Agreed. I think that is the biggest failure when it comes to welfare. Not only do we not take the simple path of looking outside of the specific area they live in. But we also fail in establishing a way to re-train someone that does not have the experience needed for todays job market.
Agreed. I think that is the biggest failure when it comes to welfare. Not only do we not take the simple path of looking outside of the specific area they live in. But we also fail in establishing a way to re-train someone that does not have the experience needed for todays job market.
I am home for lunch now so my GF and I were just talking about that. I think you could actually use my hypothetical funds to also pay part of the hourly wages for OJT and STILL come out better than the person remaining on traditional welfare rolls.
I am home for lunch now so my GF and I were just talking about that. I think you could actually use my hypothetical funds to also pay part of the hourly wages for OJT and STILL come out better than the person remaining on traditional welfare rolls.

I would agree with that. You are using the money for a purpose that will benefit the individual on welfare (they are re-trained) and yourself (those on welfare don't stay there indefinitely while stuck in a trap).